

"Rule one. Look at me when i talk to you. Rule two. Don't bite your lip around me or else..." he paused. I stared at him waiting for him to continue. I strangely enjoy what his touch is doing to me and and i wanted more. " else?" I asked and his grip on my tigh tightened causing me to unintentionally gasp. Before i could comprehend, his lips crashed into mine. I let out a low moan as his tongue slipped into my mouth and began exploring every coner of my mouth. He lowered me so as our crotch are on the same level. He pressed his body against mine, and my legs rapped around his back. His warm lips found their ways to my neck and to my colar bone. He gently kissed and nibbled on my skin as he gently let me go. I stood on my feet but leaned on him for support as my knees were still weak. He let go of me after i gained my stance and made his way out of my office.. "Now you know" he said before closing the door shut.

D_anonymous · Urban
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34 Chs

chapter 25

Chapter 25

Killian's pov

A low but firm knock on the door interrupted my study session. I sighed and closed the book since I was finding it hard to understand Anyway.

"Come in" I said resting my back on the chair. The door opened slightly and a maid popped in.

" sir, some men are here to see you" she said

"I dont have any appointment with any body and even if i did, i don't have meetings in my house".

"Yes sir, in well aware of that sir. But they said its more of a personal matter than business". She said with her head down. "Personal matter? " I thought. Who could it be?

"Did they say who they are?" I asked her but before she was able to answer the door barged open and 2 men walked in.

"That's enough questioning dont you think? Miss Joan rivers sent us" one of them said. the name rang in my head and I knew instantly, exactly what they were here to do. I dreaded this day and wished it would never come, but I guess i can't run forever.

"Have a sit" I gestured and they settled. The other man brought out some brown envelopes and handed them over to me. I checked it and they were some documents. I skimmed through them and set them aside for thorough checking.

"Good day mr lockewood. I'm Mr white, joan's lawyer. I will go straight to the point as there is no reason to beat around the Bush. Im here to let you know she wants her children" the first man said. I felt my heart sink into my stomach and my intestines twist into knots. I was right, she wants to take the twins. Although I've been preparing and I'm fully ready for something like this, i still wish it doesn't happen.

"That's not possible." I stated.

"Yes. But she has actually given you two, or should I say three options, it's either you hand over the kids, or 3/4 of all your properties . If you refuse to choose, we'll see in court, and i assure you that if we do, she'll be getting both the children and at least half of your properties " he said relaxing and stretching his arms out.

"I see the main reason why she sent you here was because of money. That's so despicable.....she'd not interested in the kids, she just wants to use them to get money from me, and i assure you that won't happen. So let her know we'll meet in court" I seethed.

"I advice you don't speak ill of my client mr lockewood " mr whites said. The other man stood up and went by the door to receive a call. While he was at it, there was nothing but murderous glares exchanged between her lawyer and I. In a few seconds her finished and turned to us.

"That was miss Joan. She wants to meet up with you, Mr lockewood. She insists on speaking to you"

"I'm not interested in speaking to her and there's nothing that can change my mind" I quietly stated. I do not want anyone finding out about any of this. Well, except rolland. The man by the door spoke up al most immediately after i did.

"Well she says she is ready for a law suit, your choice to make. I advice you choose wisely, if not....." he trailed. He swiftly opened the door and evita badged in. She was eavesdropping.

"I happened to be passing by and..." my mind trailed off from what evita was saying....all I know is that her lips were still moving. I dont have time to think about her right now. I need to call my lawyer immediately. I can't believe Joan could stoop so low. Unbelievable.

"Well then, we'll be on our way. You know how to contact us" mr whites voice invaded my thoughts and brought me back to reality. They both exit the room and i left also to contact Philip, my lawyer.





Evita's pov

I stretched after placing the last bit of file on his table. It took a while to tidy up but I'm finally done. My train of thoughts kept trailing off tracks and then back on track since I started cleaning. "What happened? " was the only question pondering on my mind, and which Ive been trying to answer.But I've been unable to. It's 8pm already, the kids should be asleep, i think i should ask him now. It's been 3 hours since killian left. He should be calm by now.. I picked up the crumbled paper I dropped on the floor, threw it in the trash and left to find killian. On my way to his room, i found Rolland. He must have been with killian.

"I advice you let him be " he halted in front of me.

"Is he okay? Do you have any idea about what happened ?" I asked.

"He's not okay, and it's a very sensitive topic, not for me to tell. I implore you don't take whatever he does or says to heart, he's all up in his emotions." He sighed and left. I walked back to my room afterwards.


Its been its been 6 hours 37minutes since I last saw killian. I am really worried and want to go see him but rolland keeps urging me to stay.

"He's fine vy, trust me" he said. We are sitted across each other in the library close to killian's room. I insisted we stay here just in case any thing happens, we'll be the first to hear.

"How sure are you that he is fine? You weren't there when he was destroying his office were you? " I sternly said and turned my attention back to the pencil I was findling.

"Well I spoke to him an your ago and I assure you he's fine " he insisted.

"Then why has he not come out since? "

"Because he's busy." He shrugged.

"Busy with what? " I raised my eyebrow.

"I have already told you tons of times, he will tell you himself. "

"What are you both gossiping about? " my neck almost broke from how fast i turned it to the direction killian's voice came from . I stood up and went towards the messy figure standing by a shelf afar off. As I got closer, i was able to notice water dripping from the side of his head and his slightly damp hair, which indicated he just got out of the shower. I dont think I should ask him about what happened yet.

" I was asking rolland about you. He said you were busy.. .anything you need me help with?" I crossed my arms in front of me while looking up at him. He exchanged a quick glance with rolland before answering.

"No...all good. I came here to tell you to take a week off from work considering all that happened last week. You are to visit the hospital every 3pm through out this one week. Don't worry, rolland will drive you and ensure you are safe. And all the bills will be taken care of." He said then took a deep breath. I'm glad I get to rest but I'm still worried and sad that he didn't tell me about what happened. I guess it's a very personal information.

The next morning.

The ray of light, which managed to escape from behind the curtains, was blocked by a silhouette. I grogily opened my eyes to see who it was. It was hard to see as my vison was still blury and my eyes, still heavy with sleep. I barely managed to sleep late in the night, it's too early for any one to wake me up. I shut my eyes and rubbed it, to see clearly. When I opened them, there was no one there. Was i seeing things now? Or was the person quick on their feet?. I sighed and layed back down to sleep a bit more. A loud bang came from my room door and my eyes shot open. My heart beat increased and I felt adrenaline surge through me due to the sudden, unexpected, loud sound. "what is going on? Where is the sound coming from? I thought as i stealthily walked towards the door with my slippers in my hands. I opened the door and surprisingly, it was the kids. There are running and jumping right in front of my room this early.

"Hey vy, good morning vy" jayden and kayden said, followed by lilly. I nodded and waved as response.

"What's going on? Aren't you going to school?" My voice cracked.

"We are home schooled" they all said in unison and I was surprised again. I mean it's twin telepathy thingy but lilly?

"Oh okay." I shrugged and they went back to their very rough play fight. I turned around to go back into my room when i remembered something.

"Hey, uh did any one of you enter my room, or did you see anyone enter?" I asked and they all shook their heads no, while giggling.

"What are you all snickering abo--" my sentence was cur short when rolland popped up from behind me.

" Hey sleepy head" he chuckled.

" Hey you. Why is every one here this morning?" I stretched.

"I usually don't see anyone till noon or something" I added.

" Yeah we all miss you " he said pouting his lips and bringing it closer. I flicked his head and the kids giggled.

"Hey! what are you doing with our mommy?" Jayden yelled. Did he just call me mommy? I looked over at him and he had his hands positioned on his hips and a frown on his face.

"What?" Rolland and I asked.

"Daddy will kill you if he sees you, right guys?" He asked and lilly nodded boldly.

"Yeah i guess" kayden replied after.

"What are you guys talking about?-

"Lilly said you and daddy are getting married--" kayden interrupted me but before he could finish his statement, lilly placed her hand over his mouth, so the rest came out muffled.

"So you are the one behind all this right? " rolland said as ran towards her and before we knew what was happening, spun her around in the air like a hundred times. They both dropped on the floor laughing, followed by Jayden and kayden. I shrugged and left to my room. All that rush is too much for me this early. As I walked into my room, i noticed my phone screen was on. I had a text from Rosie.

R: hey babe😙 heard you back in town, how did your honeymo- I mean business trip go?😉

I chuckled as i read the text,then sat by the edge of the bed to reply.

E: heyyy....oh how i missed you. It went well😉😂...But it was hella stressful....I still wonder how i survived😅

I haven't told her about what happened in Spain but I will....not just now.

R:sorry boo😚😉hope you had fun ykwim (you know what i mean) I missed you too. Let's meet up soon....got to go now. Bye b"tch😊

E:thanks girl. Okay bye😚

I replied and dropped my phone on the bed. I have to tell her everything soon. I thought. Speaking of which, i wonder how killian is doing now, and is he ready to talk about it yet,? Where even is he? I let my thoughts run wild as i got ready for a bath.


Few hours later.

I strodded down the stairs with the aim of finding killian. He isn't picking up his calls, same goes to rolland. I leave for a few hours and the house is empty and as quiet as a grave yard. I decided to check outside. I went out of the house and found the kids outside in the garden, with their teacher. I walked closer to them careful and all their attention turned to me.

"Uh.. sorry to interrupt." I said standing by the side.

"Oh please go on " he said nodding in affirmation.

"Does any of you know where rolland is?" I asked the kids with a smile.

"No" the twins shook their heads.

"I heard him say ing he is going to meet the lawyer at the office" lilly said. I turned my head to look at her and she kept going

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I heard him talking on the phone with dad- i mean killian" she smiled at me. She calls killian dad too? That's not what's important right now. I have to find out what's going on.

"Okay thank you guys " I smiled and left them to keep studying.

I went back inside to get my bag and things set to go find them.


I've been here at the gate for about an hour, trying to convince the guard to let me through. I can't believe killian would actually instruct them to not let me out. This is unbelievable.

"I'm telling you, Mr lockewood asked me to get to the office as soon as possible.

"And im telling you ma'am he asked me to not let you leave the house unless you are with sir rolland. I'm sorry ma'am, but you have to go back now and rest. It's the boss's orders" it's impossible for me to rest if there is something on my mind. I sighed and retreated from the gate And back to the house. Before I stepped into the house, a thought crawled into my head. "There's always a way, if the main way doesn't work, find another, and if there isn't any other, make one". A wide smile formed on my face as i walked round the mansion. There must be more than one way in and out of this house. After a while of looking, i finally found some fake leaves hung amongst real ones. I separated them and found an iron gate. It seemed to be out of use. I pushed the rusting gate wide open and stepped out. "Killian, here i come".