
Talk Over Dinner



By the time Li Jing arrived at the lobby area, she quickly searched for Yin Lifen and found her seated at the waiting area just typing away on her phone.

She shook her head before proceeding to where she was.

"Hey dear."

"Li Jing." That was all Yin Lifen uttered and returned her gaze back to her phone ignoring her friend.

"Come on, talk to me."

"There is nothing to say, Li Jing."

"How about starting with telling me why your name is Ava and I knew nothing about it?"

Yin Lifen sighed and she sat up, then tapped on the cushion, gesturing for her friend to take a seat right next to her.

Li Jing sat down and waited for her friend to start speaking. And just like that, the tale began.

"I never told anyone my English name. In fact no one called me that, even at home. It was rare before you hear my mum mentioning it."

"Why? It is such a nice name."