
Mixed Lover's

(ONLY UPDATES ON SUMMER MONTHS) There are some little Halloween/Christmas/Thanksgiving/Valentine's MINI bonus chapters, stay tuned in for those! This Story is based on a Role-Play that me and two of my friends are doing on discord. Here is the Overview -> It is purely based on Non-Fiction, meaning Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Unicorns Etc. There are 3 characters in this story alone. The main characters are Zu Mao, Clem Woodson, and Jayden Lepton. Two from American, one from Japan, Two supernatural creatures, and one human. None of them figure out who the supernatural creatures are until chapter 5 or 6, so it will be a long wait. I hope you enjoy this as it grows! A new character has made their way into the story, stay tuned and wait for chapter 6! (STORY WILL BE UP AND RUNNING WHEN SCHOOL ENDS)

CrispApple2019 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Another one?

(WARNING: This chapter may be cringy!)

As Clem would walk home to his house, not far off from Zu's, he would run into his friend from school.

???- Hey Clem, whats up?

Clem Woodson- Oh, hey Jay!

Jay and Clem would both feel awkward for bumping into each other at the late of night.

Jayden Lepton- So um, why are you out at this time?

Clem Woodson- Oh, I met someone on the way home.

Jayden Lepton- Oh? Were they hot?

Jay smirked at Clem

Clem Woodson- I couldn't see they very clearly, so maybe?

Jayden Lepton- Fair point, it is dark.

Clem Woodson- Yea, very.

Jayden Woodson- Speaking of which, shouldn't you be going home? You're gonna be tired tomorrow if you don't.

Clem Woodson- You know I don't sleep much.

Jayden Lepton- Right, Night owl. Sometimes, I think your a vampire.

Jay snickered

Clem Woodson- I might be one, but you never know who is.

Jayden Lepton- Spooky, maybe I a werewolf, you'd never know.

Clem Woodson- I can see you being a werewolf, you look the part.

Jayden Lepton- Thanks, I take pride in my precious locks.

Jay showed off his hair not being seem in the dark.

Zu would wake up from the commotion outside and open his window, the bedroom light on.

Zu Mao- Why are you still up clem? I thought you were going home.

Clem Woodson- Oh, I'm just talking with a friend of mine.

Jay would turn to the voice

Jayden Lepton- Is that the mysterious stranger?

Zu would notice the person and duck their head down.

Jayden Lepton- Ah, I scared him.

Zu Mao- Uh, new neighbor sir.

Jayden Lepton- Thought so, people aren't usually up this late unless their new or lost. Apart from you, Clem.

Clem Woodson- Yeah.

Zu would snicker

Jayden Lepton- So, Stranger, what's your name?

Zu Mao- I don't know you sir, ask Clem.

Jayden Lepton- Psh, I'm Jayden, now you know me?

Clem Woodson- That's Zu.

Jayden Lepton- Oh cool, Zu. . .Foreign name?

Jay whispered to Clem.

Clem Woodson- Maybe.

Zu Mao- That is correct, I moved here from Japan.

Jayden Lepton- Oh, that's cool, I wanna go there someday. You must have some insane jetlag.

Zu Mao- What is jetlag?

Jayden Lepton- Uhhh, Changes in Timezones...

Zu Mao- Ah, the plants over there must be blooming by now, and its usually day over there, so I can't sleep right now.

Jayden Lepton- That's jetlag, sucks.

Clem Woodson- Hmmmmm.

Jayden Lepton- You good Clem?

Clem Woodson- yeah, just thinking about something. . .

Jayden lepton- Whatcha thinking about?

Clem Woodson- Oh, it's nothing.

Jayden Lepton- Suuure.

Clwm Woodson- Fine, I was thinking about my old place.

Jayden Lepton- Oh, why that at this time?

Clem Woodson- I don't know.

Jayden Lepton- Fair, most times I don't even know what Im doing.

Clem Woodson- Yeah, that's true.

Jayden Lepton- Anyways, what are we doing?

Clem Woodson- Talking I think.

Jayden Lepton- Ah, right.

Clem Woodson- So, how have you been Jay?

Jayden lepton- Eh, not bad, but school's draining me, but that's life.

Clem Woodson- That's good to hear.

Jayden Lepton- You?

Clem Woodson- Oh, I have been stressed for the past few weeks.

Jayden Lepton- Oof, this is why I keep telling you to stop pulling all nighters and sleep for once. What's bothering you this time.

Clem Woodson- Oh, just some things going on with my family.

Jayden Lepton- Ah, well you know you can always crash at my place of things go out of hand.

Clem Woodson- Okay, thanks Jay.

Jayden Lepton- Anytime, I'm gonna be heading to bed, It's pretty late. You should be doing the same.

Clem Woodson- Alright Bye.

They both walked off in their houses direction.