
Chapter 4

The next day....









Waaah! "O.O

"What, what?! I'm up!" I frantically said as I look around.

"Idiot. Get ready." Reiki caught my attention looking so fine.

"Eh? It's too early." I whined.

"Get on your ass. It's your fault we have to wake up this early" He said with squinted eyed on me.

"Ugh. Fine fine." I whined again as I get off of bed and went to the bathroom.

Today is the day we'll be meeting the girls.


Geez that moron. Thanks to him, I have to wake up 4:30 am cause we're meeting the girls at 7:30 am at a lounge in this hotel before heading to Incheon Football stadium.

"Hey hurry up you idiot or we'll get caught on traffic along the way!" I yelled at Jayson as I get out the room.

"Coming. Geez." He said in a whining voice and yawned.

Tch. Lazy ass.

When we reached the lounge areas, a man who looks like in his 30's or 40's greeted us by the door.

"Mr. De Borja, Mr. Tachibana." He greeted with a bow and we did the same.

"Rei, this is Mr. Park. The man I met up with last night."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." I said as I reach out my hand for a hand shake.

"Pleasure is all mine. The rumors I've heard about you really is true. You really are young." He chuckled and accepted my hand shake offer.

I only gave him a chuckle.

"So shall we meet your clients?" He asked and Jayson and I both nodded.

"Their room is this way.." he started to walk off with me and Jay following behind him.

*sighs* it's been 2 years since I've stopped accepting job requests from girls.

Mr. Park constantly made small talks with us as we follow him to where the girls are staying.

"Well, here we are. They were excited to meet you two after I told them that they'll be meeting you today." Mr. Park chuckling, earning a chuckle from Jayson and a small 'hmm' from me.

Mr. Park opened the door and the three of us walked in.

"Hey, girls they're—" He was cut off by someone yelling from inside the room.

"YOU?!!!" A short haired girl yelled at me the moment we walked inside their room.

Who the heck is this girl? And why is she acting like she knows me? Oh wait, her voice sounds familiar.

I just raised an eyebrow at her.


Cold hearted jerk....

Cold hearted jerk....

Cold hearted jerk....

Ah! I remember now. From last night. So she was the one who called me that. According to the folder about her, her name is Yoo Kyungwon. So my guess was right.

"Nice to meet you too, Ms. Yoo." I plainly said.

"Ya! Who do you think you are?! -.-" she asked still yelling.

Mr. Park cut her off. "He's Reiki Tachibana. Japan's Famous City Hunter. And the man assigned to protect you until the person behind these threats are caught."

"WHAT?!" All of them yelled in unison. Well... all of them except for the one sitting on their couch and just looked at me.

What's with the yelling today? -_-

"Wait! That's the City Hunter?!" Kyungwon said while pointing at me angrily emphasizing the word "that's".. "The City Hunter I've heard in the rumors is a true gentleman. Good looking, young..." she stated with her eyes sparkling like she's day dreaming. "...and most importantly... he's not a cold hearted jerk!" She said squinting her eyes at me.

"Y-Ya, Kyungie... calm down." A girl with Bunny teeth told her. I believe that's Im Seyeon.

All Kyungwon said was "Tch." and walked up to that quiet girl and sat beside her.

"Sorry for that Reiki." Mr. Park apologetically said.

"No it's alright, Mr. Park." I said faking a smile. Well I always fake a smile ever since that day. Aish. There you go again Reiki. Remembering terrible memories.

"Girls, introduce yourselves."

They all lined up and looked at a short, sort of chubby girl with round eyes.

"1, 2, 3... Annyeong Haseyo, Muse-imnida." They all said in unison and bowed slightly.

After they bowed, they all looked at us and started saying their names.

"I'm Park Shinwoo." That round eyed girl said and smiled.

"Yoo Kyungwon." Jeongyeon said coldly. Meh. That's nothing compared to how cold I am.

"Im Seyeon." That bunny looking girl said smiling.

"Kim Damhee." The girl with colorful hair tips smiled making her eyes almost vanish. Cute. Somehow reminds me of a tofu with her white skin.

"Son Chaewon!" Another short haired girl said. She looks like a tiger with her eyes.

"Konnichiwa, Hirai Erina desu." The girl with firm body introduced herself in Japanese.

"Minatozaki Yona." The hyper girl standing next to Erina greeted with a wide smile.

"Chou Minji, the maknae of the group." A tall girl introduced with a smile. Damn she's tall. And her smile... Pfft! She smiles like Yoda from the movie Star Wars. Call me mean but it's true. Hahaha!

All I can hear from the quiet girl from earlier is mumbling.

"Penguin, say it a little louder. They can't hear you." Yona told her and put her hands on the quiet girl's shoulder shaking her a bit. Did Yona ate a bag of sugar for her to be this hyper?🤦🏻‍♂️

"Hahaha! Squirrel, stop shaking Mika. You're making her dizzy." Erina said while laughing and munching on a Pocky but Yona just kept shaking Mika or whatever the quiet girl's name is.. wait when did Erina started eating?

"M-Myoui Mika." The quiet girl spoke up and caused Yona to stop shaking her. Well that made her stop.

"Hey, Reiki, let's make a dynamic introduction too. 1, 2, 3... ann---" I cut off Jayson, "I'm Reiki Tachibana. Japan's City Hunter and this idiot beside me is Jayson De Borja. Nice to meet all of you and I am terribly sorry about the way I acted last night." I said and bowed to them.

"Buzzkill." I hear Jayson mumble so I glared at him.

"It's okay." Seyeon said and smiled.

"Uhm, Jayson can you come with me for a sec?" Mr. Park asked Jayson and Jayson just nodded and they both left the room and left me standing still infront of these girls as they start to walk to their beds. Well Mika went back to her old place at the couch and since the couch is a bit huge I walked up to her.

"Mind if I share the space?" I asked her.

"Sure." She said in a low voice and smiled so I sat beside her.

Wow. She have a cute smile. Wait, what? What are you saying, Reiki?

I just looked at them doing their own little things like Erina who's binge eating right now. Yona cuddling to Minji, Damhee and Chaewon while laughing and in hyper mode. Shinwoo, Seyeon and Kyungwo on the other bed teasing each other. And well... Mika who's beside me playing at her phone.