
Mr. CEO sweet lover: Little bundle of joy

"When I tell you that I love you, I don't say it out of habit. I say it to remind you that you're the best thing that has ever happened to me" --- She was forced to marry this strange man because of one night stand which changed her life completely. His family wanted from him a child, so they arranged a marriage for the both of them. Li xiao tried everything to get away from him, but he only told her that she will never leave unless she gave birth to his child. Unknowingly to her, this strange man is the richest man in G city. He was more handsome and compelling and his dignity made him more arrogant looking while she is just the heiress of the xiao family. He had an impeccable reputation. All the women in the world would scream desperately when they saw him, but she didn't. Jingyi Wang cared and treated her like a Queen. He made her the envy of all the women, but there was one problem- she never loved him because her heart belongs to only one person. But this jingyi was just too sweet to her. He used his possessive love and supreme power lure her heart step by step. --- "Si... Sir... Young master Wang, please, I can't give birth to your child. There are other women in the city. I don't think I fit your status" li xiao said and lowered her head. Jingyi put his bony fingers under her chin and lifted her delicate face. He gazed into his eyes and said, "I want only you to give birth to my child" Follow me on Instagram- author_toriatim Read my other books; The Deity In Her Heart Trapped By My Arrogant Lover Note: This is an ordinary story by me (Toriatim) and not a translation. The cover is not mine. Credit to the owner. Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/RvPutEhc

Toriatim · Urbain
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232 Chs


The next day, after breakfast, Jingyi Wang went back to the company only to find An Jun waiting for him in his office.

The moment An Jun saw Jingyi Wang, he stood up from the couch and walked over respectfully.

"President Wang, thank you so. much for taking me back. I promise not to repeat my mistakes again" He said respectfully.

However, Jingyi Wang didn't bother to spare him a glance and walked pass him to his seat.

"..." Did I say anything wrong again? Why didn't he say anything.

An Jun was scared again that he might have offended president Wang.

Jingyi Wang saw An Jun's expression and waved his hand, saying nonchalantly, "I hope you don't repeat your mistakes. I did not allow you to come back because I wanted you to, but because Xiao li begged me to let you come back" He lowered his head as he picked up his pen and flipped through a document. "You can go back to work now"

An Jun heard this and was stunned. He suddenly remembered that Xiao li said Jingyi Wang didn't agree, but it turns out that he was only pretending not to.

He was so happy that he began to tremble.

He bowed several times, "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you" by the time he stopped bowing, his waist was aching.

With one hand on his waist, he walked out happily. He walked to the side and dialed Xiao li's number. He waited patiently for her to pick her call.

As soon as Xiao li picked up her call, he said excitedly, "Young miss, I'm back!"

Xiao li was reading a book when her phone rang. She glanced at the screen and picked up the call. When An Jun's excited voice rang out, Xiao li was shocked and she almost dropped her phone.

By the time she reacted, she heard him say again, "President Wang said you begged him to bring me back. Thank you so much"

Xiao li heard this and suddenly remembered that Jingyi Wang refused to help her the last time which made her think that he was not ready to help her.

Her eyes narrowed dangerously; She licked her dry lips. She was angry with Jingyi Wang and at the same time, she was very happy.

After chatting with An Jun for a while, she hung up the phone and stretched her body, then she walked to the living room.


It was late at night when Jingyi Wang entered the villa and the aroma of fried chicken entered his nose. He removed his shoe and walked into the kitchen wearing only slippers.

At this moment, Xiao li heard the sound of footsteps and turned around, "Hi, you are back!"

She greeted him with a smile.

Jingyi Wang froze when he saw her smile. Her smile is the most breathtaking site to see. It lights the room and filled the darkest dwellings with a beautiful glow that radiates from her.

Her smile leaves him speechless and heart pounding. Her smile is truly a beautiful smile.

Xiao li continued and turned off the gas stove, "I cooked dinner, so go and change your clothes, then come downstairs and join me"

As she spoke, she gestured the chefs to help her set the dining table while she washed her hands and wiped them with a towel.

Xiao li cooked the food to appreciate jingyi Wang for letting An Jun go back to work. It made her feel that he so much cares about her.


While they were eating, Xiao li told Jingyi Wang about her family and what she loved to do when she was young

She told him how she started playing the piano and loved playing it before her parents and classmates.

Jingyi Wang was in awe; he studied the way her mouth moved with every word she said. The way her eyes fluttered and lit up when she talked about her family and her past.

He was able to analyse every details about her. All his focus was on her, he embraced and took in every word she said.

He was simply mesmerized and infatuated by her. He was intrigued and at a loss of words because he had never had such a deep connection with someone before except from his parents.

After they were done eating, Jingyi Wang took her to the rooftop of the villa and stood there with her.

The night breeze blew her night dress around her, molding it to her body, and she looked down the building. She suddenly remembered how she climbed the balcony wanting to jump off the building in an attempt to bid this man off.

Her lips slowly stretched to form a smile- a beautiful smile.

However, Jingyi Wang noticed her and asked in surprise, "Why are you smiling?"

As he spoke, the night breeze blew a few strands of Xiao li's long hair into his face.

"No special reason. I just remembered something" Xiao li answered and tilted her head up to look at his face.

It was Xiao li's first time to look at his face from such a short distance. She was so close enough to see his eyelashes; They hypnotized and fanned the flames of her heart.

When he fluttered his eyelid at her, it was as if bright sparkling stars hid lit up in the night sky.

As a matter of fact, Jingyi Wang was very handsome. His deep blue eyes, aquiline nose and his thin lips were so attractive. It was as if he was a black hole, luring her in slowly, but surely.

His face was strikingly eye catching with perfectly sculpted features.

Xiao li was never one to notice such things, hence she never took all of these seriously because she had Liu Wei.

But now, the impression she had of Jingyi Wang was that of a serious and lovely elderly member of the family.

However, at that moment, she finally realised that she was now in love with him.

Your dear author will soon lock the book, but she would give a mass release before that. I hope you guys continue to support this book with your reviews and power stones.

Much love^o^


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