
moonlit city

when the world you live in is perfect and you are not that is the life for a 16 year old girl named AnnaBeth. AnnaBeth is what the people of moonlit city would call a different kind of girl. which means not what they see as perfect. but all that changed when she figures out the dark truth about the queen and king. her life will change forever. what happens in moonlit city.

Gracie_Clark_6860 · Sports, voyage et activités
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Meeting the caption guard.

Stop in the name of the king! Oh crap thought AnnaBeth now she is definitely going to be late. The caption guard got off his horse did you know how fast you were going. Um the speed limit said AnnaBeth smiling. Yeah no he said. The official moonlit city rule book saids that moonlit people don't speed. He took off is sunglasses. Wow he's hot though AnnaBeth. Um whats your name said AnnaBeth I don't think that is important. Said the captain Gard. Oh I was wondering whats the name of the guard who is going to report me disclaimed AnnaBeth. Well if you need to know my name is Wyatt Parker but you can call me Captain Parker. Oh can I call you caption parky? Said AnnaBeth as she batted her eyes at him with a cheeky smile. You think you are so clever. But no. Said captain Parker. How about I get your name to see if you are on the list. What list? Said AnnaBeth. The king and queen noticed that they haven't been on task on the rules they want us to make sure there are no non belongers. Said Parker. What shotted AnnaBeth what do you mean by non belongers Well the king got a spy to see if the people of moonlit were really following the rules and the answer he got was not what he wanted. He made the spy get all the names of the people that are not following the rules. Then this morning the list was on my desk. So what is your name? Asked captain Parker.