
We heal fast

I looked at him and so did Summer and the only thing I could think of was.

'What exactly is wrong with this creatures'?

But then, it was as though I didn't have control over my body anymore. I started feeling pains around my back as if it was expanding.

Cleo's bones began to crack and her entire body was getting scaled up her nails were elongating and her eyes were completely red. Summer was so scared she began moving back. She felt her boss was really listening to the strange man and was ready to kill her.

Kanzoki leaned against the wall with his hands in his pocket watching as Cleo was transforming.

"Uhh...make it stop!!!"

Cleo screamed as the pain was too much for her to take.

"Kill the human and it will stop".

Kanzoki said and by this time, Cleo was almost fully transformed into a creature with no hair, green scales, sharp nails, sharp teeth, and a tail so long it looked like it could wipe someone out from a distance.