

[Chapters uploaded back.] Everything that surrounds the light creates a deep darkness behind it. And darkness will teach what terror is. Survival in this terror is not the fate of fairy tale heroes, only those who embrace the darkness. Ikiru is a spirit chosen by the Creator. The Creator sends him to an alternate universe created for entertainment purposes to satisfy the whims of the Creator. To spice up the story, the Creator adds the Ackerman bloodline to the alternate universe. Thus, 'Titan' descends into the MHA universe (he does not transform into Titan). Since the Creator believes in equal exchange, in return for his entertainment, Ikiru is given some gifts. The most remarkable of these gifts is psychic power. The Creator transforms this power into Quirk and gifts it to Ikiru. ** Part one is more about the growth of the main character and his relationship with other characters. If you want to start directly from the main story, you can start reading from part two. Update days; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. The story is only published on my Webnovel, Wattpad, AO3 and Patreon pages. Five episodes will be published per week, you can find more on my Patreon page. Every chapter I publish here, I make it freely available on my Patreon page a few hours before. https://patreon.com/dyspromen ** This is a work of fiction that draws heavily from BNHA (Boku no Hero Academia), AOT (Attack On Titan) and Mob Psycho 100. Other than the changes I made to the story and the characters I added, I do not have any ownership or rights to the creation.

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Chapter 4 - The Beginning IV

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Levi knew why Mikasa had made such a request of him. He had expected her to make this request sooner. Mikasa's character and behaviour were more similar to the older clan members. Levi knew that Mikasa valued her individuality so much that he expected her to sever her ties with her family when she reached adulthood. Levi was not mistaken, Mikasa did indeed have such plans. Even when she lived with her family, she was a stranger to them. Now that she was an adult, there was no need for her to stay with her family.

The existence of the OFA was always on Mikasa's mind. Along with her loyalty to the clan, survival was her priority. However, her distorted mind was too attached to Ackerman's supremacy. This belief, combined with her narcissistic self, had led her to ask Levi to take Natsu's sperm, believing it would break the blood bond. Mikasa despised Natsu. The thought of being with him made her sick to her stomach.

But she recognised her responsibility for the continuation of the clan's lineage. That's why she wanted Natsu's sperm. Even though Mikasa disliked Natsu, her faith in the clan lineage was absolute. She would not allow anyone to touch her or her body. Mikasa believed she was superior to everyone else. She suppressed her desires and wants, believing that only her own could satisfy her. Since incest was not taboo for Ackerman, she never questioned her beliefs.

After Levi reported that he had fulfilled Mikasa's request, Mikasa informed her family that she had something important to tell them. After the family gathered, Mikasa told them that she was going to live on her own and that she needed to do so to preserve the existence of the clan. Kenny and Monica agreed without much thought. It was not unprecedented for members who had reached adulthood to go their way and hide.

Natsu disagreed with this decision and accused Mikasa of abandoning them. He said that Mikasa was a traitor and that he had died for him. Mikasa didn't care what Natsu thought. After the meeting, she left the house without saying goodbye. Levi announced at the meeting that he would leave with Mikasa but would stay with them online. Although family members could give Levi orders, they never had complete control over him. This was a decision made to preserve the existence of the clan.

Natsu didn't care, as he never considered Levi a family member. And so Mikasa was separated from her family. Her departure was recorded in the civil registry as an accidental death. With Levi's help, Mikasa was able to acquire a new identity and a new background. The reason Levi left with Mikasa was because Mikasa was at the top of the priority list. Not only because it was in their code, but Levi believed that Mikasa could bring the clan back to what it once was.

Mikasa settled in Kyushu City with Levi. There was no particular reason why they chose the city. They settled here because Levi said it was the easiest place to create their backgrounds. The background they created was the resettlement of a medium-sized trading family with the Ackerman family name in Japan. Mikasa was to be the sole surviving heir of the family. Levi would enter the system as the family servant. They would set up a company in the name of Ackermen and restore the clan to its former glory.

Levi would take care of the company's affairs, while Mikasa would devote all her time to developing her Qurik and her bloodline skills until she was twenty years old. Mikasa had also asked Levi to erase all information about the clan from the internet and anywhere else it existed. She believed that in a world of people with all kinds of super abilities, there was no such thing as data privacy. Levi solved this problem by keeping the account containing the clan and its assets only in the Android body.

Since Levi didn't just create one body, he didn't have to worry about the possible loss of records. Mikasa was sixteen years old when she was separated from her family. For the next three years, time went smoothly for the 'Yeager' and 'Ackerman' family. But fate was a bitch. After Mikasa died for them, the 'Yeager' family moved on with their lives. After Mikasa's departure, her fake death had become real for them. Kenny and Monica accepted Natsu's ideas and denied the existence of their daughter who had never been close to them.

Levi was still very much with them through their screens and phones. But as time went on, their surveillance of the family diminished. As a result of both their request and Levi's decision, the level of surveillance was at its lowest. The reason for this was Natsu. Natsu had convinced his parents that the more they embraced their false identities, the more they could hide from the AFO. To Levi, they didn't matter that much. He had 'politely' pointed out how stupid the idea was, but had been ignored.

So he minimised their supervision and complied with their wishes. With Mikasa's departure, the complacency of the 'Yeager' family had reached another level. With the AFO long out of the light of day, Kenny and Monica believed that the danger had disappeared. The biggest reason they believed this was that they had completed the task they had to fulfil in their lives. For the continuation of the clan lineage, female members who had awakened their lineage power had to give birth to a daughter. This was the bottom line for the preservation of the clan's lineage. The male members were responsible for the safety of the female members and for protecting the clan's assets.

After Mikasa's birth, Kenny and Monica were completely relaxed and decided to enjoy their lives while they had the chance. Natsu's happiness became their new goal. The reason why they did not find this biased choice absurd was that none of the Ackerman who was alive was mentally stable. For Natsu, the result of incest was mental instability. Normally, bloodline strength would have prevented this, but the treatment he received from his parents had upset this balance. For Kenny and Monica, the psychological pressure of years of hiding and running away had broken them. For Mikasa, the main factor had been her Quirk.

Levi was well aware of the situation. But Mikasa's presence was enough for him. Under the effect of these, the 'Yeager' family accepted Mikasa as dead and continued their lives. Everything was smooth for three years. However, when Natsu took a lover, the family's doom approached. Natsu wanted to become a hero with her bloodline power and telekinesis Quirk. But with Levi and his family against the idea, he gave up. But he didn't stop using his Quirk. So he found a job where he could use his Quirk during working hours. This job was in the construction industry. With the job, Natsu's belief that the life he dreamed of could come true increased.

He was intrigued by a woman he regularly saw on his way to work. After seeing her on the subway for a month, he finally mustered up the courage and they met. After a few dates on weekends, she became his girlfriend. This was the first time Natsu had ever had such an experience because of his family's constant warnings of secrecy. This led to a foolish level of devotion to his lover. Since he had never been in a relationship until the age of nineteen, he became his girlfriend's puppet. He did not realise that he had been chosen because of his family's wealth and power.

After a few months together, Natsu's trust in his lover was unlimited. With Levi's supervision diminishing and Natsu hiding it, disaster was inevitable. Natsu's lover, after making Natsu dependent on her, threatened to break up with Natsu and tried to find out some of Natsu's weirdness. And she succeeded. However, the answer she got from Natsu was not what she expected. Natsu had revealed part of his family's story so that she would not break up with him. The most important part he revealed was that they were related to the 'Zoldyck' family.

This was the fire that lit the fuse of the apocalypse that the Yeager family would experience. The woman, Natsu's lover, worked for one of the AFO's underground organisations. They would select powerful individuals from society and lure them into their web. If the person's Quirk was of interest to the AFO, they would kidnap the person. If they didn't have an interesting Quirk, then they would steal their assets. The woman Natsu fell in love with was one of the employees of this organisation. With the appearance of the name 'Zoldyck', the wheels began to turn.

The night Natsu returned home after confiding family secrets to his lover, the 'Yeager' family's apocalypse came to visit their home. For the first time in many years, the AFO came out of the shadows where he had been hiding, as an individual. He travelled to Musutafu and visited the Yeager family. After arriving home, Natsu showered and slept happily, believing that he and his lover were still together. Kenny and Monica went to sleep happy to see their son come home happy.

Levi, who never sleeps, continued to work, not thinking anything strange about what was happening. However, the situation changed completely at night. After the woman, who was Natsu's girlfriend, recorded the information she received on their system, Levi's security systems raised an alarm.

I hope you enjoy reading it. Don't be shy to give your opinions, review and fire up the power stone. I would appreciate it if you support the novel.

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