

"Rule one. Look at me when i talk to you. Rule two. Don't bite your lip around me or else..." he paused. I stared at him waiting for him to continue. I strangely enjoy what his touch is doing to me and and i wanted more. " else?" I asked and his grip on my tigh tightened causing me to unintentionally gasp. Before i could comprehend, his lips crashed into mine. I let out a low moan as his tongue slipped into my mouth and began exploring every coner of my mouth. He lowered me so as our crotch are on the same level. He pressed his body against mine, and my legs rapped around his back. His warm lips found their ways to my neck and to my colar bone. He gently kissed and nibbled on my skin as he gently let me go. I stood on my feet but leaned on him for support as my knees were still weak. He let go of me after i gained my stance and made his way out of my office.. "Now you know" he said before closing the door shut.

D_anonymous · Urbain
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34 Chs

chapter 24

Evita's pov

Although I slept 80% of the ride from Spain back to Texas, I still feel jet lagged. Right now, I can't get enough rest. I groaned as Rolland shut the door of the car loudly and started the car.

"Rolland can't you be more quiet? My head is throbbing in pain so bad" I shut my eyes and rubbed my forehead.

"Sorry" he snorted. How I wish I had a gun with me, I'd definitely kill him.

"What?" Mr Lockwood asked looking up from his laptop.

"What?" I questioned in return. Did I say that out loud?.

Mr Lockwood shook his head and went back to what he was doing. This man has been working on stop,Doesn't he ever get tired?.

"Come on, why are you so down? Aren't you excited to see Lilly and the twins and Rosie?" Rolland said looking at me through the rear view mirror.I don't know if it's in my head but his voice changed when he said Rosie's name.

"Are you kidding me? Of course I am. I'm just very exhausted after all that has happened. Trust me, if any girl went through what I did in just a week, she won't survive" I groaned.

"You are right. You deserve a day off" he said.

"No I deserve a week off"


I slowly woke up as we rounded a corner. It seemed kind of familiar from my sleep. And my intuition was right. It was the last turn before we get to Killian's house. Although I was still groggy from the long nap I had taken, i still felt very excited and happy to see Lilly. I missed her so much.

"I see you are up now" my Lockewood's voice invaded my thoughts. I looked at him and he was already staring at me intensely. Suddenly,everything that happened for the past days flashed in my mind. And when I say everything, I mean all the make out sesh we had. I smiled once I realized I was just staring.

"Yes, I'm very excited to be home" I replied looking out the window. Rolland drove past the water fountain in front of the house and parked directly in front of the big doors of the house. "I guess Mr Lockwood was right when he said Rolland always makes a big entrance". I chuckled.

We got out of the car and took out our luggages from the trunk. The butler alongside few maids came to welcome us and took our things inside. I took a deep breath and inhaled the familiar scent of Texas, it smelled like home.

"Aren't you coming miss valkov?" I opened my eyes at the sound of Mr Lockwood's voice. He was already at the door. I cheerfully hopped towards him and smiled at him.

"I'm here now, let's go" I held out my hand for him to take but he just walked past me and into the house. I shrugged and followed suit.

" Vy!" Lilly's loud screams welcomed me . My head shot towards where the sound came from. she was coming down the stairs with a smile as bright as the sun. I ran towards her and enveloped her in my embrace.

"My baby, I've missed you so so much" I said kneeling so I was at her level. I placed a huge kiss on her cheeks and she did the same to me.

"I've missed you a whole lot" she squeaked. Admist all the commotion, I hadn't realised I've missed her this much. Now that I'm home, I'm not so tired anymore.

"How was your week without me? " I asked as I carried her in my arms and went upstairs.

"Come, tell me all about it"


Killian's pov

The ray of light shined through the window of my office as I went through the reports for the past week. must say, I am Astonished by the way Rolland handled everything back here in Texas. I really thought he wouldn't be able to because he's been slacking off of recent. Although he's not really into business, he did really well.

"Killy" a cute voice sounded from behind the door, followed by a knock.

"Come in princess" a smile formed on my face as she pushed the doors wide open.

"You finally noticed my existence...I'm so honoured" I said no stepping out from behind the desk and moving to the sofa. She giggled and sat beside me.

"No, that's not it, i just missed vy so much that I wanted to spend all my time with her. But im here now aren't I?" She said. I dont think I can understand or comprehend the love they have for each other. My brothers and I, well it's being a while since we tried to kill each other, that's how close we are.

"How about me? Don't you miss me?" I faked a pout.

"Of course i did"she giggled. Almost immediately, my kids barged in. The bright smile on their faces widened mine even more. They are the best thing that has ever happened to me. If you had asked me seven years back, i would have given a completely opposite answer.


◇Seven years ago◇

The cool summer breeze blew past us as we Lay across from each other on the grass. Dogs chasing after each other, children laughing and playing on different swings.

"Killian?" Joan's melodious voice rang out. I turned to look at her, but the look on her face was of worry.

"What's wrong?"I asked.

"I have something to tell you"

Story continuation.

"The agency just informed me that I've been given another contract to work in L.A" she said.

"That's great news babe" I said sitting up.

"Yes it is"

"But you don't look happy, what's wrong?"

"Yes, uh the thing is i.... I'm pregnant" it took my brain about 3 seconds to process that piece of information.

"Oh my gosh, that's another great news" I felt my heart leap in my chest. I adjusted so now we were looking directly at each other.

"No it's not. Remember the contract I just told you about? It's not until another 8 months" I don't understand what she's driving at.

"I am a model Killian, a body model. I can't show up for the shoot heavily pregnant" she half yelled.

"Ohh that's right" I didn't think of that.

"Well, I can persuade them to move the shoot by a month. By then, we would have had our baby" I beamed at her. This news is estatic.

"That works too" she shrugged and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Yes it does, from now, you don't have to worry about anything, just tell me, and I'll get a solution ASAP" I said kissing her forehead.


"Yes I promise. I said.

Few days later.

"What do you mean you can't take care of two babies on your own? We are together in this, our wedding is in a month Joan"

" I know Killian, but we are both busy, I'm not ready to drop my life and become a stay at home mom".

"It's just for few months. A year at most" I tried to convince her.

"A year? I would have become an out-of-shape, non existent model by then" she yelled.

"I've decided Killian, I want an abortion." She added.

"No we are not getting an abortion". I walked over to the table in my study.

" We? There's no we in this. I'm the one who is about to go through 9 months of pain and discomfort, I'm the one who is about to get super fat because I have to go eat for 3, for 3 fucking people. So I am the one to decide whether or not I want an abortion"

"But they are my babies too so I have a say in this."

"You only had to fuck me, you are not doing anything else. I am getting an abortion and there's nothing you can say that will change my mind"

"Are you serious?" I asked her and she glared at me.

"If you get an abortion then things over between us" I glared back at her.

"What?" Her face got pale as if she had seen a ghost

"You heard me.You are okay with taking two lives then I don't want to have anything to do with a murderer". We stared in her eyes and I found no sign of remorse or pity, just anger and disgust. After a few seconds, she huffed and left.


"Daddy" Kayden said tugging at my sleeve. I must have zoned out for long.

"Yes" I stood up and lifted him up in my arms. Taking in my environment, I noticed Lilly and Jayden were no where to be found.

"They went to meet mommy" he said, noticing my confused look. And Now I look more confused.

"Vy" he smiled.

"She's my mommy now. Lilly said daddy and Vy are getting married soon, so she will have a daddy and I will have a mommy" he added. I felt my heart skip a beat at the thought of having Evita as my wife. I haven't really given it a thought yet....or is it too soon to think about marriage?

" Now I know what you all are always whispering about" I said ,playfull playfully pulling his cheeks. Walking out of the room I asked for their whereabouts and he directed me to the garden outside. It's almost evening, the sun isn't as bright and hot as it was an hour ago, but the sky was still bright.

Evita sat on the white swing with Lilly and Jayden by her sides. They seem to be having a nice conversation as smiles were plastered on all their faces. Kayden released himself from my hold and ran towards them. Evita lifted him and placed him on her laps. And they kept on conversing. Anyone who sees her wouldn't believe she was kidnaped 3 times in the past week. The smile on her face was almost as bright as the sun. I find it hard to decipher if it is all a facade or if she's truly okay. I doubt she is. Days like this always makes me want to stay at home and settle with my family for the rest of my life, but I have to run the company. I put my self up to the challenge so I must prove to my brothers that I am capable of the position father bestowed on me. I earned it, and I will maintain it.

Evita's pov

The revving of a car caught my attention. I looked around to find where it's coming from as i was previously going through my phone in the balcony upstairs. It was from an unfamiliar car. Not that I know all the cars Killian owns, this one just stood out. The car pulled to a stop at the entrance and a Man dressed in a navy blue suit alighted from the back of the car. I could barely see his face as he was almost directly below me. He had some files in his hand, it is most likely someone from the office. I shrugged and retreated into my room. "That's right, I do have to resume tomorrow, there will be loads of work for me to do" I groaned. "Or I can blackmail Killian to let me rest for one day....or one week....maybe even one month.....No, one month is impossible.....I'll go with one week" I contemplated with in my self. Time to put my plan in action. I picked my my self up and left to look for killian. I searched the whole building except one place, his office. I made my way to his office. I was about to knock when i happened to hear some hushed voices coming from behind the door.i was curious to why they are talking quietly so I leaned in and placed my ear on the door.

" She insists on speaking to you"

"I'm not interested in speaking to her and there's nothing she can do to change my mind" killian yelled hushly and another man spoke up after him.

"Well she says she is ready for a law suit, your choice to make. I advice you choose wisely, if not....." suddenly the door swinged wide open and I staggered in, almost falling face first but I was quick to catch my self. I looked at the three furious looking men and cleared my throat. I turned to killian who was sitting behind the desk.

"I happened to be passing by and I uh remember i have something to talk to you about". I said but got no reaction from him. Just a blank stare.

"Well then, we'll be on our way. You know how to contact us" the man sitting said before standing up and exiting the room.

Killian followed suit without acknowledging me. It was like i was invisible. I decided to sit and wait for him. While waiting, my mind rolled back to the conversation I overheard. What were they talking about? And who? "I'm not interested in speaking to her and there's nothing she can do to change my mind" killian words trailed back into my head. Is she one of his enemies? And a law suit? It sounds really serious. Should i ask about it or wait for him to tell me about it? It's hard to decide. The door barged open and slammed less than a second later. It was killian. He looked upset, ive never seen him this angry since I've known him. I stood up to go to him but he stopped me by raising his hands.

"Leave" he seethes through his teeth. I looked him up and down then left. Immediately i shut the door, loud clashing sounds and shattering sounds filled my ears. I turned around to open the door but it wouldn't budge. He must have locked it from inside. I knocked on the door try ing to let him hear over all the clashing.

"Killian, stop you are going to hurt yourself " I yelled.

"Please open the door" I kept yelling and also banging on the door. This went on for about a minute then gradually stopped. I knocked on the door after a while.

"Killian? Are you okay? " I questioned. But there was a pin drop silence from the once noisy room. What if something happened to him? What if he hurt himself? I banged the door yelling out his name. He finally opened up. Apart from the fact that he looked a mess, he was okay. I instinctively hugged him. He stood still like a statue....

"I'm fine miss valkov " he said detangling himself from me. I looked around the room to see the amount of damage that had been done. The once beautiful, neat office was now like a dumpster of shattered glass and broken things. The Blinds ripped off, the shelf on the ground, papers and documents scattered all over. Even the couch was damaged.

"Get a maid to clean this place up. And you, arrange the files" killian said, pushed me aside and left. I ran after him but he was already far away to call back.