

Long ago on a mysterious land called Hanthor a peaceful kingdom lived. Wizards, Dark witches, and all sort of magical beings lived in harmony. The Kingdom is divided into thirteen regions and is Ruled by a powerful Mage King named Gzellie with his Queen Ashnea. Hanthor was kept peaceful for centuries by a powerful orb, it is located in the Kingdom's heart a place called Juno where the King and Queen reigns. It is said that the Orb is created by the thirteen most powerful mages in Hanthor during the 1st mage war that happened thousands of years ago.

On the seventh day of the seventh blood moon, was the birth of a baby girl named Lunox, King Gzellie and ashnea's first child. Before lunox was born her mother Ashnea went through a series of pain. During her labor Ashnea was surrounded by group of magis a group of female magicians who aids in the birth exclusively for the royal family. Ashnea almost gave up on her labor because of the extreme pain she feels, she turned pale, weak and was barely gasping her breath. Mohica the head of all magis gave the King a choice since Ashnea was struggling giving birth, a choice between life and death. To choose between Ashnea or the Child's life. The king can not choose, Ashnea told King Gzellie to save the the Child over her. Gzellie was tormented he was on the verge of taking his life himself because of the decision he has to make. The tension inside the room made the king very sad and he decided to go outside. While the king was sitting on a bench outside the room a sudden explosion of magical

dust appeared on his left. as the dust clears a vague image of a short man appears... it was Harley the ruler of lighthalzen located at the eastern part of Hanthor ! Gzelli's friend when they were young. Gzellie was surprised with Harley's sudden appearance. Right away Gzelli knew that Harley had something good to say since Harley was known for foretelling things and having premonitions that are always good. Harley knew what was happening inside the room and told Gzellie that he has a choice. In order for Gzellie to save the life of his Queen and the unborn child . He has to get a shard of the magical Orb and dissolve it in a tonic called elixir and give it to the Queen.

Gzellie stood and with a flick of his finger he vanished and teleported to the Cleris the most sacred place located in the heart of Juno. As he enters the place, Gzellie could hear the magical voices of bird-like creatures surrounding the magical orb while singing. Cleris is simply a majestic dome-shaped place made of crystals, it is surrounded by small magical creatures flying around leaving magical dusts wherever they go. A strange light coming from the center of Cleris appeared, it is the Orb. Gzellie ran to the orb and with his magic he held his hand high and the magical orb was lifted he swung his hand backwards and got a shard from the orb. Gzellie knows the consequences once he interupts the Orb's powers but he did it anyway. With a flick of his Finger he teleported back to the castle, he asked one of the magis to bring the tonic. The magi got the tonic and gave it to Gzellie, in his pocket he picked the shard covered with cloth that was shining so bright and placed it in the bottle of tonic. Harley told Gzellie to give it to Ashnea immediately and that is what he did. Ashnea drank the solution and right away a bright light appeared in her belly as the bright light appears on the left side of her belly a dark light appeared on the right, the pain she felt was gone and she felt so much energy inside her. for once she shouted, and a baby crying was heard inside the room it was Lunox.

Unlike any magicians in Hanthor Lunox is the only one who had wings where one side is white and the other is dark, everyone else had a white wings but not every magician had wings.