
Millionaire’s genius wife

Wish Young is a 24 year old, diligent university graduate who seems to live a normal life. But deep within, she only wanted revenge from her dreadful father, a successful businessman with a large manufacturing company, Oh! and the one who left her mother and sister to marry her current stepmother. "Monster." was what she called him. one day, her father, also the monster, invited her for a proposal to marry the heir of the top company. Her father wanted to join hands with the most successful company. Wish was ready to give up her normal life to get revenge from her dreadful father. She wanted her father to regret his whole life to ever introducing her to this fancy world. The day she met the heir who she was going to marry, also her fiance, William Brent, things started to go off course from her original plan. The heir was a troublesome guy who was going to be her first obstacle before she started her master plan to get the revenge. . . " Welcome, Wish Lennon." a deep and low voice echoed from her back. She abruptly turned around, startled to see a tall figure standing by the window. He had his hands inside the pocket with a glass of whiskey on the other. He studied her feature from her face to legs. It was William Brent. She was wearing a hot-red fitted dress stopping above her knees and a high slit showing her soft thighs. The dress wasnt over exposing on the chest just showing her sharp collarbone. But what instantly caught his eyes were her red plump lips. It was luscious. Wish fiddled with her fingers avoiding eye contact with him. Brent was enjoying the scene in front and smirked. " Lets have fun tonight." . . Cover art credit: @secondary ring

ameeliz_ · Urbain
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60 Chs

The meet

" Are you sure about the choice you made?" her mother grabbed her hands with tear-filled eyes.

Wish was back at her home to get all her belongings and leave this place for good. Their house was more cozy with beige wallpapers and simple couches. A tv that was few years old and the kitchen divided by a counter. A completely normal looking house unlike her father's.

" I have already decided about it, mom." she pulled her hand away, closing the suitcase and looking around one last time if she had left anything. Her mother slumped on the couch, sighing heavily. Wish used to be a smart kid ever since childhood. The teachers always praised her but after few years she changed. Her grades were still good but she started talking less and only observed. She was the type of girl to notice every single detail, sometimes her mother used to get shocked by her skills. When she started dating her best friend, she became more open but it didnt last for long.

She was taken aback when Wish said she was going to her father and accept the arrange marriage. No matter how much she tried to stop her, Wish didnt listen.

" I will come back. Please dont worry about me." was the only thing Wish said and her mother was confused as ever.

Wish opened the door of her sister's room. Her sister was crying on the corner of her bed. The news of Wish leaving didnt come out as good for her. " Lia, stop crying....i will come back. I swear." she hugged her sister from the back, trying to fight back her own tears. Lia was on the second stage of a cancer, and she had to be in hospital most of the days. Wish would always be with her but now that her sister was leaving, she was broken.

After comforting her sister, she lastly opened her bedroom. It looked cozy as ever. She was finally going to leave this house and her room. Gulping hard, she slammed the door and left the house.

"Wish! Wishh!!" a male voice called her once she stepped out of the house. She tried her best to ignore him and walked quickly towards the road. But his hands grabbed her tightly, making her stop. " Are we really breaking up??"

" Lucas,..." she avoided eye contact with her ex-boyfriend, also her only best friend from high-school, " I said we are over....."

" I heard you were having an arranged marriage?" his voice was low, " If this was your father's doing, let me help you!!"

Wish pulled away her hands, aggressively. " It was my choice and i know what im doing. Lucas, please.....Go away...." she tried not to choke on her words, blinking the tears away.

" Dont joke with me, Wish...." he stepped closer, with an upset and hurt look, " .....i know this is all a joke...."

She finally looked into his eyes, heart breaking, " .....Its not...."

Lucas tried to grab her hands again but a maserati pulled up in front of them, making Lucas back away in shock. A bodyguard in all black suit came out and blocked him from coming any closer.

" Miss.Lennon, we have come to take you." he spoke in a robotic tone. Lucas eyed him confused, " Wait....what is going on??"

Wish ignored his question and got inside the car without looking at him.

" HEY, WISH....YOU CANT LEAVE ME LIKE THIS!!!" he tried to push the bodyguard away but failed. She clenched her fist tightly inside the car, while tears finally trickled down her cheeks. " Im sorry..." she whispered as the car sped away from her familiar neighborhood.


The bodyguards escorted her inside the luxurious apartment, with shining marble floors and walls. They got inside the big elevator and she could see her reflection on the mirrors inside which covered the all the sides of it. She quickly brushed her hair from her fingers after realising how hideous she looked with her red puffy eyes.

They climbed out the elevator and a huge corridor came to view. Wish had no idea where she was or who was she going to meet. The bodyguards finally opened a door and inside were few other girls and lots of clothes and jewelry. A woman in her thirties approached them, she looked really beautiful for her age. " Ahh, finally you have arrived, Miss.lennon."

Wish didnt know what to say so she nodded awkwardly.

" Oh god, we have lot to do." she said studying her face and clothes. " But it will be fun, dont worry." the lady pulled her inside the room while the bodyguards left.

" You can call me, Abbey." the lady said making her shower ready, " I will be styling you for today."

" Im sorry but....miss.Abbey..." she played with her fingers nervously, " What am i being ready for?"

Abbey clapped her hands after readying the shower, " Ahh, Miss.lennon, today is the grand elite party.....and you are going to accompany Mr.Brent."

It came off as a big shock to Wish since, her father had only said today she was going to shift into her new apartment. How much more evil they could get? Also, she hadnt mentally prepared herself to meet Brent. The upsetting farewell from her home and Lucas was still inside her head.

Well, this was something she had decided herself. She couldnt back away yet. To calm her mind, she got inside the relaxing shower and stop from thinking about anything. In fact after this, her life was going to change forever.


Meanwhile, the bodyguards went inside the room next-door. " Sir, we have brought Miss.lennon. She will get ready in the next hour."

The suit looked expensive which had been specially tailored for him from France. His hair sleeked back with a clean undercut looked perfect with his sharp jawline. The coat fit his broad shoulders perfectly, stopping right above his small waist. Mr.Brent turned around from the window he was staring at and fixed his tie properly.

" Oh good, hope they arent late." his eyes were lazy as he clicked his fingers. " I heard she could be a good toy." he smirked and sat on the couch.

The bodyguards didnt say anything and stood still waiting for a command.

" Ugh...you guys are boring." he pulled out his phone and sipped his whiskey. Already bored by waiting for too long.


Wish had tried more than ten dresses and she felt uncomfortable in every single one of them. They were all so exposing and either too short or way to tight on her hips. The hell were with these rich people clothes.

" OKayy!!" Abbey clapped again, with a satisfied look after on hour. " This is perfect!"

Wish sighed a relief. Every time she wore a dress, Abbey would go " no, no...." and had to wear a new dress again. She was already exhausted just changing clothes, and the party was still left to attend.

Another hour went for her makeup and hairstyle. Too much makeup was slapped on her face, it was becoming itchy. Wish was dozing due to lack of sleep when Abbey and the other girls shook her, waking her up.

" Miss.lennon, your makeup and hair is done!"

Wish looked at herself on the mirror, standing up. She looked completely different and gave off a rich girl vibes which was never possible with her. Gulping hard, she turned left and right. It surely was shocking even to her. " How the hell did you guys do this??"

Abbey smiled widely, satisfied with her work, " Oh, Miss.lennon, you just dont know your capabilities. Your body is naturally curvy with slim thighs, i should of course, give her the best suiting dress, right!"

Well, Abbey was partly correct. She had never worn a fitting dress and didnt know her body shape properly.

" Now, time to meet Mr.brent." they grabbed her hands, pulling her to the door.

Wish halted, breathing heavily, " W-wait....i need some time."

But they didnt listen and continued dragging her. " Mr.brent absolutely hates waiting." Abbey smirked for the last time and pushed her inside the next door.

The room was pretty similar to the other one but it was dark and lit with only a small lamp. There was nobody around and she carefully looked around, confused.

" Welcome, Wish Lennon." a deep and low voice echoed from her back.

She abruptly turned around, startled to see a tall figure standing by the window. He had his hands inside the pocket with a glass of whiskey on the other. He studied her feature from her face to legs.

She was wearing a hot-red fitted dress stopping above her knees and a high slit showing her soft thighs. The dress wasnt over exposing on the chest just showing her sharp collarbone. But what instantly caught his eyes were her red plump lips. It was luscious.

Wish fiddled with her fingers avoiding eye contact with him. Brent was enjoying the scene in front and smirked.

" Lets have fun tonight."
