
MHA: The Symbiote Hero

A seminally normal boy get's reincarnated into the MHA world, getting 3 wishes before he gets reincarnated. And one of those wishes is to have a symbiote, but is this a good thing living in a world where discrimination happens to those with mutant quirks. Will the Mc become a hero or a villain with the pressure he gets from other people. ---------- I do not own the picture so if you are the original creator and want me to take it down please tell me and I will. I do not own MHA and I do not own Marvel. I do own this Mc and other Oc in this fanfic. I am creating a novel along side creating this story but I will not drop any of them. I will also be planning on creating more fanfics and novels in the future. I hope you enjoy what you read and if you want go check out my novel. BBQ_Sauce.

BBQ_Sauce · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

Chapter 19

Walking up to the building Axel and Tamaki had 5 minutes of preparation. Axel was thinking about all the possible ways that their enemy could go about trying to win and how they could counter it. Thinking about all the possibilities Axel couldn't think of any good idea that could ensure their victory until Plague said something.

[Yo, retard just create a gas mask for Tamaki and just produce a poison that paralyzes you for a certain amount of time. It doesn't have to be permanent, that of course, if you don't want it to. If you, do I would sug-] Before Plague could continue Axel interrupted and said.

'We aren't going to kill my classmates! *Sigh* But you do have a point, producing a temporary paralyzing poison gas will insure our victory but just in case.' Axel thought to himself while arguing to Plague, and thanks to Plague he felt stupid that he couldn't think up of such a simple idea.

It was so plainly obvious, but he just overlooked the fact that he could just do this, and it would be an easy win. Looking over to Tamaki, Axel decided to tell her what he was planning thanks to the help of Plague but with his own twist too.

"Ok, so here is the plan. We bring the bomb up to the top floor while me and you guard the stairs to that floor. I will fill that whole floor full of paralyzing gas and if I have enough time the floor below it too. You will send out your birds to attack them to either slow them down or potentially eliminate them as well. This is just in case one of them is somehow immune to the poison gas, while I highly doubt that you will ever know." Axel said while handing Tamaki a gas mask to protect her.

"Sounds good to me." Tamaki said with a wide smile on her face. Tamaki then pulled the mask over her face, giving Axel plenty of time to produce as much gas as possible. Tamaki then used her quirk to summon 3 Ravens to patrol the first, second, and third floor.

Rushing around Axel and Tamaki were able to get everything set up as they wanted. The fifth and fourth floor were full of paralyzing gas, there were obstacles on each floor, some decoys of possible areas where the bomb may be or where they might be. Now that the time is up, they got into position by the stairs leading up to the fifth floor.

On the other side Kaminari and Jiro spent the whole time strategizing and explaining their quirks in bigger detail. They came up with Jiro using her quirk to scope out the area where they are but most importantly where the bomb is. This will cut down unwasted time trying to find the bomb and give them enough time to either capture them or run away to regroup if necessary, without worrying about time.

When they heard the buzzer go off signaling them, they can start, Jiro rushed towards the building's walls and plugged in her ear jack. Listening to the vibrations she could tell that there were 5 possibilities where the bomb could be, one on each floor.

Listening more carefully, Jiro predicted that the real bomb is on floor 5. Jiro thought this since the only human shaped silhouette that had heart beats was on floor five. Though 'seeing' this she knew it wasn't going to be that easy. There seemed to be man-made obstacles all around on each floor with the more difficult ones to get through being the most direct path.

Relaying her information to Kaminari, the both of them decided to see what the obstacle looked like up close before making any more decisions on if they should go around or go through the obstacles.

On their way to the stairs, they pass a couple small obstacles, but they haven't run into the main one yet. Though before they could even get close, they got attacked by a shadow. The shadow swooped down and attacked their heads before flying aways quickly.

Not realizing exactly what dive bombed them they put up their guards but before they could fully recover the shadow attacked again. Jiro and Kaminari tried to fight back but most of their attacks missed but the ones that did hit didn't seem to do anything or at least faze it in the least.

Deciding that they are just wasting their time they decided to just rush through the floors trying to get to the bomb while the shadow attacked them. Reaching the obstacles instead of trying to go over it or trying a different path Jiro just decided to shoot a shock wave destroying the barrier but it still cost time since they were constantly stopping to destroy the obstacles while getting attacked by a shadow.

Getting to the next floor they ran into another shadow after alerting it by destroying an obstacle. Deciding to ignore it like the last one, they continued but ran into another one. Unfortunately for them they are now getting attacked by all three of them at the same time. When one finished attacking another would take its place. Forming an almost figure eight.

When they reached the fourth floor, they felt a little bit weird, but they just chalked it up to all the running they did while going past obstacles and getting attacked by the shadows. Continuing on their way while putting the weird feeling on the back of their minds they couldn't help but feel that it was getting harder and harder to move.

Once they got to the stairs heading to the fifth floor, they saw Tamaki and Axel just standing there. Feeling that something was off, Jiro slowed down but Kaminari on the other hand continued to rush forward. Mid stride, up the stairs, Kaminari's body stopped moving as if it was frozen.

Since Kaminari was running a few moments ago his momentum continued and he fell face first on the steps, but due to the speed that he was moving. After he hit his face on the steps his body bounced off the steps and started to fall down the stairs like a rag doll.

Jiro just watched as Kaminari was falling down the steps towards her. She tried to move but she couldn't, no matter how hard she tried or how much she was yelling at herself, she didn't move a muscle. As Kaminari was falling down the stairs he crashed into Jiro causing them to fall back unable to move.

[Now that's what I call 2 birds with one stone, or should I say two bodies with one stair.] Plague commented after seeing Kaminari and Jiro falling and failing to realize that they had no chance in the first place.

"That was a lame joke, you know that." Axel said.

[Ya, it's not my best work but at least it's cooler than you.] Plague shot back.



"THAT'S NOT WHA-" Before Axel could continue, He was interrupted by All Might saying.

"AND THE VILLAINS WIN!!" Clicking his tongue Axel decided to leave it be. He started to absorb the gas and was going to walk down the stairs to pick up Kaminari and Jiro. But before he could do that Tamaki rushed up to him pulling him into a hug, while jumping up and down she yelled.

"WE DID IT, WE DID IT!!" Feeling Tamaki pressed up against him he could help but have a slight blush on his cheeks but before he could do anything Plague said.

[Ha, virgin.]

"So are you."

[Says who?]


[Sorry but that's not how it works.]

"I KNOW BUT, *Sigh* whatever, I don't want to deal with this now." Feeling defeated, Axel decided to just ignore Plague. While the two were arguing Tamaki let go of Axel and had a blush of her own not realizing what she was doing at first until Plague mentioned it. Though Axel didn't see this Plague did and he was planning on using this against her later.

Walking back to the viewing room after giving the antidote to Kaminari and Jiro, they met up with the rest of their class and continued with the class. Everything went on as normal as Plague would say and nothing that stood out happened during the rest of the day.


Oh, I also forgot to mention it on the update. I finally decided and I will have a romance, now I might not be able to write the best romance scenario, but I will try my best. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.
