

Hello, my lovely readers I am here to give you an update for what is the plan in the future and for those that are new here why I was gone for so long. Firstly I was gone for a week due preparation for finals week in college which turned out not to be finals week. So, I ended up being gone for another week.

Then I said I was going to write again but I couldn't stand sitting at a computer screen since my brain was fried after taking the finals, I just wanted to take a break. Then Christmas came a long and I was planning on creating a chapter after Christmas but then I hit a writer's block.

I sincerely thank those who were worried for me and said that I could just skip that chapter since it would not be that important. Sadly, that's not where I got writers block, you see I have the whole thing planned out, but I just need to fill in the gap. Well after the break I found out that my stupid self, forgot one important detail and it would cause the whole story to have a major plot whole that would make the whole story make no sense.

So, for 2 weeks after that I was struggling on how to solve this issue. I could have still posted chapters in the meantime, but I feel like I would reach to the point where I could have solved the problem. Then I would have thought now that I have written so far, I wouldn't be able to recover and would have needed to rewrite a few chapters which is never fun.

So, this last week I just decided to write something I wanted to write after I am done with this fanfic to get a head start on it and in hopes that in doing so an idea would pop in my head. Thankfully it did!

So now I will be posting chapters again hurray, but I can't promise that it will be as frequent as last time. My work schedule has changed so I have no idea how much time I will be able to write but I do promise to post once every week hopefully more. So, look forward to more chapters and I will also post a chapter later today and for the next two days hopefully to make up for taking so long.

And for those of you who are wondering what the next fan fic is about let's just say it's a Danmachi fanfic and that it is something I haven't seen yet before. Once I get to chapter 35, I will post 5 chapters of the new fanfic but won't continue that fan fic until I am done with this one.

Until next time,


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