
Chapter 5


Me and the girls started walking towards the hotel's exit while Jayson is outside the hotel already, waiting for us and doing perimeter check. They're having an introduction number at the Incheon Baseball Stadium.

"Get in." I told the girls as soon as the bus pulled over in front of me and they all followed what I said.

Mika is the last one to walk in but she suddenly lost balance and fell back.

"Ahh!" Mika yelled as she fell back.

"Whoops. I got you." I calmly said as I catch her in a bridal style. I saw her blushing.

"Mika-chan!" Erina said as she rushed back to the door. "You okay?" She asked worriedly.

"M-mm.." Mika nodded and hides her blush. "Y-You can put me down now.." she stutteringly told me and I just hopped on the bus before putting her down gently.

"T-thank you."

"No problem."

Mika rushed to Seyeon's side and hid behind her back, causing the eldest to laugh at her. Ooooookay? What's up with her? I just shrugged that thought out my head and went to sit on a vacant space across Minji, and Yona. While Erina was sitting beside me so me and Erina are facing Minji and Yona. That's the style of the bus inside. Seats are facing each other.

"Oh hey, Reiki, here." Jayson said as he hand me a key. Oh right. I forgot that I called someone to find me a condominium unit here in Korea and get it ready right away.

"Thanks." I plainly said as I take it and put it in my pocket. "Where's Mr. Park?" I asked, waiting for anyone to answer.

"He went ahead of us to the stadium. Making sure everything is set." Yoda answered me with a small smile. Yep. I heard the girls calling Minji 'Yoda' so I thought it'd be funny to call her that too.


"Nyaaa, I'm hungry~" Erina whined while munching a Peppero. Seriously? She's already munching on a peppero yet she still said she's hungry? Where does the food go?

"You're munching on a peppero already but you're still whining that you're hungry? Where does all the food that you eat go, Riri?" Damhee put my thoughts into words while shaking her head who's seat is just beside Minji's and Yona's..

"In my stomach of course! You're so mean Dubu!" Erina pouted. Hahaha. Cute. I gotta admit, they're all cute.

Damhee just laughed at Erina.

"Wait.. Reiki right?" Yon asked me. So I just replied with a simple nod.

"How old are you?" That question caught all the girls' attention.

"Almost turning 20."

"Woah." They all said in unison.

"Is it that surprising?" I looked at them.

They all nodded except for Kyungwon and Mika. Well obviously Kyungwon is still pissed with what happened last night. And Mika... well she's still hiding behind Seyeon but playing on her phone already.

A few moments passed and I was stuck staring at Mika but someone poked my cheek and turns to see Erina smirking.

"What's with that smirk?"

"You're checking Mikaguin for quite a while now." Yona said with the same smirk as Erina. Aish, these gays.

"No I wasn't."

"Yes you are. Mika unnie is so pretty right?" Now this time it was Minji who said that with the same smirk as these two.

"What the hell is up with your creepy smirks?" I asked as I open a bottle of water and drinks.

"You like her, don't you?" Minji teasingly asked which catching me off guard and caused me to swallow a lot of water and cough hard.

"No way in hell. Love is a pain in the ass." I faced Minji as I say those words. "Cause nothing but pain.. and I'll never... ever... fall inlove ever again."

Yep. Never again. Love broke me too much that it made the person that I am right now.

Minji and I was locked into a staring contest. Minji is not saying anything until she decided to break the staring contest.

"Whatever you say, Reiki."