
Monster Life in a S+ Ranked World

Towers, Dungeons, and Rifts have appeared in the world! Except there’s a twist... everyone’s S rank in power!

Godly_UwU · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

Because there’s nothing to do, I’m Upgrading my Items!

I laid on a mattress on the floor of Anna's room and groaned. "Ahhhhhhg there's nothing to do!". I stretched my arms while I yawned. Anna, sitting on her her comfortable looking bed, looked down down with annoyance. "Can you shut up already? Do something else than lay there like a bum if you're bored!". She continued scrolling through her system, chatting to friends on it while watching videos of a handsome man singing. I frowned and activated {Diverse Language Level 3}. "Korean...?" Her attention instantly snapped to my face as I flinch. "Do you understand it!?"

"Of course, I can" Anna and her group of friends grew quiet. Her friends made a request. Anna's eyes widened and agreed, as she beckoned me forward.

"What do you want?"

"Can you translate it for us?"

"No thanks."

"Come on, please?

She suddenly jumped down from her bed and hugged my arm. "Pleeeease?"

Jesus Christ. She went from rude to a beggar within a minute.

I sighed. "Fine fine, I do it."

As she and her friends shouted with joy, I sat down for another good hour translating songs by good looking multicolored hair boys. I'll save down their looks for later.

A few hours later, Anna's friends left the chat while she fell asleep on my arms. I was enjoying the moment until I realized she was drooling on my arm. I grabbed her and tucked her in bed. I shouldn't wake her. It was still the afternoon, after all.

I went to the living room. Ami and Jack were busy at work while Naomi was out on his part time job. There'll be no one here to see it. I opened my system message about my reward last night. I still couldn't believe the rewards. 「520 Points」wasn't half bad, but the second message really shines.

「Because you defeated them, you gained their possessions! 832 Points, 3 High Tier Demon Orbs, 1 High Tier Holy Orb and a Random Tier Hidden Magic Artifact!」

I don't know how they got their hands on Demon Orbs, but Holy Orbs are another story. They are rare to no boundaries, especially the fact that they are completely unavailable in the system and are only found on the highest levels of Towers. A Random Hidden Magic Artifact looks like a dark black sphere that's looks like nothing special. It might be good, but that's completely based on my luck.

But here's the thing. You can only buy up to S+ Artifact and you can only find up to SS tier on the lowest floors on dungeons.

Random Tier Hidden Magic Artifacts however, can get you up to a SSS+ rank, however the chances of that is lower than 0.00001. Random Tier Artifacts are rarer to find than SS artifacts, but it would most likely give you a F- Rank Artifact anyways. There is a way to 「Bless」them, however. Because I am a demon, and I don't have the resources to corrupt the Holy Orb and make it my own power, I'll just have to use the Holy Orb to bless the Artifact instead.

I combined the two contrasting orbs together as a blinding light blanketed the orbs. What came out was the exact same dark orb from before, but a light could be seen through the dark orb now. Now, it should be at least S+. The chances for a SSS+ ranked items should be much higher. Let's try my luck.

I crushed the dark orb on my hand, as it's shards forms on my hand. Something that seems like a dagger slowly forms on my hand.

My eyes shine as I see a weapon fit for a king appeared on my hand. But, at the last second, it switched to something that looks like a cookie cutter, except for the fact it was detailed perfectly for a beautiful knife.

God... damn it. I got unlucky. I got a recipe, not a actual weapon. I slapped my face as I try to cheer myself up. If it's a recipe then surely it must be good right?

I viewed the items needed to craft it. Three demon orbs of any rank, a titanium dagger of any size, and 5000 points. That's.... all my damn items right now. I would only have my clothes and a few pennies left after this you jerk! I sighed. I was planning to use the demon orbs to power up, but it seems like I'll have to find another way. I place all the items on top of the cookie cutter, as a even more blinding light from before lit up the room.

I grabbed the dagger in front of me. It couldn't be... even a SS+ ranked artifact wouldn't glow this brightly! Did I really get a SSS rank!? I glanced at the beautiful dagger on my hand. 「Congratulations! You've crafted ...」I looked on eagerly.

Yes. Yes. YES. This might be it!

「Adaptive Dagger F- Rank」 it was as if satan himself took me over. I threw the knife out the open window and yelled "God damn it!". Suddenly, thunder ranged loudly from the dagger, as the dagger increased in speed and scattered a large cloud like a bolt of lightning. I stood there dumbfounded.

"Come... back?" I said confusingly. Like a strike of lightning, it flashed straight into my hand. I checked the rank again. It was still F- rank. I stared at it confusingly. Well, I guess I have time to test it out.

I got a actual book cover now :D. But sadly it doesn’t look like I can win the contest this time... but I can still try! Give me your PowerSto- I mean power!

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