[Legion's POV]
Holding onto her husband's body, all Legion can do is watch the profound sadness etched on Morgan's face. His body stiffens as he takes in the sight of Noctis, her body relaxing, her posture dropping before she turns her full body to the scene.
"Jaxon…" Morgan's voice still rings out, a desperate plea. "Jaxon!" She shouts again. "Legion!" Her gaze flips to them, tears streaming down her face as she turns to Noctis. "Noctis! Do something! Bring him back!"
Faint dark red lines begin creeping up the corners of her face.
All energy immediately drains from Noctis's body. She drops to her knees and hands, coughing and wailing, as the weight of her decisions and actions finally bears down on her. It wasn't the monster, it wasn't Legion—Noctis did this.
This… wasn't the plan. I didn't want anyone to die. But I guess I wanted too much. I knew well that war always comes with death.