
Mr. Spy Establishes An Intelligence Agency In Another World

"Terrorists planning to blow up a VIP? Just kill the terrorists first." "Powerful corrupt noble making backdoor dealings with the enemy? Make his death look like an accident to avoid political unrest." "Monsters terrorizing the countryside? Test out our latest chemical weapons on them." "Enemy nation planning to invade? Get some blackmail on them." "Demon King planning on destroying the world? Just break every law in the Geneva Convention and send them packing." This is the story of how a modern-day spy got summoned to another world and established an intelligence agency (and plans on conquering the world for Earth.)

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23 Chs

When All Goes Wrong

Plans Never Survive Enemy Contact

Enjento POV:


Enjento raced his motorbike in the thick forest, dodging trees and small boulders left and right at speeds over 200 miles an hour without breaking pace. Something even the best racers on Earth have a hard time doing.

The reason behind his driving skills was due to them being ingrained into his muscle memory thanks to the Spartan training he went through to become a spy for the Agency he worked for on Earth.

Another reason was the state-of-the-art computer I.R.I.S. AI embedded into the glasses he was currently wearing. Which was one of the many gadgets

[Author's Note: Don't ask me what I.R.I.S. stands for. I just made it up on the spot]

The AI was basically a merge between Google and Alexa, but better in every way.

When asked to hack into a government server to obtain crucial classified information, it can do so in less than a blink of an eye and even leave behind a virus that will torment the IT department for months.

Fighting multiple enemies? I.R.I.S. can gauge the attack patterns of each person, pinpoint their weaknesses and suggest the best spots to attack.

Don't know what to say in a conversation with the female target you are attempting to seduce? I.R.I.S. can give you advice that'll not only land you in their favour and keep their guard down around you but also allow you to get into their chambers at night.

[Author's Note: There will be no 18+ scenes, not even for fan service]

Driving at high speeds in rough, uneven terrain? No problem! I.R.I.S. can take over the vehicle and self-drive while you kick back and relax. (Which was what Enjento was doing right now.)

However, there is one major flaw to this device, and it's-

{Why did you show off to those bags of bones!?! A good spy always keeps a few dozen trump cards hidden so that he can escape! And why are you giving the savages of this world the knowledge and method of producing firearms from Earth!?! Don't you know this information you're willy-nilly giving out can completely break the balance of power in this world!?! Plus, when we call for reinforcements from the Agency to help take over this underdeveloped world, we will have a hard time due to y-} (I.R.I.S.)

And it's its very annoying personality.

"Alright! Alright! I get it! I'm not stupid enough to give them the method to produce machine guns, tanks or jet fighters!" (Enjento)

"I've only given them the basic method to manufacture 18th-century muskets and cannons!" (Enjento)

"I estimate that it'll take a good one or two centuries for them to develop those outdated weapons into assault rifles and long-range artillery. Possibly three centuries if they continue to focus on magic rather than the development of firearms." (Enjento)

{That is just wishful thinking! A good spy should always prepare for the worst-case scenario! Just because the citizens of this world don't use modern firearms doesn't mean they are powerless. That woman you have a contract with can control several thousand Undead warriors, possibly even more. If her soldiers, who require no rest or food, were to get their hands on modern weapons and are to turn hostile on the Agency or Earth, we'd be screwed to put it shortly.} (I.R.I.S.)

As annoying as the AI was, it did have a point. If Enjento were to develop the medieval and magic-dependent nations of this world too much and give them technology like machine guns, it would be much harder for the Agency to take over in the future.

On the other hand, besides his mastery of martial arts and various weapons, Enjento had little mana.

This didn't matter much if he was just dealing with a commonplace medieval soldier with shoddy equipment and little training. However, if he were to go against powerhouses like Demons and Gods in a world where how much mana you have determines your strength, he'd die from just their sneezes, so he can only hope to take beings like them down with human-wave tactics and technology from his world.

Enjento decided to think more on this matter later as he neared the target.

His glasses projected a digital screen in front of him, displaying the mana concentrations within a hundred-mile radius of him.

As he continued driving, a particularly high concentration in the form of a dot on his map grew ever larger as he continued driving in its direction.

Enjento pressed a button on his bike and set it to auto-pilot. He rummaged through his suit pockets for a few moments before pulling out two black American-style M19s.

After checking they were both full of armour and mana-piercing rounds, he put one of the pistols in his right leg holster and held the other in his left hand.

Looking at his map, he could see he was now within fifty miles of the target.

Forty miles.

Thirty miles.

Twenty miles.

Alex could see a clearing up ahead.

Ten miles.

The mana concentrations were beginning to spike.

Five miles.

Enjento could feel the large amounts of mana emanating from ahead.

One mile.

Enjento switched his bike back to autopilot and burst out of the forest ready to put a clip of bullets into the target's head.

What came into his vision was…


(This has to be the worst enemy I could possibly fight!)

A massive, towering, twenty feet tall golem with an armour-like body made of some unusual silvery material and glowing blue orbs for eyes stood in the middle of the clearing, standing in front of some ruins as if it were acting as its guard.

The golem, who was in the middle of casting several hundred Fireballs with the magic circles engraved on its hands, turned around to see who had entered its sanctuary.

Seeing Enjento rushing towards it, the golem's eyes flashed as though irritated and aimed the completed Fireball spells at Enjento.





Enjento's reflexes, honed from countless life-and-death missions, kicked in and dodged the incoming Fireballs left and right by a hair's width.

After the barrage of Fireballs stopped, Enjento dumped a few shots of mana and armour-piercing rounds into the silver golem.



The shots all bounced off of its body, barely doing any damage at all.

Agitated, the golem jumped into the air, bringing his fists crashing down on Enjento.

Enjento barely avoided the fatal blow in time, but when the golem missed and hit the ground, it generated a shockwave that sent Enjento flying off his bike.

Rolling on the ground a few times, he cursed his luck at having to fight a golem.

"Damnit! It just had to be a bloody golem! I can easily mow down an army of a thousand with a machine gun, but what am I supposed to do against an oversized lump of metal that can fire off hundreds of spells and smash me to a bloody pulp!?!" (Enjento)

"The damn thing is impervious to my special mana and armour-piercing bullets which I meticulously created to deal with those annoying Court Magicians and Magic Swordsmen!" (Enjento)

[Author's Note: I will shorten mana and armour-piercing bullets to MAP bullets.]

"Yet it tanked them as though they were BB pellets!" (Enjento)

{Serves you right even back on Earth you were too arrogant for your own good.} (IRIS)

"Shut up."

{Would you like me to show you the recordings of the 174 times I was forced to save your sorry *ss from getting blown up due to your oversized ego?} (IRIS)

"Can we talk about this later? I'm about to die right now." (Enjento)

{Exactly my point, you're about to die right now, so might as well shove it in your face before you die.} (IRIS)

Enjento spat out a mouthful of blood with perfect timing.

While Enjento and IRIS were doing their comedic duo routine, the golem wasted no time and charged at the injured spy crawling on the ground.

(Is this really the end?) (Enjento)

Enjento closed his eyes in resignation. He wasn't some Hero destined to have great powers to save the world, a mighty sage or warrior who gained immense power after years of brutal training, or some bigshot villain with a gang of super powerful goons that can topple the world.

He was just a filthy murderer who got accidentally summoned to this world due to the "Creator's" mistake.

Maybe this was how he deserved to die, alone in the middle of nowhere with no one to remember him. Just another speck of dust wiped off the counter in the grand sheme of things.

In his last moments, his mind brought up the image of a woman with blurred features in a conservative maid uniform.

(Sorry Chief Maid, looks like I won't be able to keep my promise to you.)

