
MHA: Streamer System ,Spreading Multiversal Brain Rot !

David was your average guy from a small Texas town. He worked, hit the gym, played Call of Duty with his buddy Dustin, and recently ditched his toxic ex. Life was pretty straightforward—until suddenly, it wasn’t. One moment he was living his regular life, and the next, he found himself dead and somehow in the world of My Hero Academia. Now, with a Streamer System in tow, David’s got a whole new reality to face now.

Vidhan_Bhardwaj · Anime et bandes dessinées
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47 Chs

Where to... ?


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As the Multiversal Streamer tag activated, David's usual blue interface dissolved, replaced by a sleek, mordernistic purple screen.

His eyes flickered to the list of new options appearing before him, each one a doorway to a different reality.


Multiversal Streaming Options

●Jujutsu Kaisen



●Warhammer 40k [Highly Rewarding]

●Ben 10

●Detroit: Become Human

Type-Moon [Highly rewarding ]

Kaguya-Sama: Love is War

Rent a Girlfriend [Special Task Highly Rewarding]

●The Boys

And many more...


David's gaze caught on Warhammer 40k for just a split second, before he immediately recoiled, his gut churning at the mere sight of it.

"Oh hell no," he muttered, his hand flying to press the Blacklist button beside it. "That place is way too fucked up."

Just the thought of it sent a shiver down his spine.

The grimdark horrors of Warhammer 40k—a universe where war never ended, hope was a distant memory, and every living thing seemed doomed to suffer or die horribly.

The sheer brutality and hopelessness of it made it the biggest nope.

It was like being thrown into a meat grinder where no one survived.

"Forget I even saw that," David mumbled, shaking his head as if to clear the horrific imagery from his mind. "No way I'm touching that nightmare."

With Warhammer safely blacklisted, David let out a relieved sigh, focusing on the more reasonable—and survivable—worlds. Marvel, DC, Jujutsu Kaisen, or Ben 10. A

All of them still offered their own great dangers, but at least they weren't hopeless death traps like Warhammer.

He hovered over the options, now slightly more at ease. "Alright, where to go..?" he muttered to himself.

A world full of sorcerers, superheroes, or alien tech? He could work with that.

The purple interface flickered as he scrolled through the safer, albeit less rewarding options.

As David continued scrolling down the list of multiversal options, his eyes caught something that stood out, something that seemed completely out of place among the obviously intense and high-stakes worlds.


It wasn't the name that caught him off guard—it was the strange tag beside it:

[Special Task Highly Rewarding]

David blinked, then narrowed his eyes. Most of the other options, especially the hellish worlds like Warhammer or Type-Moon, had [Highly Rewarding] beside them, signaling big rewards for massive risks.

But Rent-A-Girlfriend? A romcom about a good-for-nothing MC who might have a bit of a... well, cuckold energy?

"Why the hell would that have a 'Special Task Highly Rewarding' tag?" he muttered to himself.

It made no sense. It was a simple romcom—a show about awkward dates, rental girlfriends, and a protagonist who had some seriously questionable traits.

There was no world-ending threat, no high-octane battles, nothing that screamed 'special task' or 'high reward.'

Curiosity piqued, David decided to consult the system.

'System, what's the deal with Rent-A-Girlfriend? Why does it have a special task with high rewards?.'

The system's response came swiftly.


The world administrator of Rent-A-Girlfriend wishes for you to perform a specific task and is willing to offer very high rewards for your cooperation in it.

Unlike worlds such as Warhammer 40k and Type Moon, which are labeled with [Highly Rewarding] due to their dangerous nature, this tag means that the Administrator will personally reward you for choosing this world and the general rewards are much more high valued.

These rewards are essential to survive in those hostile environments, but in case of Rent a Girlfriend, they serve as payment for your involvement in a particular task.


'So, the Rent-A-Girlfriend world admin has a task that they want to be completed that badly ?'

He couldn't help but frown, feeling both confused and intrigued.

'Why would they need that in a romcom world? And what kind of task could be worth high rewards for doing a task which was in itself a payment for his entry in the world'

It was strange.

Unlike the brutally dangerous worlds like Warhammer or Type Moon, where rewards were necessary just to survive the overwhelming danger, here it was an enticement—almost as if the world administrator was begging him to enter their realm.

'Can I know the task?' David asked, half-expecting something bizarre or mundane given the nature of the world.

The system responded immediately, its interface flashing with a new message.


Of course, the task is to simply destroy the life of the MC completely, from the ground up, to the point where he's forced to delete himself


David blinked, staring at the screen in stunned silence.

What the hell? He reread the message, his brain trying to catch up with the sudden twist.

Destroy the main character's life? To the point of deletion? That was... brutal. And this was for a romcom world?

For a moment, a sense of sympathy welled up in David.

Sure, the protagonist of Rent-A-Girlfriend wasn't the greatest guy—hell, some of his actions were questionable at best—but to be hated so thoroughly by his own world administrator that they'd hire someone to utterly ruin him?

That was bad.

David rubbed his temples, processing the absurdity. "Man, the guy's life must really suck if even his own world admin wants him erased like this."

He couldn't help but feel a bit bad for the MC.

After all, this task wasn't about some life-or-death battle or heroic mission.

It was essentially being paid to make someone's existence so miserable that they couldn't bear to live anymore.


Before finalizing his choice, David paused, a thought crossing his mind.

He wasn't sure how time worked between worlds, and it was important to know before jumping in.

'System, if I enter another world, will time sync between here and there? Or will it freeze while I'm gone?'

The system's response was quick, its familiar text popping up on the interface:


For task-related ventures, time will freeze in your Homeworld. However, when streaming, time will be synchronized between both worlds.


David nodded to himself, satisfied with the answer. That was convenient—he wouldn't have to worry about losing time in his homeworld while on missions.

But during streaming, time would flow normally to keep things fair for his subscribers.

"Good. That works," he muttered, now fully focused on making his choice.

His eyes landed back on Detroit: Become Human. Compared to the other dangerous or boring worlds, it seemed like the least dangerous option while being the most interesting.

No metaphysical horrors, no eldritch gods, and no universe-ending calamities—just androids dealing with their place in society.

The idea of using his half-Cybertronian physique in a world where machines were at the center of everything felt almost like cheating.

He could easily outclass any android there.

David smirked, finally clicking on the Detroit: Become Human option.

The purple interface flickered as the confirmation message popped up:


You have selected Detroit: Become Human. Prepare for world transfer.


This world would be far less chaotic than the others, and with his powers, he had a distinct edge.

"Let's see what the future of androids has in store for me," he muttered, ready for whatever challenges awaited him.

David blinked as the world around him shimmered, and in the next instant, he found himself standing in the middle of a small, dingy apartment.

The walls were yellowed with age, peeling wallpaper revealing cracks in the structure.

A flickering LED hung from the ceiling, casting a dim, uneven glow across the room.

The smell of old wood and musty fabric filled the air.

A broken-down sofa sat in one corner, and a small kitchen with outdated appliances occupied another.

There was an eerie quiet, broken only by the distant hum of the city outside.

"Well... this is cozy," David muttered sarcastically, taking in his new surroundings.

Before he could inspect the place any further, the system's task screen flashed into existence before him, hovering in the air. Its text glowed faintly in the dim apartment.


Task: Amend the astray timeline. Ensure the revolution succeeds.


David frowned. The "astray timeline" part wasn't something he expected.

He figured this would be a straightforward visit, but it looked like things were off-course in Detroit: Become Human.

"So I'm here to make sure the revolution goes through," he mused aloud, piecing it together. "Something went wrong,?"

His mind raced through the implications. In the game, the android revolution was a pivotal event.

Ensuring its success wasn't just about winning a fight—it was about changing society, overcoming oppression, and leading a movement.

There were multiple branching paths, so whatever had caused the timeline to go astray could be subtle or major.

David let out a breath,"Guess it's up to me to fix this."


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500 Powerstones 2 Bonus Chapter