
moonlit city

when the world you live in is perfect and you are not that is the life for a 16 year old girl named AnnaBeth. AnnaBeth is what the people of moonlit city would call a different kind of girl. which means not what they see as perfect. but all that changed when she figures out the dark truth about the queen and king. her life will change forever. what happens in moonlit city.

Gracie_Clark_6860 · Teen
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3 Chs

moonlit citys rules

In the beautiful town of moonlit city everything has to be perfect.your hair and your clothes have to be perfect. Your speech had to be perfect. And you can't ever speak your mind. Especially not in public. Those were some of the rules, but the most important rule was you can not make a mistake. The rulers of the city was king Richard and his wife Queen Athena. And everyone lived happily . Most of the people were happy. Most of the people we're perfect. But there was one peculiar girl, that was not. Her name is AnnaBeth. Annabeth lived in a small apartment, her parents were bakers. And they have a tiny bakery. Now AnnaBeth was very clumsy she was not good at being perfect. AnnaBeth please come here said her mother. Comming mother. AnnaBeth came running down the stairs when she'd slipped on some flower and came tumbling down the stairs. AnnaBeth are you ok asked her mother yeah she said as she tried to get back on her feet. I am sorry AnnaBeth your father was putting all the extra flower up in the addict. There must have been a hole in one of the bags. It's ok what do you need me for? Oh yes I need you to make some deliveries for me, I'm so busy with the king and queens thirtieth anniversary that I just can't do these deliveries said AnnaBeth's mother. It's ok I can do it. Oh Thank you AnnaBeth then her mother gave her a hug. Your welcome she said. AnnaBeth started to grab all of the boxes of pastries up on her bike. Now I remember Annabeth, please be careful, don't fall off your bike if you hear something don't barge right in and give your opinion like last time AnnaBeth's mother gives her the look. I know I know as AnnaBeth gets on her bike. Here are the addresses, please come back around 5 o'clock, your father and I are going to need your help delivering the huge cake for the ceremony tonight don't be late. That was another strict rule that the people of moonlit city had They hated people to be late, even if it's a minutes late that was considered very rude. One time Annabeth was late for school project, and the kids did not let her do the project because she was late. AnnaBeth hello? Oh sorry mom said AnnaBeth as she shake her head. AnnaBeth don't zone out in front of public. Yet again, another rule. Oh why do we have to be perfect said AnnaBeth annoyed. Because that is just how the world works said AnnaBeth's mother. Now go you are going to be late! Oh right! AnnaBeth speeds through the crowd. Why is everybody looking at me she wondered. Oh right. She forgot one of the rules moonlit people don't speed. She started to slow down when she heard the sound of the royal guards horn. Oh no she thought she was going to get reported. Stop in the name of the king!