
Exposed: The Real Truth



Ye Cheng quickly got to his car and speed off away from the company.

It all made sense now. It was definitely not Bai Qing Mei that was there, except she wanted to give him a silly excuse that she did surgery to cover up the mark.

As he drove, his mind drifted back to his conversation with Li Jing.

Li Jing! Boy was he lucky to have met her. Ever since she came, she gave him the opportunity to see the loopholes in his life.


"That is it!" Ye Cheng exclaimed.

"That is what?"

"His reply when I told him she was around, it wasn't as though he was shocked at first."

Ye Cheng recalled how Hao Huizhong had answered him, 'She is around? I mean, alive?'

It was as though he knew already that she was alive and was only expecting her to come over when he shouldn't have.