
MHA: THE MONSTER HEROE- It’s Time to conduct Necessary evil -

They say monster are mindless, who only kill and devour, who are needed to put down like animals. But not all are like this In a world we’re heroes and villains fight each other like little kids in a playground. Raguel, rejected by both sides of the coin he’s realize that heroes and villains is jut a game of pretend, there is no one who is a true hero anymore. But there was only one who was able to achieve that title but that is not enough Trough out his life he’s seen the good and the worst of those sides were both kill each each other because of their difference’s but they all have one thing in common……”selfishness”. We’re all the people who has power’s only care for if they are stronger than the other. But now thanks to those sides that show him their true colors. He has come to realize that the “that the world doesn’t need a Hero or a Villain. The world needs a MONSTER. Good? Evil? No none of that”. he will unite these two sides trough real fear eliminating those who see for their own benefit and their own egotistical ideas. It doesn’t matter if they are a HERO or a VILLAIN They will know true fear that will make them run For their lives and make them work together Or they will perish {I do not own the image in the cover. All images are use with respect an to make any references.} {Please forgive my grammatical errors. Sometimes is hard since i speak a second language.}

c_fanficsCSM · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

CHAPTER 13: _Deadly Protector ll_


With a roar, rappa launch himself at Raguel with a blinding speed throwing consecutive punches.

Raguel was barely able to block it with his forearms, rappa's sudden burst of speed had took him by surprise leaving him to play the defensive side by blocking those punches that were going at a insane speed.

Which it greatly costed his two forearms, as he heard something like the sound of a twig being broken.

It was the sound of his Radius and ulna being completely shattered.

Rappa's punches had a lot of strength all because of his quirk that let him rotate his shoulders at extreme speeds that allow him to attack with an endless barrage of punches.

The barrage of punches were ended with a devastating hit on raguel's head


His whole body shot out like a canon ball, crashing into a costume store that was at the end of the street.

"JA JA JA." He wildly laughed as he breathed In heavily like a feral animal with bloodlust and hunger. But his bloodlust and hunger were not out of anger but excitement as he had found someone stronger to fight with.

And without a second thought he began to walk to the. Break into a full on run. But he was stopped as he heard his boss overhaul yell at him.

"RAPPA!!." Overhaul snap at him, but instead of having a scowl on his face, it remaining calm with a dour expression. This made rappa to go back to his five senses, But even more so after what overhaul was about to say.

"Kill him and i will personally myself rip your arms off and make you into good for nothing experimental drug tester." He spoke with a calm voice while looking at Rappa directly into his eyes.

"Bring him to me alive I don't care if he's missing a limb or has a broken bones. Just bring him to me while he's still breathing and has a functional beating heart."

"You got it boss." It was rappa's reply as he walk to the costume store were Raguel had crashed in.

The Inside of the store was a total mess as some of the cloth racks were destroyed as some of the shelves were torn of their bolts that held them to the ground.

It was a small ditch of destruction that reached to the back of the store. where there were a large number of shelves and coat racks, piled up.

And in the center of it. Lay a bloodied Raguel who was moving slowly trying his best to stand up straight or even get on his knees. Bur to his bad luck he couldn't as he had no forearms whatsoever to try to even stand up.

His forearms had been demolished to the point of his broken bones to poke out from his knuckles all the the way to his elbow.


"Argh. *Sput*" he cough out blood mixed with somekinf of white thing. As he look closely he began to recognize what it was.

"Fu. .cker . . took . . out . . . my canine . . Tooth. *COUGH!* as welll . . As . my . . horn.." He cursed as he slowly stand up, the tendrils in his back quickly move slithering like snakes and wrapped around his biceps quickly cutting of the loss of blood his body was suffering. "Heh . . At least . Horns . . can . re. .grow."

He felt a small pull on his forearms as if something was moving inside of them and was pulling itself in side deeper and deeper.

He quickly looked down seeing his muscle tendons being pull by small needle like tendrils that move almost like worms or even maggots and as it happened.

Pain enormous wave of pain hit him.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRREHHGGGGGAA." He let out a scream that almost sounded like roar as he fell forward hitting his forehead as well as his intact horn on the white marble floor.


That same feeling he got when he was almost captured by best jeanist. Once again had came back

But this time his heart was pounding fast and hard. It was pounding hard enough that he could hear it, as if it was on his ears.


"I enjoyed the blow you gave me up there." Spoke rappa as he step on the shattered glass . "It almost knocked me unconscious and i respect that."

He took another step forward, seeing raguel shake a little as if he was suffering from some kind of cold

But in reality. It was no cold, but rather something else.

Back to overhaul.

He look around the area scanning each store looking through the windows. But only saw frightened civilians back away deeper into the store or shrunk them selves into a fetal position.


Inside the store where the two young men were poking their head out.

"Is he talking about the girl " Namimaru whisper with as he look back to where eri was hiding.

"I guess he is." Samazu whispered back he too turn around looking back.

"I don't know bro, it seems fake to me." He turned his gaze towards the little girl who was hidden behind a box, her face was injected with fear looking at the window with fear when she heard his voice.

"But why is the afraid of her own father. Not unless . . . . ."

the two looked at each other.

"He's not really her father!!."

sometimes these two function as a single cell, in rare occasions. well that doesn't matter now as their are things going on now

"Damn Brat." Overhaul muttered, kneeling down on the asphalt and touching it with his right hand. "If you don't want to come out of your little hideout the hard way, then I'll make you come out the hard way."

The asphalt around him immediately began to crumble into small pieces in seconds affecting the shops and buildings near him. causing a tremor around him and even where rappa and raguel were.

little eri looked around herself, seeing the shop that was rapidly falling down.

"WOOOAAAH!" sumazu yelled losing balance from the earthquake that was occurring.

come on get up!" rappa yelled taking a step forward.

Raguel's body was trembling on the floor, while the small tendrils fixed his shattered forearm. the tendrils did the best they could, grabbing at the mangled flesh and broken bones.

joining the two organic materials and little by little regenerating it into something new.

"Aaaaaauurhgg!!" Raguel let out a cry of pain as he felt the tendrils finishing their work.

job? No. it was more than an adaptation for his body, something that had already happened to him

"Get up you fucking bastard." Rappa yelled getting closer and preparing his right fist, ready to deliver a punch.

Raguel's eyes began to turn bright red at the same time that his heart pumped with speed, the adrenaline multiplied with each pumping of his heart.

His mind went blank erasing any reasonable thought and bringing something old something wild

something primal

In the beginnings of the human race. when the human walked on all fours, using his front arms, he was only guided by one thing.

And that thing was its survival instinct and its adaptability to sustain itself in hostile habitats as well as its evolution in its coming years and its great act of violence throughout its evolution. Broken bones and loss of the body member, thanks to a predator or perhaps our own race were the main obstacle that the body had to endure. the human body endured it. making broken and fractured bones stronger and more resistant.

But so well our capacity for violence became great thanks to our wild instincts that helped us fight. It was Our violence that pushed us to become the apex predator in the field saves. all thanks to our survival violence

but over the years we lost those instincts. but our instinct of violence was not lost, it hid in the depths of our mind. being covered by our intelligence and our morality.

but when the quirks first appeared.

You would have an idea of ​​what else woke up.

and that was the case with some of the mutant quirk users and other quirk users.


in the case of raguel. It was more noticeable. His so-called "quirk" was kind of weird. Move through the shadows, his adaptability, his animal-like savagery, and create weapons from his body.

his quirk didn't seem natural, it didn't came or remotely look natural like some of the rest.

it was different it was almost as if . . . .

something or someone had created it.

And something inside raguel had activated.

"Argh!, Argh!, Argh!." Rageul let out growls that resembled that of an animal as his body shook. At the same time, his forearms had a type of bone layer attached to the skin that covered his hands.

"I won't say it again." Spoke rappa sounding angrier than he was, as the store slowly fell apart.



Rappa only heard an animalistic roar below him before his vision went black and blurry and he was sent flying backwards like a stray cannonball.

"What the fuck." is what overhaul said before flying along with rappa against a parked truck, flipping it onto its side by the violent impact.

A great roar was heard around the place.

"woah!! Did you see that Nanimaru!" Samazu yelled in surprise to see the guy on the outside fly out and crash into the truck.

"What the hell!" nanimaru shouted adjusting his cap.

Eri on the other hand stopped trembling and calmed down a bit raising her head, looking towards the window that faced outside. From the destroyed costume shop came a raguel with red eyes that glowed with a bright red .

his left hand was covered in a layer of rock-like bones that covered half of his forearm, blood dripping from his now armored knuckles.

"Damn bastard." complained rappa who was lying on top of a very angry chisaki kai. "the bastard broke my nose."

Before he could finish, he was thrown to the ground roughly.

"Get off me" Overhaul yelled using his left hand covered in metal up to the shoulder thanks to his quirk.

Rappa hit the ground with his face first, causing even more pain to course down his face, letting out a howl of pain.

Overhaul With a frown of anger and rage, he looked directly at Raguel

Who was breathing heavily like a predatory animal, looking back to Overhaul as his mouth moved up and down, saliva pour out dripping down to the ground .

"You!" he yelled overhaul as he stepped forward "damn son of a bitch. you're already starting to annoy me!, Rikiya!!." spoke overhaul has the device on his ear went on with a samll faint buzz

"Aye boss" answered a deep and lazy voice.

"Finish him."

Out of nowhere to Raguel's left side, a grocery store was completely destroyed by a huge figure with protruding muscles in its arms.


The giant let out a roar as he launched a right punch, aimed at Raguel's torso.

The huge fist shoot towards him. It was a few seconds to impact him fully a blow that would surely blow Raguel to pieces. the fist hit its supposed target squarely.

Chunks of asphalt flew like stray bullets everywhere, embedding themselves into the shop walls and shattering glass as well as blood that dripped from Rikiya's face on impact.

His blow was supposed to have been an unpredictable one, as he had blindsided the idiot that his boss, Overhaul, wanted completely dead.

then how

is it

that he had a right fist embedded in the right side of his face, that broke his cheek bone.

The wet, broken cracking sound of his cheek echoed through his head, bouncing off his ears and his skull.

Overhaul watched the scene in disbelief. Seeing that in a blink. The brat moved in a few second span and had asserted a blow to rikiya's face.

The giant stumble backwards a few feet as Raguel landed in all fours like a spider. The two tendrils in his shoulders shot out wrapping around rikiya's neck and throat tightly.

The two tendrils became hard as they started to choke out rikiya.

"FUCKER!" Rikiya Scream as he quickly grabbed the to tendrils getting a firm grip on them.

With a quick movement and a spin, he threw Raguel to the side against the building.


Raguel was hit with great force against the building, leaving a large hole on the third floor of the shop

the tendrils that were around his neck became weak, loose like strands of bandages. no longer feeling like iron hands around his neck.

"I did it boss." rikiya yelled "I killed that son of a bitch."

"Make sure." Overhaul said.

"but boss." rikiya complained

"Make Sure you fucking son of a bitch!!."

before rikiya could speak.

an immense pressure cut off his breath, along with his voice.


Raguel jumped out of the hole into the air with his hands outstretched holding his tendrils like chains as glowing bright red orange veins appeared and pulse on his arm all the way to his hands as in midair he spun like a tornado


With a roar and a inhuman strength, he lifted a rikiya that was trying to free himself from the monstrous grip.

("What the fuck are you made of?") Overhau thought as he watch the scene with wonder as well as disbelief

and in one movement Raguel throw his arms down pulling the tendrils down that held rikiya that was above him in midair

the noise of a great thunderous crash spread all over the place

everyone around the block, wether be the civilians or heroes felt the great shock.

especially a heroine.

Who patrol the area with the speed of a rabbit hoping from roof to roof, wearing a big smile

all day she was patrolling the streets of mosutafu japan. I didn't find anything good to do.

Well, she did find some other criminal or villain but most of them ran away from her out of fear, screaming desperately.

while others got defensive, and made themselves difficult and tough.

She loved it when some of them got aggressive and got tough, she always enjoy a good that got her excited, since they were the only ones giving her a fight!

A short fight but it was a fight nonetheless


that battle only lasted a few seconds, and it brought her back to her boring patrolling, she despised it even tho she enjoyed it.

But it didn't leave her satisfied enough.

she landed on the roof of a building with ease.

Her landing didn't last a second, and she was about to jump onto another roof. Not until her white rabbit ears picked up strong vibrations in the air.

They were followed by a great crash that sounded like a roar.

"What the hell." She spoke, turning towards the direction of the sound, fading his smile in the process. "What is going on there."

She couldn't finish speaking, since the radio that he had stuck to her waist turned on.

"To all the available units and heroes, it was reported that the sighting of the villain, Shadow Demon who attacked the AU entrance exam was seen on Hiroki street. All the heroes that are near the area, please be careful, he is very dangerous."

Her lips began to pull, showing her white teeth.

Looks like her day won't get that boring after all.

"The heroes with the highest rank or experience are requested to deal with the villain. I repeat Heroes of higher rank or experience are requested to handle it. all the other remaining heroes stand down, do not make contact with him. I repeat do not make conta—

Bzzzt *click*

She had pressed the button above the radio, turning it off completely.

"It seems that today is my lucky day."

She spoke while having an excited smile, and with her eyes filled with determination, her battle instinct had already been awakened once more.

"So it's the same guy who attacked those newbie's"

Her gaze remained fixed on the place where the noise came from.

"Well, why don't we go get some of that phony guy called the Shadow Demon? I bet he's not even strong like the twig says to be. Probably a nobody that was lucky to beat those two." she spoke mockingly. "I'll have to check it out myself."

"I hope it's not just some weakling who's getting lots of compliments."

and with a blink of an eye she jumped to another roof and then another. going to the place of the sound where now a great smoke was coming out.

She increased her speed by jumping quickly as her battle instinct grew. she was hungry for a battle.

Back to the place of the noise caused by a wild raguel.

And speaking of raguel.

"Augh." He fell to his knees on the asphalt, almost hitting the asphalt with his face if it wasn't by his two arms he use as supports. His breathing was agitated, he breathed very fast. His heart had pumped too much adrenaline causing a strong feeling of dizziness, as his heart slowly calmed down.

He raised his head looking ahead of him, seeing a large hole in front of him a few feet away from him.

"moron." Raguel said, looking at the hole and with a groan he got up from the asphalt now heading to where he left little Eri.

the shop itself was almost destroyed thanks to the quirk of overhaul, which had almost destroyed everything around it.

Raguel noticed that a large piece of concrete was blocking the entrance to the store.

And without wasting a second he used his hardened fists, raised his left arm and a punch that began to break as it began to crack, he quickly launched multiple blows reducing the concrete to small pieces of stone.

And when he finish, he tear off the door of the store and go inside at once.

"Eri?! where are you?!" Raguel asked, looking around everywhere, until he noticed the two men who were behind bags of fertilizer attached to the wall of the window.

"where is she." Raguel asked with narrowed eyes that made his eyes shine.

The two men let out a cry upon seeing Raguel's face.

It looked like the devil himself had shown up.

Orange eyes like burning flames with his intimidating gaze, and the inside of his mouth was like hell itself, a strong orange glow that highlighted his sharp teeth.

"AAAAAHH!!." The two men yelled hugging each other.

"A-A AKUMA!!".

Raguel looked at them with annoyance while both trembled with fear.

This annoyed him a bit and he was ready to question them but it wasn't when he heard a voice call out.


He immediately ran to where the voice came from. And finally he saw eri who was hiding behind some boxes of food in the corner.

"are you OK?." he knelt in front of her.

"You came back." Eri spoke with a low tone of voice with shiny and teary eyes that looked at Raguel.

This confused Raguel a bit, who moved his head to the side, but realize what the little girl was referring to.

"eri." Raguel spoke with a soft tone as he moved his hand to eri's head "I told you I was going to come back--"

Suddenly, she launched herself at Raguel, wrapping her arms around Raguel's neck.

raguel's eyes enlarged. Now, at this moment, Raguel did not know how to react, it was as if he had been hit out of nowhere with a huge blow.

But that blow was something indescribable, it felt warm and and . . . . .

There were no words to describe it from someone such as him

and again his heart began to beat, just like the time he was with the fox lady named ippan. It was those feelings that he had repressed so much.

not again.

he would do it again once more trying to suppress those feelings that were growing inside of him.

trying not to be soft with anyone.


Why did he felt weak when he was shown a tiny bit of affection.

What was making him so weak? Something inside him was weak and if that weakness did not disappear. He would not be able to reach his cherished goal.

To be the Monster that all the heroes and villains would stare at in fear and terror every time he appeared. Be the fear and necessary evil that this ignorant world needs


for now he will let out a little of his weakness towards the little light and that little light was nothing more and nothing less than eri that was now hugging him.

'Maybe she reminded him when he was just but a child'

"Let's go at once." Raguel lifted Eri up and carry her with his arms and used his tendrils as a support to carry her.

Raguel walked towards the exit of the store. coming out onto the asphalt and its surroundings that utter destroyed.

"Mister, what happened to your horn?" Eri curiously asked pointing to the missing horn on Raguel's forehead. "He did it, didn't he?". Her face change to a sadden expression

"no" Raguel answered looking at eri with a soft expression. "No he didn't, it was someone else and Besides, I think I look a bit like you since I see you up close." Raguel spoke looking at eri's forehead, where a small horn protruded from her forehead almost to the right side.

Raguel playfully poke her forehead. causing her to shake her head in retaliation by the sudden playful poke of raguel.

"The same?."

Eri asked, moving her head a little to the side looking at him with curious eyes and then at the raguel's horn.

she raised her hand upwards reaching for his horn. She was fill with curiosity, she'd never seen any person with a horn that look almost exactly as hers apart from raguel's shadow like skin.

"Is soft and rough." she said as she trace her fingers. "It remind me of toy call a t..t-tri..cep....o." she struggle pronounced the word she was trying to say. "tri-tri...cerp-p.. to--"

"Triceratops." said raguel

"Y-Yeah a trice-ce-rato-tops" she let go of the horn. "Tri-ce-ra-tops." she repeated the word again, and letting it set on her tongue.

"alright eri." raguel spoke as he stop walking, stopping at the front of a destroyed convenience store "hold on tight." the tendrils move her behind him onto his back.

"It's time to lea---


raguel had dodge still holding eri whom let a loud cry,

immediately somersaulting backwards his own body forced him react that way

well why?

as he descended back into the concrete the he saw the spot that he was standing on, was completely destroy. No sidewalk was there anymore, it was gone shattered into many pieces. immediately he raised his head to see who had cause this destructive attack, but when he did his eyes widened.

"You have to be fucking joking."

as soon as those words finish coming out of his mouth, he had to dodge another incoming blow directed to it's mid section.

"SO YOUR THE PUNK EVERY ONE WAS TALKING ABOUT!!" shout out a female voice.

He once again landed back onto the cracked asphalt sliding on the flat of his feet, causing his skin to open, it was Better that than having to receive a blow from the top 5 heroine herself.


it was none other than the Rabbit Hero.

Usagiyama Rumi.

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