
Mistakenly Wedded to a Billionaire Husband

"Marriage to me, and I'll give you everything you desire; refuse, and I'll ruin everything you have!" The man's lips curled into a devilish, bloodthirsty smile. The woman's mouth twitched, her composure wavering. "Damn it, Shang Xufeng, can't you propose with a little sincerity?" One day, someone gathered the courage to ask, "Young Master Feng, what happened to your face?" The man touched the teeth marks on his face, glanced at the woman beside him, and smiled contentedly, "Got bitten by a little bitch last night." The woman beside him calmly took over the conversation, "Xiao Gu, bring your little male dog over tonight." The man's expression changed instantly as he stood up and pulled the woman away. She asked, "What are you going to do?" He replied, "What else can I do except for you?" Everyone knew Shang San Shao was arrogant, ruthless, and cruel, yet he cherished his woman in the palm of his hand.

edison_hua · Urbain
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30 Chs

Chapter 18: Do You Want to Register with Me? (2)

Autumn Ling didn't even finish her sentence before she felt the world spinning around her. When she came to, she was already being held tightly in the man's arms.

She panicked, "What are you trying to do?"

The man smirked devilishly and answered her question with action. He leaned down and kissed her, like a hungry beast ferociously devouring its prey.

"Mmm—!" Autumn Ling tried to push him away, but he was too forceful. Her punches landed on his body, but they had no effect.

After what felt like an eternity, so long that she thought she might suffocate from the kiss, he finally released her.

"It feels so much better than last night," his fingertips brushed against her lips. "Just one day apart, and I already miss you so much."

"You bastard!" Autumn Ling was furious, raising her hand to slap him.

"Yesterday was so good, why do you suddenly act like you don't know me after one night?" Shang Xufeng easily caught her hand and pulled her into his arms.

"Shang Xufeng, have you lost your mind?" This man was sick, absolutely sick. With so many women he had encountered, why did he have to come looking for someone as notorious as her?

"I think I have. If I hadn't lost my mind, I wouldn't be sitting here waiting for you for hours." Shang Xufeng stroked her head, his tone very gentle but his actions still dominating.

With his temperament, he would have just ordered someone to bring her back if she hadn't come. But he patiently waited for her because she was worth waiting for.

Kissing her was the reward he had been waiting for all this time.

Autumn Ling was very angry, very angry. Not only was she kissed again, but now he was holding her and touching her as if she were his pet.

She stomped her foot down hard on his instep.

She used all her strength, but he didn't even grunt in pain. His skin was probably too thick to feel anything.

His response to her was simple and direct: to embrace her again and 'gnaw' and 'bite' at her.

Calling it 'gnawing and biting' wouldn't be an exaggeration, as her face was sore from his bites.

Autumn Ling touched the bitten area and felt the indentations of his teeth.

"Shang Xufeng, you…" Autumn Ling was both angry and annoyed.

She couldn't think of words to describe this man. He acted like a lord, so arrogant. It seemed like no matter what he did, it was all so natural to him. Including hugging her and biting her!

"I haven't eaten yet, and I'm hungry now." He completely ignored her anger and casually said such a sentence.

"If you haven't eaten, why don't you go eat?" If she could, she really wanted to throw him out of the window.

"If you don't cook, what will I eat?" He treated himself as the master, completely ignoring the fact that she didn't welcome him at all.

Autumn Ling had seen shameless people before, but never one as shameless as him. This man was extremely confident, as if he expected her to cook for him.

She kept telling herself in her heart to stay calm, to stay calm, so she could talk to him properly.

"I only have dog food at home." With this statement, she believed he would understand her meaning. Either leave, or eat dog food.

Dog food!

Suddenly, Autumn Ling remembered that she hadn't seen that little guy for so long. Where had he gone?

"Where's my little ball?" The thought of Shang Xufeng possibly harming the litt