
MHA: Telekinesis

While a young man was having a heated debate on how to become omnipotent with telekinesis a message suddenly appeared in front of his screen. /Welcome to the Omniversal Race to Omnipotence/ And suddenly a beam of light struck the planet killing everything on it. AN: Just a very advance warning, if you can't handle the first 5 chapters, you might as well drop it and not waste your time, I'm not joking, you're literal specks of dust compared to the amount of readers I have accumulated so one, ten, or even a hundred readers who have drop this novel doesn't really matter, I'm not wasting your time so if you don't like it, then drop it. Now on to the advance warnings, first five plus chapters have something that borders the line between legal and illegal so yeah, read at your own discretion, but it does stop at beyond 10 chapters or so so if you can stomach it, then might as well read pass the horrors I made. (Started in December 4, 2021 - 9th day of writing) (2nd novel) (Reach 1k collections in February 14, 2022 - Valentines Day, nice | 82nd day of writing)

NoNameDeity · Anime et bandes dessinées
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93 Chs

Ch 65 – Fashion

The two students nodded with understanding as the other students made way for them to the weapons rack.

"No hard feelings?" ask by Leo to him with an amicable smile once they both reach the weapons rack at the same time.

"No hard feelings" said by Vlad as he shook hands with Leo, indicating their agreements that this is just a friendly spar.

They both pick up their weapons which was coincidentally both swords as they smiled at each other and walk up to the stage where they will do a friendly spar for the whole class to see.

As soon as they stood in front of each other on the arena, Vlad looks at his status with interest.

[Race: Human]

[Class: Student]

[Level: 15]

[Quirk: Enhanced Senses(Rare)]

[Skills: Sword Mastery(B) Agility(C) Strength(C) Endurance(C)…]

[Quirk: Enhanced Senses (Rare) – amplifies the quirk holder's senses]

As soon as he saw his status, he remembered one thing about how Will Magic works and finds that Leo's quirk would be useful for him for the future so he decided to take his quirk during the spar.

"Sir Arthur! I have a question!" shouted by Vlad.

"Ask away!" shouted by Arthur.

"What about the level difference between students?" ask by Vlad.

"Don't worry about it, in a real fight, most people's levels would be different so the one whose level is lower just doesn't work hard enough compared to those who are higher leveled" said by Arthur as every student gulp in worry.

Vlad and Leo nodded to Arthur as they look at each straight in the eye.

"Start!" shouted by Arthur as Leo rush at him with his wooden sword while he just stood there, waiting for Leo to reach him.

As soon as Leo reaches in sword distance, he swung his sword towards Vlad with a flurry of strike but as if he was facing an annoying and slippery snake, each of his attack was just barely dodge by Vlad.

Vlad smirks with an annoying smile as Leo became annoyed and hastened his flurry of blows as Vlad just continued to barely dodge each attack while the students who were watching gasp in awe at Vlad's masterful control over the battle, as if the battle was a graceful dance.

"You tired yet?" ask by Vlad with a smile as Leo became piss off.

"Why don't you attack hah!" said by Leo in anger as he swung harder and harder with his wooden sword.

"If you say so" said by Vlad with an innocent smile as he swung his leg towards Leo's leg, making him trip as in that split second, he duplicated Leo's quirk and took it for himself as he felt his senses getting slightly stronger.

"Winner! Vlad Roseheart!" said by Arthur from the side as the students cheered for him winning as he smiled and went back to weapons rack and put back his wooden sword and walk back to Anna, bumping into nearly everyone in the process, taking their quirks as he goes as he got many useful quirks with tons of potential.

"Hey Vlad, was that your quirk?" ask by Anna with confuse eyes.

"Yep" said by Vlad with a smile.

"Wow, I didn't just expect you to dodge all of his attacks like nothing" said by Anna with a gaping mouth.

"Told you I would in a spar between us" said by Vlad with a smile.

"Yeah yeah I get it" said by Anna as she rolled her eyes.

Soon, the time pass by as all the students finally finish their own spars with Anna fighting someone who can harden their own body which she defeated without difficulty.

"Mmm, it seems like everyone is finish with their own spars. Okay, that will be the end of the class today" said by Arthur.

"That's it?" ask by one random student.

"Yes, next time we would learn how to use our Ki so get ready for that" said by Arthur as he started to walk away with the students following his example as they also walk away from the area.

"That was a fun first day for school" said by Vlad to Anna as they started to walk to where the gate is located.

"Mm hmm, so how difficult was your spar?" ask by Anna as she was munching some bread on the side and gave some to Vlad.

"Thanks, it wasn't that hard if your opponent couldn't hit you in the first place" said by Vlad as he munches on the bread.

"Well see you tomorrow, Vlad!" said by Anna as they finally reach the gate out of the campus.

"Goodbye!" said by Vlad as they parted their ways from each other as Vlad started to walk back home while still munching on some bread with a bored face.

'It seems like my conjecture is true in regards to Enhanced Senses, my senses with my soul have increase bringing me an easier time to do Will Magic, and I also gained a sixth sense of sorts' thought by Vlad as his body started to blend into the shadow as he manifested back in front of his house while his hair started to revert back to jet black while his eyes became dark brown.

"I'm back" said by Jinwoo with some bread in his mouth as he took off his shoes and went back to his room to see mister Orb reading some random books on his bed.

"Welcome back Hero, how was school?" ask by mister Orb who "looks" at him with its faceless body.

"It was fun, got to spar with somebody else" said by Jinwoo as he started to take off his clothes.

"Mmm" said by the orb as it continued to read its book while Jinwoo went to the bathroom to take a quick little shower as he showered off the grime from his body.

He then walks back to his room with only a towel on his waist as he rummaged through his clothes and put on a plain white shirt along with some black pants.

"Hmm" said by the orb while looking at him.

"What is it?" ask by Jinwoo.

"I just notice now, but why do you only wear a white shirt and black pants?" said by the orb in confusion.

"Oh, its my only clothes you see" said by Jinwoo as he showed him his clothes.

"But can't you buy something else?" ask by the orb.

"Its because… fine, you caught me red handed, I have no fashion sense" said by Jinwoo with a wry smile.

"Huh, I guess a Hero can have their flaws" said by the orb as it continued to read its book leaving Jinwoo alone having an embarrass face.

AN: Are you already missing the first main character Saiki? Well me too.

But fucking hell, only a few people notice the inconsistency of Izuku's character at the start so I'm just gonna explain some shit.

At the start of the story, when Bakugo is about to be eaten by the slime monster, Izuku suddenly felt a tug at his heroic soul and decided to save Katsuki, now that sounds illogical right? Like saving your tormentor that bullied you for years, that sounds pretty stupid.

Well its because it was Saiki who did it, I gave massive hints like the tug, or his body not being able to move, its not because of fear, its Saiki.

Writing is hard, so send me some of that sweet juicy power stones to not let the Sword of Damocles to drop and incur one of the greatest tragedies in your life.

(February 21, 2022 – 89th day of writing)