
Miraculous |Beneath The Mask|

Ever been- just- idk wanting to see how ladybug and catnoir's identity reveals- just soo bad and cant stop thinking about it well... in this fan fic You'll see how I want them to see beneath their masks

Pasta230807 · Films
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

"Plagg, Just stop it- I only like ladybug, no one else but ladybug. Marinette's just a friend" exclaimed Adrian...

"Well- a good friend of mine once said- if u have trouble choosing between 2 people then always choose the second, because if u truly loved the first- u would have never thought of the second- which is exactly your problem- I know u have feelings for Marinette." Said Plagg with stinky cheese in his mouth-

"Aghhh lets just end this conversation and talk about more important things like finding out who ladybug truly is". Adrian said to Plagg while packing his school bag.

"Kids these days- don't understand a thing" Plagg said while shaking his head.

"Ahh never mind- let's just go to school for now" Said Adrian.

He put Plagg into his pocket and went off to school.


"Aghhh Tikki!! I can't find my school bag...Where could that thing be!!!???


Tikki where are you??!!" Marinette said worryingly.

"Oh hey Marinette- I found your school bag. It was in your closet".

"Ah thx Tikki- you're the best- now let's go to school. I'm already 9 minutes late."

At School...



Did you finish doing that project with Marinette??"

Nino said as soon as Adrian Entered the class.

"Yeah- working with Marinette's really fun- She's pretty cool to be honest". Adrian Replied.

"AND?????...did anything interesting happen that me and Alya would wanna know??!!"

Before Adrian could say a word-Marinette entered the classroom.

"Oh hey guys". Marinette said while putting her backpack on the chair

"Hey Marinette" said Lila Rossi.

"Ah H-hai Lila". Marinette surprisingly said. "What are u doing here?- you do know that your seat is on the back row and your currently near the front row now dontchu?" She added.

"Yes duh- You expect me to be an idiot?" Lila scoffed.

"Aghhh I hate that girl". Marinette said.

"We all do". said the others (Alya, Nino, Adrian)