
Chapter 3

Man-Made Resources

Man-Made Resources are invented and innovated through Science and technology. Man made resources materials are obtained through the application of Science and Technology unto Natural Resources to create an hybrid or refined state of the natural raw material resource.

a. The application of Science and Technology unto Renewable natural resources is done by Preservative Inovative Systems.

b. The application of Science and Technology unto non-nenewable solid ore(minerals); metallic and non-metallic natural resources is done by Manufacturing Inovative Systems.

c. The application of Science and Technology unto non-renewable liquid crude oil(minerals); mixture of gas, petroleum, diesel,kerosene,lubricating oil,paraffin wax, natural resources is done by distillation Inovative Systems.

d. The application of Science and Technology unto non-renewable polar metallic element or polar gaseous element obtained from their natural resources is done by Magnetic Inovative Systems.

In summary.

a. Renewable natural resources are recreated by regeneration and it's viability is retained by scientific preservative initiatives,

b. Non-Renewable natural resources are not recreatable within a life time and it's refinement is produced by scientific manufacturing process for solid ores and are also produced by scientific distilation process for crude oil,

c. Moreso for polar elements of non- Renewable natural resources which are trapped within the solid metalic ores or that which escapes the liquid crude oil in gaseous forms are ionised by scientific magetisation of their polar properties.