
Chapter 4


Science and Technology

From the Chapters discussed earlier, we can see that Scientific research and technical skills(Technology) only comes to play with Man Made Wealth Resource Materials. Therefore, The purpose of Raw Material Display Center as it affects Science and Technology is focused on displaying the basic Material Resources which are transformable by nan unto a Man Made Resources Materials obtained from application of Science and Technology unto various types of Natural wealth Resources.

This becomes a complex thought out process of determining how to portray the various rudimentary knowledge of transformation of knowledge from natural raw material resources which occurs naturally unto Man made wealth resource materials which are scientifically obtained or created to better the usage of natural resource materials for prolonged life span, portability of usage, easy application of usage, for comfortability, for economic value as per Personal and Commercial usage availability(mass production) e.t.c.

One example to illustrate the purpose of Raw Material Display Center and as it affects the application of science and technology on natural resources is to re-define the way of life, the way of usage of material resources, the way of procurement of resources, the comfortability in usage of resources, the per unit person access to resources, and the economic value of resources.

The example is this:

Before the scientific invention of match sticks for making fire, the natural resource materials are cumbersome to use, apply and generate... a situation where one person may be striking two stones for over an hour to generate fire by friction between the stones, moreso when they eventually sees the lightening spark of the fire, it is still not easy to be maintained, stored for later use, the ignition problems are tiring, the economic value is zero because they can not even sell their skill as professional fire creators that strike two stones.

But with the scientific application of knowledge to such natural phenomenon of striking two stones to create fire we have created match sticks cum lighter which has made the generation of fire too easy for everyone, it is storable for later use, it is comfortable to apply without stress, it is procureable by everyone, it's economic value is super because inventors can sell fire as match sticks or lighter and make a lot of money from it. Therefore the fact that life comes and goes, people with scientific knowledge comes and dies with their knowledge...

The purpose of raw material display center is to showcase various redefining moment in the history of Man and direct cum showcase our young ones how Scientific and Technological application of knowledge redirected and redefined our way of living today for a more comfortable access to life dependant factors. In this case the knowledge of how to create man made wealth resource materials is sensitized in our young ones by the Raw Material Display Centers.