
More Than Just a Dungeon Guide

Haru owns a small business that hires out guides for a beginner dungeon. One day, Maya, an amateur swordswoman hailed as the potential savior of the world, enters Haru's shop. Haru is mesmerized by her and forces himself to be her guide. Although Maya doesn't maintain connections after the dungeon is completed, Haru goes to a journey not only to become stronger so he can start a party with her (and changing her views of being a loner), but also to win her heart and spend the rest of his life with her.

TosataFujinami · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

Who Is to be Rescued

I carefully made my way closer to the entrance and crouched behind some bushes right at the end of the forest. The guard was still asleep, and from my vantage point, it didn't appear he was going to wake up anytime soon.

I remained fixed to my current spot for another fifteen minutes, pondering about my options.

The guard still hasn't moved… this may be my best chance to rescue Cathy. Even during all this time, I haven't heard a single commotion at all. Maybe the entire gang is causing a riot somewhere else, so there's no better time than now to make my move… Cathy, please hold on just a little bit longer…

Resolved to act now, I quickly dashed from the bushes to the hideout's right side, passing by the guard as swiftly as I could. Although I wasn't entirely silent in my movements, the guard hadn't woken up, so I considered it myself fortunate to pass the first hurdle of the rescue operation unscathed.

The hideout was three stories tall and stretched longer towards the next stretch of the forest than into the sky. Hiding below the first window I reached, I saw 11-12 additional windows further into the distance. So, I began to investigate the current window I was at to see if I could sneak into the building.

The first window was locked tight. I wanted to avoid damaging the windows and alerting the bandits of my presence, so I moved on to the next window.

Unfortunately, the next three were also locked. And yet, whenever I took a peek inside, there were no signs of life or any silhouettes indicating someone might've been hiding in ambush. I was somewhat relieved to be this lucky so far, but I started to feel disturbed by the immense quiet.

When I reached the fifth window, I was able to open it up and finally entered the hideout. The room I was currently in was dark, but the moonlight filtered into the room, so I was able to make my way to the door.

I carefully exited the room, and torches dimly lit the corridor going in two different directions. There was a small alcove a little way from the room, so I tiptoed to that location and hid in the shadows.

I waited in that spot for another ten minutes. Confirming that no one was around, I stealthily made my way to various other alcoves in the hallway.

Eventually, I turned right at the corner and approached the door to the hideout's entrance. I tiptoed my way to the other end of the hall and turned another corner.

Even though I made significant progress so far, a single thought nagged me. What is going on here? The bandits kidnapped Cathy, and I assumed they brought her back here. It'd make sense to have some people around to keep watch over her… or actually, to keep her company and force themselves on her…

No! I have to believe Cathy is still unharmed… But is she really here? Did I made a huge mistake coming here looking for her when I don't have any proof the bandits even stopped by…?

As I began to fear for the worst, a very faint sound caught my attention. I was unable to discern the source, but it seemed to emanate from downstairs in some basement level.

I noticed a hallway crossing through the middle of the floor, so I turned down that path. As I reached the center, there was a spiral staircase going down to my left. And I knew I had gone in the right direction, as the sound became louder from the top of the stairs.

After confirming that I was in no danger of an ambush, I slowly walked down the stairs, keeping echoes from my boots to a minimum. At the bottom was a room with five doors. Each one looked exactly the same and had the same type of lock.

During the entire time I was in this room so far, the sound I'd been sensing had been inaudible. I knew one of the spaces contained the sound's source, but I didn't want to take any chances and try all five doors.

There's no telling what's behind any of them. If I try the wrong one first…

As my brain struggled further for a solution, I heard a reasonably audible muffle coming from the second door from the right. I stepped up and placed my ear directly on the door. After another minute, I heard that same muffle twice more.

Resolved now to take my chances, I turned the knob and opened the door. Inside, the room was dimly lit, just like the hallways. And I felt an enormous weight lifted off my shoulders, as I saw Cathy, gagged and wrists and ankles bound, arms behind her back, in a jail cell.

Although Cathy was in a precarious position, it was apparent how relieved she was seeing me here coming to her rescue. And it looks she hasn't been harmed at all, thank goodness!

I quickly closed and bolted the door and approached the cell. Unlike the entrance to the room, though, the jail cell was still locked.

Realizing I didn't have any items needed to pick a lock on me, I scanned the room to see if the bandits might've left something useful lying around. Fortunately, I noticed a couple of tools appropriate for the task on the floor next to the sole table in the room.

I returned to the jail cell door and began picking the lock. I was surprised at how calm I was at this moment, partly because Cathy had remained silent while I figured out how to free her.

It took three attempts, but I was able to penetrate the lock and enter the cell. As I kneeled down and removed the wrap around Cathy's mouth, she whispered my name. "Haru…"

I went to untie the ropes on Cathy's wrists and ankles. She immediately embraced me after she was freed. "Oh, Haru! Thank you so much! I was so scared, but I just knew you'd come for me! Thank you!"

I could hear Cathy crying as she spoke, and her gratitude warmed my heart to no end. I felt so happy to be reunited with her, and I returned her embrace just as fondly.

As Cathy pulled slightly away from me, she gazed intently into my eyes.

Huh? What am I feeling right now? Her eyes are so beautiful… she looks so vulnerable, yet so adorable… and her lips… are they inviting me in right now? Cathy… But wait a minute! We shouldn't do this right in the middle of enemy territory…

Realizing the gravity of the situation we were in, I stood up and helped Cathy to her feet. "We should escape from here first and get back to town. Are you able to still walk?"

"Yes, Haru… I'll be fine. And you're here now, so I know you'll protect me."

With that assurance in mind, I led Cathy back to the entrance of the room. Cathy tugged on my sleeve before I opened the door and asked, "Are your bags and the carriage still back in town?"

"Yeah. My bags are still in the room, and the carriage is still with the driver at the inn. I borrowed a horse from the constable, so once we reach Ruby, we'll ride back into town together."

"Ruby, huh?" Cathy giggled innocently. "You attract all the finest ladies, don't you?!"

"Ha, ha!" I playfully rolled my eyes at Cathy. "I guess Ruby has her own desirable charms as a female horse…"

Cathy giggled again, and I was unable to stop smiling. Cathy… am I now starting to think we could be more than just…

Before I finished that train of thought, the reality of our situation hit me once again, and I motioned for Cathy to prepare to leave the room. Fortunately, she took the hint correctly and regained her composure.

We left the room and headed up the staircase back to the first floor. After we walked back to the main hallway, we turned right and began to head back to the room where I had entered the hideout.

Before we could proceed further down the hallway, I heard several sounds coming from the direction of the entrance. Shouts, laughter, loud cries, neighing from wolves… I feared for the worst at that moment, as it was apparent the bandits had returned.

Escaping through the front was now impossible, and leaving through a window in any of the side rooms proved futile. At this point, the bandits needed no time to surround the building.

I wracked my brain for a solution, but Cathy quickly tugged on my sleeve again. "Umm… when the bandits brought me here, I heard some shouting from the back of the building… I haven't heard any sounds coming from there since we got upstairs… so maybe we should take our chances and escape out back?"

Having no other options left, I nodded in agreement with Cathy's suggestion. "It's the only choice we have, so let's go for it!"

Setting aside all decorum, I began running towards the back of the hideout. I felt reassured to hear Cathy's footsteps keeping up with me from behind.

I saw a door shortly after turning left at the corner. I used all my strength to kick down the door, ignoring the lock. I was about to step outside when loud neighing from a pack of wolves erupted through the air.

I saw Cathy freeze up in horror, as I heard one of the bandits screaming from the other side of the building. "Where is that damn girl? Find her! Now!"

As much as I wanted to release Cathy from her delirium, we had no time to remain standing. Throwing all reservations aside, I took hold of Cathy's hand and began running away from the building and into the forest.

We zigzagged around tree after tree and jumped over countless branches. I felt proud of Cathy as we ran, knowing she regained her senses and stayed in sync with my movements.

While we continued to run, I noticed Cathy still held onto my hand, but with a very tender squeeze. I couldn't help but return the sentiment with the same level of warmth.

Cathy, when we get out of this, maybe I'll tell you how I really feel about you…

I eventually noticed some moonlight breaking through the trees, so I guided Cathy in that direction. We then finally left the forest and continued forward, running up a grassy incline.

Unfortunately, I felt all hope knocked out of me when I suddenly stopped close to the edge of a cliff. I was able to stop Cathy in time as well.

Looking down, the drop was quite steep, and the river currents below were very aggressive. I was unsure if I could survive such a fall, but I knew Cathy wouldn't.

There was no doubt in my mind: Even at the cost of my own life, I had to make sure Cathy would survive through this. I wracked my brain for a plan as quickly as possible, but every idea I came up with was no good.

The bandits and wolves are closing in… With every plan coming to mind, I can find a way to survive even if I have to jump off this cliff… But it'll be impossible to keep Cathy safe from such a fall… I can't think of a way to save us both!!!

At all costs, I had to keep Cathy alive… So only one plan came to my mind, even if it meant…

While Cathy still faced the edge of the cliff, I turned towards the forest and said, "…Cathy… I'm going to use my best archer skill over and over to distract the bandits and wolves… I'll keep at it until they're forced to just focus on me…. When that happens, you run back into the forest and keep heading right… Just make sure to return to town…"

"But, Haru…!"

"Don't worry about me! I'll find my own way back… And I promise I'll return to you!"

Cathy didn't argue back this time, so I steeled myself for the upcoming fight.

But suddenly, Cathy grabbed my face with her hands and turned my head slightly around. Before any words came out of my mouth, Cathy kissed me passionately on the lips.

I was unaware of how much time passed at that moment. All I could think of were how Cathy cared for me and how I cared for her too. I had thought I could wait to process my feelings about Cathy after we were safe back in town.

But, as we continued to share that kiss, I felt overjoyed that all pretenses were gone now, and a new confidence was building up inside me.

Though the moment seemed like it could last forever, Cathy eventually released me. We then stared at each other for another seemingly unending instant. Cathy placed her fingers on her lips, seeming to treasure the affection she just shared with me.

I was on the verge of returning the sentiment when the cries of the bandits exploded into my ears and brought my focus back to the forest.

The bandits and wolves were slowly coming out of the trees, taking their time to attack their prey. I began to approach the group and nocked my bow when I was some distance away from Cathy.

As I about to launch the first arrow…

My back was hit by a tremendous force… no, even that was an understatement… the strength I felt was the strongest I'd ever experienced…

My body was going into shock… I knew from the bolts flashing through me that I was hit by an immensely potent lightning spell…

As my mind started to shut down, I still had enough sense to muster one thought… the spell had come from behind me… no, please let it not be true… it can't be… it just can't be… Cathy…

As long as that kiss had been… it felt like an eternity how long the lightning kept scorching through my body…

Somehow, the spell finally ended… All I felt next were my knees on the ground and my right hand acting as a crutch keeping me from tasting the grass…

Cathy must've walked right next to me, as I felt some hands searching for something in my armor… I heard a jingle of coins, so even in my current stupor, I could tell she was stealing my money…

I knew she touched something else… but it felt as if she decided to let me keep whatever she had found…

I also felt Cathy searching through more pockets in my armor… but as my mind continued to shut down, I didn't know if she stole anything else from me…

Once I sensed Cathy was finished with her search, I tried to focus my eyes solely on her… She made no reservations to grab my bow and then walked towards the forest…

When Cathy approached the bandits and wolves, the bandits remained where they were… and the wolves began to crouch, as in reverence to her… She then petted one of the wolves affectionately…

No… I thought… I thought… Cathy, but why?… why Cathy?... Cathy!!!

As my eyes remained glued to Cathy, I was still able to hear her speak directly to me. "Thank you for all your help, Haru…"

What I felt next with an enormous tornado lifting my body into the air… I had no idea which way I was going, Cathy's spell spinning me in all directions…

All I could sense was hitting the river and being swept away by the fierce currents…My body… unable to move… My mind… shutting down… Everything… fading away…




Haru rescues Cathy! Hope you enjoy how it turns out!

Also, I will starting a new arc of the story, so there won't be a new chapter tomorrow. I'll be using tomorrow to write the outline for the next arc.

But be ready for the next arc the following day!

TosataFujinamicreators' thoughts