
Mistakenly Wedded to a Billionaire Husband

"Marriage to me, and I'll give you everything you desire; refuse, and I'll ruin everything you have!" The man's lips curled into a devilish, bloodthirsty smile. The woman's mouth twitched, her composure wavering. "Damn it, Shang Xufeng, can't you propose with a little sincerity?" One day, someone gathered the courage to ask, "Young Master Feng, what happened to your face?" The man touched the teeth marks on his face, glanced at the woman beside him, and smiled contentedly, "Got bitten by a little bitch last night." The woman beside him calmly took over the conversation, "Xiao Gu, bring your little male dog over tonight." The man's expression changed instantly as he stood up and pulled the woman away. She asked, "What are you going to do?" He replied, "What else can I do except for you?" Everyone knew Shang San Shao was arrogant, ruthless, and cruel, yet he cherished his woman in the palm of his hand.

edison_hua · Urbain
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30 Chs

Chapter 25:Synthetic Photos (3)

"Feng, you declared your love for Miss Autumn Qi just a few days ago, and now she's done something like this. Aren't you angry at all?"

The slightly trembling voice of the host came through the television. When facing Shang Xufeng, it was hard for ordinary people not to be intimidated by his powerful aura.

The camera focused on Shang Xufeng. Today, he was still wearing a white shirt with black pants, the most ordinary and yet his favorite outfit.

He smiled lightly, appearing nonchalant but with sharp eyes, and picked up the photos, deliberately letting everyone see them clearly.

Of course, Qiuling Yao in front of the TV also saw it clearly. This matter had already escalated so much, and now that Shang Xufeng was intervening, there might truly be no place for her in A City.

"These photos have obviously been edited. Only people with shit for brains like you would believe them," Shang Xufeng said arrogantly.

(Someday, while doing that thing, Qiuling Yao suddenly asked Shang Xufeng: How were you so sure those photos were fake back then?

As Shang Xufeng was vigorously tilling the soil, he answered her with action and words: The woman's chest in the photos was sagging, how could her figure compare to my little Yao Yao's?)

Shang Xufeng's magnetic voice emanated from the TV speakers, still arrogant and unruly, but it stirred a slight feeling of gratitude in Qiuling Yao's heart.

It turned out that there was still someone in this world who believed in her. No, it couldn't be said that he believed in her; it could only be said that he was clear-headed.

The host could only smile awkwardly and ask the next question, "Feng, you said you came on the show today to formally propose to Miss Autumn. Why isn't she here?"

Shang Xufeng lit a cigarette and took a few puffs before answering, "She's watching on TV. If she agrees to my proposal, she'll call."

Shang Xufeng's voice was very serious, reminding Qiuling Yao of what he said when he left that night. He said his phone number was already saved in her phone and would be on standby for her 24/7.

Now, there were only two options in front of her.

One was to leave A City immediately and never come back, and the other was to accept Shang Xufeng's "proposal."

No wonder he let her go so easily that night; it turned out he had other plans all along.

"Yushan, what's going on? Isn't it time to report those photos? Why did Shang Xufeng intervene?" Seeing the plan disrupted, Lu Meizhen panicked and looked at her daughter anxiously.

Qi Yushan stared at the TV, her fake expression wavering a bit, but she took a deep breath and put on a smile again.

"Sister really has great tactics, even a man like Shang Xufeng is willing to step forward to help you."

"Flattery won't get you anywhere; you learned all these tactics from me," Qiuling Yao replied calmly.

"Mom, let's go."

"Yushan, are we just going to let this go?"

"Not let it go? Do you want to stay here and be laughed at by this woman?"

"Farewell, I won't see you off." Qiuling Yao pursed her lips and smiled. She was genuinely happy to see the mother and daughter leave in a huff.

"Sister, then we'll see how it goes." Qi Yushan's eyes held fire, but she still maintained a polite smile.

They both knew that Shang Xufeng's appearance had turned the situation around completely.