

They are all dressed up and know who they are. Angry at everyone, he swallowed the princess and the lady-in-waiting! We went to buy ice cream and met you!' Mr. Gun suddenly saw everything. He was full of fear and dread. He thought of everything and told the Chief Inspector! How did it feel to get out of there? Burying her face in her palm, Mayri groaned, forgetting she was still there. Fatty felt very uncomfortable. He didn't like Guna at all, but he didn't want to put him in such a humiliating situation. he said again. "Mr Gun, it was a foolish mistake and certainly a shame for Prince Bongawa to go and disappear after we pretended to be Betswash's sister. I told that to the inspector general. He was just as angry as you. But he will see that. It was pure coincidence, just an unfortunate coincidence. We are all very sorry."

Mr. Gun moaned again. "Here's a golf umbrella!" I told him it was a national umbrella. He thinks I'm crazy. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. Here I am fighting as hard as I can and knocking on the apple cart whenever you come. You will be my lover!' "I'm sorry, Mr. Gunn," Maily said. "Look here. Let's work."

together this time. I will try to make up for this stupid plan. Let's solve this mystery together. Come and do sports!'

"If the prosecutor himself said it, I wouldn't work with you!" Gon sat down and said. "Once on the road, always on the road!" And what does it mean to work with you? I tell you! Fake sign right under my nose! I run at night to find the missing! Catch the wrong people when they are the right ones! Ho means to work with you!

"good." said Fatty, annoyed by the frequent calls. - Then don't work with me. But if I could give you any information, I would give it to upset your basket of apples.

"Father!" Gon said as he left. "I think I'm hearing all the information from you!" Think again, Master Frederick Trotville. And stay away from here. If I don't take responsibility and solve this mystery, my name is not Ophilus Gun!'

ALL the little "Portrait"

Gunn went to call the manager. He was very sad and depressed. Why did he believe everything Mai said and did? Why is the State Umbrella nothing more than a golf umbrella? What happened to the child who was always sad? "I would never believe what he said." Goon thought as he hung up. "Never in this world!" He is like a snake in the grass! He is a man without holes. No, it's acidic. Talk about working with him! what a sauce! what a girl! What the..."

"Can you give me your number?" The voice of the stock market spoke for the third time. The guns gathered and gave the number to the inspector. "Free your tongue," he continued. "What do you mean? Let's do it - abbledy, abbledy, abbledy..."

'What are you talking about?' When a surprised voice came from the other side, Gun jumped up. "Um, can I speak to Inspector Jenks?" he asked. The inspector and Mr. Goon's conversation was short and Mr. Goon was much more pleased than he expected. Inspector Jenks was obviously angry with Fatty and a little cynical about fake princesses and especially those who believed in government shadows, but he said a lot less than the Goon feared. - Okay, gun. finished speaking "Lord, do your best and do wise things. It's in your neighborhood. Interview the boys in the camp and use your brain to get results! - Yes, professor. Gon said. "And this boy, Frederick Trotteville, sir."


But the leader fled, and the soldiers looked at the silent receiver with anger. He wanted to make a well-chosen comment on Fatty's shocking trick, but it was too late. Fathi told others the results of her calls to the inspector general and the results of her interview with Gun. Beth felt sorry for Goon. He didn't like her any more than everyone else, but he still thought he didn't get a good deal this time. And it was his fault for imagining himself as happy as Princess Bongawi!

"I'm actually trying to help him this time," he said. "We offer everything we can find."

"They probably won't believe them," said Fatty. "But we can put everything through Em. He believed in M.

Em was still there. He was terrified. "Here—don't tell your uncle what to give him," she protested. "I don't want any relationship with him. He doesn't like me and I don't like him either.

"Well, M, that would help him." Betts said seriously. "Actually, it's the most disgusting thing, especially the part called 'frog face' in broken English!"

He laughed out loud. - God, I forgot. It's good to do that, little Betts! If you call me a frog, I'll call you right away!"

"It was really tough for me," Bettis said. "I can't imagine what happened to me. Girl name

You'll give your brother everything we want, won't you?

He couldn't resist Beth. He was impressed by her. He ruffled his messy hair with his hand and looked at her helplessly. "That's great." He said. - I will do as you said. But I can't guarantee he'll believe me. And I won't go there. I tell him about the defense. You don't know what kind of personality my brother is.

- Oh, yes, yes. Fatty said, remembering the Goon's past cruelty. "We don't want to help him, but this time we want to reward him for cheating. That's all. If we can't be friends, we'll fix it."

'Say! That last one sounds like some, Em said. "We'll fix it.

If we can't be friends." Look? Sporty huh?"

"No, I just woke up, woke up, woke up." Mayly said. — By the way, you've written a lot of poetry-ah, Portry, Em- Do you still write?

"Not too much." M said sadly. "I don't think he will come. I want to start a perm, but I can't. I understand. As you can see, just the first line or two. But I have one of three options."

"Oh M-Reed!" Daisy said happily. Em's poetry has always been sad and depressing. He took it very seriously. He rummaged through his pockets and pulled out a dirty notebook with a pencil in it. He gave a thumbs up and turned the page. "Ears". he said, raising his voice solemnly. Hestruck looked up, hesitated, and began to say "Pome."

"Gardener Aporel: "Ah! my day is almost over

I have rheumatism...'"

He stopped and looked desperately at the others. "I was stuck there," he said. "I always have it." I'm just stuck - in the middle of good garbage. It took two hours and twenty-one minutes to get there. The time was set by me. And now I can't finish it."

— Yes, I can tell i wrotes good poetry. Maily said solemnly. "That's it, M."

Fatty also posed with his legs spread, hands behind his back, facing up and reading flat out non-stop.