
Mr. CEO : From Icy Days to Passionate Nights

One day, dressed in a professional suit, Lyra Smith served coffee to the CEO. “Morris Jackson, enjoy your coffee.” The man behind the desk, Morris Jackson, ignored her completely. What an uptight man! Just as Lyra Smith was about to try and look more seductive, someone from the HR department came to inform her that she was fired! “...” Lyra Smith was speechless. That night, Lyra Smith was dressed in a big onesie. She bundled herself up tightly, but there was no escape. She kicked out a leg. “Didn’t you fire me?” Grabbing her ankle, he pulled her over and asked, “Does your leg still hurt?” Lyra was furious. “I was fired!” Just as she said that, she heard him hiss through gritted teeth, “Will you dress like that to the office again?” Lyra Smith

Unhappy Nanxi · Général
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644 Chs

Slept with the wrong person_1

Translator: 549690339

At the break of dawn, Lyra Smith tumbled out of the hotel suite.

She rode the elevator downstairs, tried to tidy herself up as she walked out, fixing her clothes in a frantic hurry. A sight of herself reflected in the glass made her eyebrows furrow.

She regretted wearing a low-cut dress, as her chest was adorned with all sorts of marks that were now exposed for all to see. It didn't leave an impression of a good innocent girl at all.

"Lyra Smith?"

Lyra halted at the sound of her name, recognizing the voice but not raising her head to see. She covered her face with her hand, trying to slip away as quickly as possible.

But the owner of the voice blocked her way, deliberately obstructing her: "Thought I wouldn't recognize you, huh? Lyra Smith!"

"You've got the wrong person!"


Just as she almost slipped away by hunching over, Iris Mitchell stepped forward, grabbing her hand and yanking it away from her face: "What are you hiding for, can't show your face to anyone?"

Indeed, she couldn't!

Iris had forcefully removed her hand, exposing all the 'evidence' on Lyra's neck and below it.

Lyra glanced upwards, catching a glimpse of Iris's wide-eyed and agape expression. She boldly stood up straight and threw out her chest: "I was hiding exactly because I didn't want anyone to see this. But since you insisted, take a good look. How does it feel, impressive huh?"

While showing off her marks, she made sure to give Iris a good look at them.

Iris, shocked, covered her mouth: "Did you last night?"

Touching her ear with a hint of embarrassment, Lyra replied: "I had a chess match last night."

"Chess match?"

"Yeah, the type that's really good at making moves."


Lyra was Iris's cousin. They never got along and their meetings always ended up as arguments.

Upon accidentally witnessing Lyra's secret, Lyra said with a cheerful smile: "C'mon, we're adults, we have normal physical needs, don't you have them, dear cousin?"

Iris struggled to hide her true shock, showing a disdainful expression instead. She was aware of Lyra's unabashed nature: "Running around behind your fiancé's back, do you think everyone is as shameless as you? You are out of line!"

Lyra flicked her hair and looked up, puckering her lips: "And who told you the person I was tangled up with last night wasn't my fiancé?"

Iris was taken aback.

Suddenly thinking of something, she turned around and started walking towards the hotel reception.

Guessing that Iris wanted to check her room records from last night, and knowing that Iris was a small shareholder of the hotel and could oust the information, Lyra didn't mind at all. Let her find out; Lyra had nothing to hide.


After returning to her small apartment, Lyra took some medicine she bought on her way home, and then took a shower.

After the shower, she finally felt a bit more relaxed. Only her waist, legs, and feet were still sore. She felt like she was walking on clouds when she left the hotel, as if stepping on cotton.

It was too much, only ending in the middle of the night.

As Lyra was complaining in her heart, she couldn't help but recall that not only was Erwin Jackson good looking, but he also had remarkable stamina.

Knock knock knock-

Someone was knocking on the door.

Lyra sauntered to open the door with a light and breezy step.

Seeing Sophia Jackson standing outside the door, Lyra was about to let her in and share the good news, when Sophia hurriedly asked her: "Lyra, why didn't you pick up my calls last night?"

Just after asking, Sophia noticed the telltale marks on Lyra's neck.

Seeing Sophia's gaze on the marks on her neck, Lyra didn't bother to feign bashfulness or concealer the truth, answering the question about her phone: "My phone ran out of battery and shut down last night, I just came back and found out, it's charging now."

Sophia asked: "Who were you with last night?"

Lyra pulled Sophia inside, shut the door, turned around, and admitted: "Indeed, I was with Erwin Jackson last night."

After Sophia entered, Lyra grabbed two soda cans from the fridge and tossed one to Sophia.

Sophia fumbled, feeling like she wasn't handed a can but a hot ball: "Lyra, you might not believe what I am going to say next, but I have to tell you. Erwin Jackson... he flew to H country for an event yesterday afternoon, and he hasn't returned yet. The person you were with last night, it wasn't Erwin Jackson."

Lyra, who was about to take a sip of her soda, had a thunderstruck look on her face: "???"