
More than a Nanny (MoNa)

Dorbi is a beautiful 22 year old orphan who works at a restaurant to take care of her seven year old brother as her only priority, cassper on the other hand is a multi millionaire businessman and a widower who vowed not to fall for any woman but rather focus on his business and daughter "Isabella". what happens when Bella falls in love with Dorbi and wants her for her dad??? find out in this intriguing story.

Daoist014wOI · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

chapter 10

Cassper's POV


Mom is really very hilarious at times but this??

It is totally unbelievable.

How can she say such to Dorbi??

"I can't believe that finally, someone won my son's heart. Dear you are so beautiful and charming, you are an angel sent from above. Don't worry I will bless your marriage no matter what" she blabbed and I couldn't help but laugh as Dorbi gave me a tell her she is wrong look.

Well I can't tell her now, I really don't want to spoil her happiness. She is my world and I can't joke with her happiness.

I wonder why Dorbi always bring a smile on my family's faces.

Too bad she wants to leave.

I shouldn't let that happen right? I need to find a way to make her stay and keep this priceless smiles on my family's faces.

"Don't mind my manners dear, I waited to long for you, come let me introduce you to your father in law" she said dragging the confused Dorbi to my dad.

"Won't anyone pay attention to me and the kids? I asked getting a bit jealous.

I'm the last born in the house and I am always pampered, I can be childish when I'm with my parents.

It's really vexing seeing Dorbi steal their attention.

I turned and didn't see Bella and Seth, maybe they are already inside.

"Come here boy" mom said walking back to me while dad held Dorbi's hands and walked her into the house.

"Hey stop staring ok? He's your dad" my mom said tapping me and that was when I realized that I was staring at dad and Dorbi.

"You must be really possessive with this beauty huh? She joked as we entered the house and I chuckled.

We entered the house and asked the guards to take my things to my room and take Dorbi's own to the guest room.

"Are you kidding me son? You and your fiancee staying in different room??" Mom asked and I hope she's not going to try something silly.

" Mark take their bags to cassper's room, they will be staying in the same room" saying that, she left and I don't know what to do next.

Dorbi's POV

I stood like an electrified person and watched as Mr rude's mom walked out.

"Follow me" Mr rude said and walked towards the stairs and I followed him

We entered a very big room and I couldn't keep quiet anymore.

"You need to talk to your parents there is a misunderstanding somewhere" I said.

"You will have to play along" he spat out.

"You are joking right? I asked

"Do I look like a joker to you miss Dorbi? He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"How will you think of lying to them sir, you know I'm not your speck so I can't play this" I said with finality.

" You should know the repercussions of your actions" he said to me.

"How can you think of lying to your own family huh? Don't you think it's not good?

I'm online here as a nanny for as long as Bella want me to" I said

"And that's what you will be but in front of my parents, you act the opposite" he said looking me in the eyes.

"Don't you think of how they will feel when they get to know it? I asked hoping to change his mind.

"Let the future decide that" he said and walked to the wardrobe.

"First you forced me to stay as a nanny and now you want to force me to take being you girlfriend" I lamented

"That's because you are stealing everything away from me, my daughter loves you and is ready to leave me for you and now, my parents are doing same" he said looking a bit hurt.

"Then let me go" I urged

"No I won't, you'll be here and that is final" with that he walked out of the room.

I stood not knowing what to do.

After a while, I laid down on the bed just thinking of how to get myself out of this mess.

Diva looks dangerous and I don't want to get into her bad books.

Mr rude won't just understand that staying here may cause me my life.

Cassper's POV

I walked out of the door and headed to the study, I need to calm my head.

Dorbi's just stealing everything away from me.

First my daughter, then my parents and now...

My heart...

Dorbi, you are gradually making me loose my mind.

No woman should be on my head except for Notch but this lady is just getting into my head.


I can't let that happen.

I have to fight this feelings because my heart belongs only to Notch....

I entered the study with a bottle of wine and sat down.

I dipped the wine and closed my eyes as memories of how she took care of me came back.

Oh God!!!

I need to visit notch and talk to her.

Dorbi's POV

I was woken by the knock on the door.

"Come in" I said sitting up and waiting for the person to come in.

"MoNa? Bella's tiny voice called.

"My baby " I said opening my arms and she ran into it.

We hugged for some minutes before I noticed Seth was also there.

" Little Man" I said jokingly and embraced him.

"MoNa Bella took me to the music room and it was really big and beautiful with lots of instrument" he said and I smiled.

"You are really enjoying yourself huh? I asked and he nodded in approval.

" Dinner is ready so we were sent to call you and Daddy downstairs" Bella told me.

"Ok let me shower and I'll be there in a few minutes" I said standing up.

"We'll select your clothes" Bella said and I shrugged and walked into the bathroom.

It is actually bigger than the living room in my apartment.

After taking my shower, I came out and saw the clothes the kids selected for me.

I got dressed and walked down for dinner.

As I entered, everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me in awe.

I was surprised and checked my clothes to see if something was wrong but there was non.

I couldn't move and stood there like a statue.

Mr rude stood up and walked towards me looking angry.

As he got close I shifted backwards.