



"Yes," Li Jing whispered softly.

"Pardon? Sorry I did not get that," Tang Zixin asked.

"I said yes. I would go."

"Thank you. A date it is then."

Just like that the next day came for their outing. Li Jing wasn't particularly feeling it especially whenever she thought of Ye Cheng, it made her feel like she was doing something bad. Indeed her heart, mind and soul was captured by the thought of him.

"Li Jing, stop thinking too much about it. It is just a friendly date," Yin Lifen advised her friend.

"As much as I want to believe those words you say, I just can't."


"Something tells me, Tang Zixin likes me."

"Who wouldn't?" Li Jing turned around to face her friend with both hands wrapped around her boy. "Yes, you heard me well, Li Jing. Who wouldn't? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?" Yin Lifen asked again.

"I have and I do in the morning."

"I doubt that."