
"This Is It!"

Knowing her situation was dire, Lai Jiayi's face crumbled. The hand she put inside her pocket was shaking like mad. Sweat already bathed her whole body.

Her amber eyes stared in horror at the three men closing up the distance. They stopped right a meter away from her place.

"Boss, boss, how about we sell her? Diz biatch quite pretty, watch thinkin'?" The Humpty dumpty whistled. "Sell diz biatch to pay her debt!" He suddenly laughed, shaking all the fat in his belly.

His idea was greeted with applause from his friends.

"Yo-yo dats a wacky idea!" The disco lamp clapped his hand excitedly as he suddenly turned around, shifting his eyes to Lai Jiayi.

His small, sharp black eyes stabbed Lai Jiayi's heart like needles.

The girl almost fainted.


Lai Jiayi looked up at the man two heads taller than her and plead in a shaky voice.

"P-please give me a few more months...t-this time I-i will p-pay it."

Her voice was hoarse. Tears began to gather at the corner of her eyes.

"Few mo' months? I don't think yo' can pay yo' goddamn million dollars debt even if I give you' a lifetime!" The tall hulk-like man laughed, his blue skull earring glinted under the sunlight.

The man immediately gestured at his two lackeys to approach Lai Jiayi.


'Oh, oh, she's in danger! Should I help her? Wait, I can't be known until she receives the invitation.'

The small thing hovered above Lai Jiayi's head, contemplating whether he should help or not.

'But I haven't sent her the invitation. Ughh, let's just wait a bit and help when it's already too dire.'

The thing glanced at Lai Jiayi as he thought so.

In just a few seconds, the girl's face turned horrid. The sight of the other two men approaching her with a lecherous smile struck her mind hard.

Her legs turned weak. Her heart almost told her to give up, yet the cold feeling of the chili pepper spray bottle inside her pocket suddenly startled her awake.

'No! I can't give up! Why learn martial arts if I can't fight for myself?'

Lai Jiayi clenched the bottle hard. She didn't intend to give up just yet.

There must be a way out somewhere between these three….

'I only need to act at the right moment!'

The girl silently held her breath. Her sharp eyes scanned every crook and nook around, trying to find a weak point.

She had to attack either the skinny man or the fat man to escape. They were weaker than the robust guy.

But who to choose?

Lai Jiayi gulped hard, deep in thought when she suddenly saw the skinny man squint his eyes. He tried to block the strong sunlight from attacking his eyes.

! This is it!

Lai Jiayi's eyes brightened while the LED hair man smirked. He spread his arms wide. His face inched closer. His towering body blocked the sun, shading the girl's face.

"Hahaha beauty, come ta papa!"

Lai Jiayi gritted her teeth tight, waiting for the right moment, and just a second before the robust guy grabbed her shoulder, her eyes flickered.


Lai Jiayi suddenly ducked down.

In a swift movement, she pivoted to the left and charged toward the skinny guy.


The robust guy's eyes widened in shock. He only saw the red brick wall in front of him, whereas the girl was gone.

He abruptly turned his head around and saw the girl run toward the skinny guy.

In less than a second, Lai Jiayi pulled out a small bottle from her pocket.


Before the skinny guy could react, Lai Jiayi sprayed the chili pepper right to his eyes.


In a blink of an eye, a loud, heaven-piercing shriek filled the alley.

"GYAAA!! MY EYESS! AH, AH!!" The skinny man fell hard to the floor while covering his eyes. He rolled on the floor while screaming like mad, feeling the burn inside his eyes.

'OH DAMN! That's a fine move!'

The little yellow thing looked at Lai Jiayi with wide eyes.

'If it's like this, she will be fine! Oh, as expected as the one my company chose!'

Not knowing someone was watching over her movement,

Lai Jiayi took the chance to distance herself half a meter away from the men.

Blue veins instantly popped on the thug's forehead.

"MOTHERF*CKER CATCH DAT BIATCH!!" the robust man roared like a beast.

"I'm on it!" The fat guy didn't need to be told twice. He immediately activated his rocket shoes and slid in a second, charging toward the girl.

Lai Jiayi was running as fast as she could, not looking back at all.

A smile appeared on her face.

'I did it! I'm almost there– '

But out of the blue, a sharp pain assaulted her wrist.

"Ah!!" the girl shrieked as the spray bottle slipped out of her hand, falling straight to the road with a loud THUD sound.

A second after, a giant foot stomped on the bottle shattering it into pieces.

! 'My sprayer!!'

Lai Jiayi screamed in her heart, but she didn't have time to mourn as a strong force pulled her wrist.

"GOTCHA!!" the fat man yelled angrily as he gripped Lai Jiayi's wrist hard and pulled her to his chest. The girl's body almost hit the man's fat belly, only an inch away from it.

"Release me!" Lai Jiayi shouted, tugging her wrist, trying to release the grip, yet it didn't budge at all.

Her small, baby-like hand was too fragile compared to the fat man's large, giant-like hand.

"Hah, shut the fuck up!" The fat thug spatted as he tugged Lai Jiayi.


'Oh, my, she's caught! Ah, ah, run away!!'

The yellow thing floated around Lai Jiayi and glared at the man pulling her.

'Should I peck his wrist or– '

"Ugh!" Lai Jiayi groaned in pain.

The grip on her wrist was so firm that her white wrist turned reddish with a trace of a blue-purple bruise.

A stinging and throbbing pain assaulted her wrist, almost making it snapped in half. But Lai Jiayi knew that the moment she gave up, she would be done for.

She couldn't give up!

Hissing in pain, Lai Jiayi glanced at the man's body filled with fat.

Maybe God pitied her that day since she was suddenly...enlightened. Her eyes caught a glimpse of a specific part that she knew will be every man's weakness.

This is it!

Lai Jiayi immediately took a deep breath.

'Calm down, calm down, wait for the right time!'

Realizing that the girl was stronger than he thought, the fat man immediately turned away from Lai Jiayi.

"Fck ya, boss, help me!! This biatch– "

A chance!

"Eat this!!" Lai Jiayi suddenly yelled. She did a spinning kick, and her foot kicked the fat man's

'eggs' in less than a second.


A sudden pain assaulted his lower half. The fat man widened his eyes in horror. His face turned blue and his mouth hung wide, yet no sound came out.

Silence filled the ally for a brief second, and suddenlyy, another shemale's earth-shattering scream echoed.

"KYAAAAAK!!!" The fat man stumbled and fell to the ground in a blink of an eye with a loud thud.

One could see his face turning blue, red, purple...forming a rainbow as he covered his private part down there.

'SHIIIT she kicked that man's balls?! Mamma Mia, you are so savage!!'

The invisible thing covered its mouth with its wing. He stared at Lai Jiayi in awe, as if he was watching an action movie.

At this time, the bulky thug had just arrived at the fat man's place. Seeing the fat man rolled on the ground while covering his precious jewel, the thug's jaw dropped to the floor.

! What the heck is going on? And where's the girl?!

"You– F*CK YA, IDIOT!!" The bulky man roared like a lion losing its whisk. Steams raised from his head as his face turned deep red.

I swear I'll catch that b*tch alive!

The next moment, the sound of an engine filled the alley, and a blue shadow of the man flashed.

The man just used his 15-seconds booster shoes!

In a matter of seconds, the space-bandit thug arrived right behind Lai Jiayi.


The wind abruptly hit Lai Jiayi's back.

Lai Jiayi felt someone roughly tugged her hair from behind.

The force was so strong that she didn't know when her view changed from the end of the alley to the blue sky up there.


Her scream echoed in the dim alley, followed by a loud crashing sound.


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