
Are you ever happy

When I turned to see who it was, it turned out to be Lady Latroid.

"What are you doing here"?

"Oh well..."

She said and sat on the other side of the bed.

"I was missing you".

It sounded quite funny to hear her say something like that. I was very sure our relationship wasn't so nice that we had to miss each other.

"You can just tell me the real reason now".

I said and sipped a little water.

We had our backs to each other and couldn't see ourselves at all. She said nothing and remained silent and so did I.

After a few minutes, she finally decided to speak.

"Cleo, you are a lot stronger than you think".

I still didn't look at her but she came over to where I was sitting and squatted in front of me.

"What are you doing"?

"Kanzoki will visit again tomorrow. I believe it would be best if you just stayed at home with your helper".

"Why do you keep calling her that? And why would Kanzoki come here"?


She sighed and continued.