
Mother of Darkness

The story takes place in a fantasy world where a woman just wanted to live a normal life, but everything was taken from her. This is a story of a Mother, who became the death itself. It's heavily influenced by Indian and Chinese Mythology. Remark: It is my first writing , so please support me . Thanks

Misty_guy · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Woman in Distress

The two young men were surrounding a young woman . All three of them, looked liked 17-18 years old . The girl was lying on the ground and was trying to get up using her arms . She was wearing light pink robes .She was of medium stature , pale skin , black short hair tied in a ponytail. While , one of the young man ,was wearing green robe and other one was wearing blue robes . Both of them had an average height . The blue robbed guy's face was full of pimples and was anything but good looking . Green robbed guy on the other hand , had teeth like rabbit coming out of his mouth. He said ,with a mischievous smile , Little sister , why did you attack us , see....you got hurt because of the rebound . The Blue robbed young man had an ugly lecherous smile and added , Little sister , we just wanted you to have some fun with us , why did you resort to violence . You see, we are always gentle with a woman . You understand , what I mean right!!!!! Heheheh. Both of them laughing at the fallen lady. The young woman had a terrible expression on her face...anger and disgust written all over it.

There were many bystanders , yet no one came forward to help this young lady surrounded by these jackals . Bingbing was furious on seeing this . She asked her sister in an angry , Big Sis , why is no one helping her , even this Inn's keeper is not doing anything!!!!! Her sister replied....Bingbing , who will offend a powerful person for a stranger. Bingbing angrily said , if these people can't help , then I will.....she took out her sword and was about to attack but....was stopped by Li Qin . Bingbing was surprised by this . She asked with a look of disbelief , Big sister why did you stop me , don't you see that girl needs our help !!!! Li Qin was still calm . She... still looking towards the young lady said, Wait... we can't interfere just yet . Bingbing stopped ,but dissatisfaction was clearly written on her face. In meantime , the girl lying down.....shouted, Gao Yang !!!! you shameless dog , I have said it many times , I hate people like you the most . You are now trying to force me to like you!!! You filthy vermin, are you even a man!!!!!! Since you can't defeat me , you ganged up on me. Your character.....cough..... cough... is even uglier than your face !!!!!! She coughed up some blood..... She then continued , you think you can do anything to me , there are so many people here . Gao Yan laughed and said, Little sister , do you think just anyone can interfere in our Gao Clan matters . They will not help you , you are own your own . As he turned his eyes towards the people , everyone lowered their eyes . The lady was in disbelief on seeing this . Pain in her eyes coming out as tears .

The Green Robbed boy interjected, Foolish girl , it is your good luck that brother Yan is pursuing you . He has a very big heart , he will forgive you..... if you follow him tonight. He then smiled and said in a suggestive tone, You know.... your Yin Clan may need his support in the future!!. The young woman on hearing this last line clenched her wrists and lowered her eyes .

Li Qin finally spoke in a low and sad tone, Bingbing.....this is the story of every woman . A woman..... hardly ever prioritizes herself . She always puts the needs of her loved ones.... before herself . Family, Parents.... their respect in the society , husband ....his will , children..... their needs... always win over her own wishes..... her needs , her own dreams . Sacrifice....Sacrifice.....Sacrifice ,she sacrifices her whole life and this is..... what society expects from them .This girl is too facing the same dilemma. Now, it depends on her,what she chooses . If she chooses to follow him , we should respect that...but....if she chooses to fight .... let me promise you... NO ONE.... in this Yue city... will be able to force her . Bingbing seemed happy after listening to it and looked towards this girl with anticipation as if asking her to fight.

The young girl slowly stood up , still shaking a little bit .She looked towards Gao Yang and shouted....We....the Yin Clan..... would rather die than face humiliation!!!!!!! and attacked the two man with a Palm Strike . A large palm , golden in color rushed towards the two men . Both of them were still relaxed . Gao Yang , smiled and mocked her , Little Sister ..... didn't you get hurt because of the same technique a little while ago . It looks like your brain is much smaller than your curves...Hahahahahaha . Both of them laughed.

Li Qin said with a satisfied smile , So....she chose to fight ..... It looks like Yin Clan,will rise again. With this , two small snakes , which looked like , as if they were made of black smoke , stealthily approached the two man and merged with their shadows . As soon as they merged , both of them stopped at their places , almost looked paralyzed . In meantime , Yin's palm strike hit them . Both of them were blasted away to the wall , leaving cracks on the wall. Both fell on the ground , covered in their own blood. Everyone , along with Yin Tao were surprised . The men , who were, till now, bulling this young woman , were defeated by her single palm strike!!!!! Everyone was wondering, how could this happen.....except for the two smiling sisters .

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Misty_guycreators' thoughts