
Scared: Spaced Out



Just as Tang Zixin had planned, Mr Lin actually arrived at Star City at the stipulated time and waited for the day he would meet up with his grandchild.

For almost thirty years now, he had lost contact with his only child and now, he was going to meet her in the person of his granddaughter.

He recalled when he first saw the DNA result and how shocked he had been that the beautiful lady he saw on the television was actually his own grandchild.

What a joy he found that day. It was like he became a youth over night after hearing the news. He instructed his servants back at his city to clean the house thoroughly and prepare for the arrival of his grandchild.

"Phew! Soon, I would be with her. I would be with my grandchild."

He brought out his phone and placed a call through to Tang Zixin. "Hello, afternoon Tang."

"Good afternoon, sir."

"I am back. I have arrived at Star City's airport."