
Mindless seeking for happiness in an[other] world[s] as [Me] a goblin

A "random" depressed and borderline insane guy is killed in a home intrusion accident and got reincarnated as a goblin. If not for the fact that he's a waste he could've done better in his second life, but oh well, he failed in it too. Then why does he even have a s.t/y?.r/y? W?.h>?Y?. a?m? eh?/r.r/E? Wo? a.R..??r/. y?.y>,o? [Friend]

DaoistBadWriter · Fantaisie
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45 Chs

Bullshit cliche dungeon.

Some time after commanding goblins to do their job Norn left the village.

He did tell some goblins about it beforehand, but the only reason behind that was Erika.

She, for some reason, forced him to inform goblins that he will be back.

As for why he left?

He needed to find something he could fight to train his skills.

Yeah, theoretical training was a thing, but if he could practice his magic in combat?

That would be just great.

However, to do that he needed to either find a dungeon or random people he could use as dummies.

And, since the only village that was relatively close to him was already raided...

His only option was a dungeon.

From what Erika told him, some of them had unusual monsters that didn't usually appear outside of them.

More than that, monsters in dungeons respawned after a period of time, and from time to time they would drop items.

"Common shit"

Was Norn's response to that.

It really was, it was just a normal dungeon trope or whatever, he saw it dozen of times already.

It's not like it was boring or anything, but it certainly wasn't new.

But, one good thing about them was clear as day - enemies respawned.

That meant that as long as he had enough food and motivation to continue he could sit there and train.

Of course, food was a problem at first, but after saying it to Erika she simply said:

"Oh, dont worry, i can make magic buns"

A kind smile was plastered on her face.

"What's that? That food thing u've told me earlier?"

He simply guessed.

"Yeah, it should be enough for us to last for a month or so before we need to eat something else."

Her reply was quick and seemingly stunned Norn.

"Why the fuck did i hunt then?"

He only thought about it, not wishing to put any pressure on Erika.

She was too valuable to treat her like shit now, and it's not like he wanted to in the first place.

It's just that some of her decision were questionable to say the least.


After a considerable amount of time they were finally in the zone Erika didn't scout already.

"How the fuck did you manage to scout all of it in an hour?"

He couldn't believe it.

"Not only this side, but the other for approximately the same distance too."

She chuckled a little after saying it.

"Fucking hell u're fast. No wonder you were so sweaty."

As he remembered her sweaty body he couldn't help but salivate.

It was just too alluring for him.

However, it wasn't the time. He needed to find a somewhat safe place first.

"Oh, i think i found something!"

As Norn was thinking about Erika's wet body she exclaimed.

"What is it?"

His reply was somewhat slow as he was staring at her butt all this time.

Yeah, she was wearing a dress now, but even so he could see her forms through it.

"I dont know. It's just a large clump of mana, usually that means that there's a dungeon there."

She looked back at Norn as she said it.

She noticed another large clump on him.

"What are you thinking about?!"

Her cheeck became red immediately.

She didn't except that this goblin guy who was usually timid would just get horny all of a sudden.

"Huh? What do you think i am? Your butt is jiggling so much i cant even look at anything but it!"

He simply waved his hand without stopping his movement.

"Let's go, we'll fuck when it's time, dont get your hopes up too early."

Norn didn't care about his imagine anymore.

Why would he?

Erika was already his, it's not like she would think worse of him for being horny because of her, would she?

That was a completely normal reaction from Norn. That's what he thought, at least.

Erika didn't reply to his last line, as she seemed a bit too agitated yet shy because of it.

"Come on, lead the way to that mana lump that u've found."

Norn rushed her a little, as staying here wasn't a great idea at all.

It was just too open, it they were in a cave or something he would've jumped on her already.

Erika didn't just stay on the place and rushed to be before Norn.

He could see her butt once again. Bliss.

She, however, didn't talk for a period of time.

It's not like she had a reason to begin with.

Strangely enough, she did change the way she walked a little.

But not so it would jiggle less, the opposite.

Norn didn't complain about it. This trip became ten times better just like that.

After 10 or so minutes they finally arrived to the place Erika discovered.

"Yeah, it looks like a dungeon to me."

Norn said it as he was staring at a ruin half-embedded in the ground.

It wasn't anything unusual as looked just like any generic dungeon entrance.

It bored him a little.

Was it that authors in his old world were fucking oracles or someone... or something stole their ideas?

It was a little bit too coincidential that they looked just like he imagined them to look.

Why was it like that?

It's not like he saw any in real life, just on drawn pictures.

More than that, even the architecture was basically the same.

"Do you want to get inside? From what i see it's a low-level one, you will be fine even without my help."

Erika was behind Norn now, and before he could answer she hugged him from behind, placing her breasts on his head.

Norn didn't react to it, as he was staring at the entrance.

"Still, come with me as i will need to come some time soon if u're doing stuff like that."

At first, Erika was about to answer something but then her expression suddenly changed.

She didn't understand what Norn meant at first, but after a second...

It was clear to her now.

"You dummy..."

She said softly as pressed her breasts on him a bit more.

"Why is she horny all of a sudden..."

Norn thought as he tried to distract himself from her actions.

He didn't mind it, but it wasn't the time now.

He needed to assure his position before indulging into great pleasures...

It wouldn't hurt to do both, to be honest.

After some more thinking and evaluating whatever could be in the dungeon Norn entered it.

He didn't have any source of light, but even before he could whine about it Erika casted a spell that acted like a torch.

"Damn, aren't you a perfect wife?"

He remarked half-jokingly.

It made Erika smile weakly, but Norn didn't see it.

He was going first, holding a sword in his right hand.

Even after a while, however, he didn't see a single enemy.

"Any ideas who i should kill here? Or is it myself because it's so fucking boring here?"

He asked Erika with a somewhat angry voice.

He was walking for half a day and wanted to finally train...

No, not like that, he wanted to finally clear this dungeon so he can jump on Erika.

She was just too alluring.

For the past few minutes or so she was moaning softly now and then.

At first Norn simply looked back at her, questioning what the hell was that, but her only response was:

"Sorry, i stumbled upon something."

Mind you, she didn't give out a single sound when her legs were fucking broken.

And now, just because she stumbled she moaned a little, as if she was in pain?

Norn understood perfectly well what she was doing.

He wasn't against it, he even understood why she was doing it now.

It was so he would be angry at her when it's finally time to do the deed.

Then, some minutes later he finnaly found his enemy...

"Are you fucking kidding me?.."

It was a giant caterpillar.

He could clearly see what it was, but it didn't pose any fucking danger to him.

Not only that, it could barely move.

Even snails would be faster than this thing.

"Fuck you."

He sais angrily as he stabbed it with his sword.

"Stupid fucking dungeon, i came here to train and all i've got are caterpillars?"

His voice was becoming louder and louder.

"Fuck this place."

He said as he started running deeper into the dungeon.

Why would he not? It's not like he didn't know that the only enemy here would be a catterpillar.

What about the boss, then?

Well, those were usually in big ass rooms that one wouldn't normally miss unless one is a fucking retard.

As such, it was completely safe for Norn to do his "Run by" and just stab everything.

They couldn't even move properly, what is there to be afraid of?..

As such, several minutes later he and Erika stood infront of the boss room.

"Yeah, big ass door, how new."

He said with a bored voice. This place was the embodiment of cliche dungeons!

"Why the rush, sweetie?.."

Erika suddenly said from somewhere behind him.

As Norn looked back he saw that she was now, for some reason, all sweaty.

His gaze was blank, he raised his right hand as if he was about to gesture and talk, but he decided to stay silent.

He turned around and opened the door, hoping that the boss here would be something that could atleast try to defend itself.

As it opened fully Norn saw a somewhat big area, it was fully lit and in the center of it was...

A coccoon.

"Yeah, great."

He said with a bored voice.

He didn't bother thinking about it too much as he simply ran closer and stabbed it with all of his strength.

However, as he was about to open up the coccoon he felt danger and dodged to the side.

Nothing happened, however.

It made him wonder what the fuck that was, but a second later he got his answer.

A giant insect leg or whatever it was stabbed the ground where he stood.

It was fast, but he had plenty of time to leave that place...

Sadly, his sword was still stuck in the coccoon, as he didn't bother to retrieve it.

Before he could cry out for Erika to help him, he saw as the coccoon lit up in flames.

It was clear that Erika didn't need his command to act on her own.

As he looked at her she simply smiled, waving her hand a little.

It made Norn think that this whole world must be a joke just like this dungeon.

As he looked at the coccoon in flames for a minute or so nothing much happened.

Whatever was inside of it screeched and tried to get out, but it was futile.

Soon, he got a message from the system:

[Congratulations! You have cleared the [Caterpillar Dungeon]!]

That was all. No rewards, nothing.

"The fuck is that shit?"

He cried out with a surprised expression.

"This is normal, dont worry. Our loot is in the next room, it normally appears on the opposite side from the entrance to the boss room."

Erika explained with a strange voice, as if something wasn't right.

Norn, however, knew perfectly well what wasn't.

That girl was too fucking horny.

Never ever in his previous life he could imagine that he would meet one like that.

More than just horny, she was almost fucking insane at this point, as if he was her god or something.

Well, it's not like he disliked it at all... It was pleasant for him to be needed...

However, before jumping on her body, that was for some fucking reason sweaty, he wanted to check out the godly reward he got for such a hard dungeon.

As he approached another door and opened it, he saw a chest just standing there.

"Yeah, fuck you."

It was just too fucking cliche at this point, it's not even funny anymore.

As he opened it he started checking out the "rewards".

"A piece of cloth... Nice to the touch tho..."

He immediately handed it to Erika who was beside him

"A... dagger? Design is shit though"

It really was, it looked as if some edgy middle schooler drew it in the middle of the class

"Some coins and... a bottle?"

When he first saw it he thought that it's a potion, but upon closer inspection...

"Wine? What year is it?"

He glanced at Erika with a puzzled expression.

"It's year 734 of Second Holy Empire."

She answered him as he was caressing the cloth in her hands.

She also rubbed her legs, as if she wanted to pee or something.

"The bottle says that it was made in year 198 after the Collapse, the fuck is that?"

He asked her once more, he couldn't understand whether or it was the same time period or whatever.

"Oh, that means this bottle is older than me, i wonder why it's here. You should drink it, it may increase your stats."

She explained kindly, even advicing Norn to drink it immedaitely, as it was really useful.

"Nah, it's already time for us to have some fun, so let's drink it together, it'll be fun."

Norn had a grin on his face now, he already anticipated it a lot.

It was all Erika's fault, and since she started all of it... She's the one responsible for what was about to happen next!


As you've already guessed next chapter will be an 18+ one, i hope i'm not too bad in writing those.

BIG thanks to WhereTheAmineAt, Universal_Reader, Steven_Spoon and YoYoRINGS for donations!

You should also thank them, as this is a bonus chapter that i've released as a form of "thanks" for their donations.

Take notes, people. More donations you give me more chapters you get. It only gets better (and hornier) from this point on. (not too sure about the better part since there's still not a single review or a comment but whatever)