
MHA: Streamer System ,Spreading Multiversal Brain Rot !

David was your average guy from a small Texas town. He worked, hit the gym, played Call of Duty with his buddy Dustin, and recently ditched his toxic ex. Life was pretty straightforward—until suddenly, it wasn’t. One moment he was living his regular life, and the next, he found himself dead and somehow in the world of My Hero Academia. Now, with a Streamer System in tow, David’s got a whole new reality to face now.

Vidhan_Bhardwaj · Anime et bandes dessinées
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47 Chs

Disturbing stream

Starting is the end of the current drama.

Though real drama is still left ill focus more on streaming for the next three chapters.

In the middle starts real streaming stuff

Before reading though gimme that powerstones please!

Also the Top 20 offer is now expired you guys didn't do it its my fault though


David stood before Kaede, watching her eyes—now robotic and glowing faintly—search his face for answers.

She was sitting in the shelter he had formed in the forest, her new metallic hands resting in her lap,.

"Who... who are you?" Kaede asked, her voice softer than it had ever been.

She didn't recognize him in his Galactus Prime form, the towering mechanical body he had used to save her.

David sighed, taking a step forward. "Kaede, I need you to listen carefully," he said gently, his voice calm but with an underlying weight.

"What I'm about to tell you is... hard to believe, but it's the truth."

Kaede's glowing eyes met his, filled with confusion and a trace of fear, she didn't even pick on him knowing her name.

David took a deep breath. "My name... my real name, is David."

Her eyes widened, the shock evident on her face. "David?" she echoed, confusion in her voice.

"But... that's impossible. You don't look—"

"Not right now, I don't," he interrupted, holding up a hand. "But let me show you."

Before Kaede could say anything more, David closed his eyes.

His massive mechanical form began to shimmer, the layers of metal shifting and retreating.

In a few moments, the towering robotic figure vanished, leaving behind the human figure she knew—David, standing there as his regular self.

Kaede gasped, her hands covering her metallic mouth. "David... it's really you?"

"It's me," he said, nodding. "The same David you've known all along. I didn't want to hide this from you, but I had to. I couldn't let anyone know—not even you—about what I really am."

Kaede stared at him, her mind racing to make sense of what she was seeing. "But... how? How are you like that? What... what happened to me?"

David rubbed the back of his neck, knowing he had to tell her something convincing after all he couldn't break the golden rule of Transmigration.

He knelt down next to her, meeting her eye level. "It all started a year ago," he began, his voice steady.

"I was contacted by something—an alien. It was dying, and its species was... wiped out. They were ancient beings, protectors of their world, but they were attacked and destroyed by something more powerful than them."

Kaede's robotic face reflected disbelief, but she remained silent, listening intently.

David continued, carefully weaving the story. "This alien—he had no one left, no one to carry on his species' legacy. He found me and... I don't know why, but he chose me. He said I had the potential to carry on their power, to become the next one of them."

Kaede blinked, her new hands shaking slightly as she absorbed his words. "So... you're saying you became like them? A protector?"

David nodded. "Yes. He gave me his spark, his core. That's what lets me transform into... what you saw earlier. Galactus Prime." He paused for a moment, his voice softening.

"I didn't want this, but I couldn't turn him down. It was his dying wish."

Kaede looked down at her hands, metallic fingers flexing slowly. "And me? What did you do to me?"

David's heart clenched as he prepared to lie again. "When I found you... when you were barely alive, I had no choice.I didn't want to lose you, Kaede. The only way to save you was to give you a part of that power—. It's inside you now. It healed you, but it changed you too."

Kaede's glowing eyes locked onto his, a mix of shock and gratitude on her face. "You... gave me your spark? To save me?"

David nodded. "Yes. It was the only way. I didn't want to lose you."

Kaede's expression softened, her robotic hand reaching out to touch his arm. "David... I don't know how to thank you. You saved my life twice already."

He smiled weakly, the guilt of his deception twisting inside him. "I just didn't want to lose you, Kaede. That's all that matters."

For a long moment, they sat in silence, Kaede processing everything she'd just learned.

David could see the questions forming in her mind, but for now, she seemed content with the explanation he had given.

He had successfully hidden the full truth.

He didn't want to be a sacriligious isekai'er after all.

David sat for some moments next to Kaede, watching her as she examined her new metallic hands with new admiration like a kid.

"Kaede," he began gently, "I need to show you something else. You don't have to stay like this all the time. You're still... mostly you. The change was only partial—there's a way to look like your old self again."

Kaede's glowing eyes widened in surprise. "What do you mean? I can go back?"

David nodded. "Yes, but only as long as you don't get seriously injured. The spark replaced what was damaged beyond repair, but a lot of your original form is still intact. You're part Cybertronian now, the spark integrated what remained of your organic body with the new elements. You just need to learn how to control the transformation."

"Control it?" she asked, her voice filled with a mix of hope and doubt.

"Yes," David said, standing up and offering her his hand. "It's about focusing on your old self—who you were before this. Your body can shift back to its original form, but it takes concentration. Here, I'll guide you."

Kaede took his hand, standing up beside him.

Her movements were slightly awkward, adjusting to the metallic limbs, but David could see the determination in her eyes.

"Close your eyes," he instructed, his voice calm and reassuring. "Think about your human body—the way it felt, the way it moved. Picture it in your mind. You're still you, Kaede. The changes are just a part of the original not the other way around."

She did as he said, closing her glowing eyes and taking a deep breath.

David could feel the faint hum of the spark within her resonating with his own energy.

Slowly, the metallic sheen on her skin began to fade, the mechanical structure softening as her body transformed to its organic form loke the transformers going in vehicle mode.

Moments later, when Kaede opened her eyes again, her appearance was completely human though clearly enahnced.

Her skin, her hair—everything looked just like it had before and better.

"It worked," she whispered, touching her face with her hands, amazed. "I look... human."

David smiled. "You do. Just remember, you can't take too much damage. If you do, the spark will kick in to protect you, and the mechanical form will might become permanent."

Kaede looked at him, her eyes filled with gratitude, relief and love. "Thank you, David. I... I don't know how to process all of this, but at least I get to live another day."

David nodded, though inside, he was still wrestling with the lies he had told her.

But for now, he focused on the present, knowing that they both had much to adjust to in this strange new chapter of their lives.


David leaned back in the old, creaky chair he found in the corner of the abandoned villa he had rented from the money he got off from generous donations.

Obviously not from blackmail David was a new man now, he didn't do backhanded tactics like that.

Its just a damn shame that the monwy market is so fragile these days.

Billions vanishing with a single glitch in the system.

The place had just the right amount of decayed charm to set the mood for the stream.

As he glanced around, the flickering candlelight casting long shadows on the peeling walls, a smile crept across his face.

It was perfect.

He couldn't stop thinking about the media frenzy that erupted after Galactus Prime turned Infernal's head to paste.

"Murdering vigilante," they called him. David scoffed.

The fact that people were debating whether or not some pyro-maniac who was loke a dollar shop joker deserved it was laughable.

"Like I give a flying fuck," he muttered under his breath.

Infernal had it coming, and deep down, David felt zero remorse.

If anything, he felt... calm.

Now, after two days of laying low settling everything with Kaede , he was ready to get back into action, but not as Galactus Prime—tonight, it was back to his real job streaming.

His audience had been left hanging, and now it was time to ramp things up.

He turned back to his setup, tweaking the camera angles, making sure everything looked just right.

Shadows danced in the corners of the room, and with the abandoned villa's eerie vibe, the ARG was about to take on a whole new life.

As he was doing a final check on the mic, the familiar chime of the system broke his focus.




Alternate Quest:

Objective: Get the police called to your location.

Reward: 1,500 Quartz Crystal, Unlock new exteme streaming perk.


David blinked, the words sinking in. "Get the police called?" he muttered, half-amused, half-intrigued.

What the hell was the system thinking? It wasn't like he hadn't caused some chaos before, but this was a whole different level of provocative. It was almost... tempting.

He read the alternate objective again:


Alternate quest to: 10,000 live viewers.


His laugh broke the silence of the villa. "Of course, leave it to the system to come up with some batshit idea like that," he said, shaking his head.

"Get the cops called? Why not?" His lips curled into a smirk, the wheels in his head already spinning.

This could be fun—twisted, sure, but fun.

The villa was perfect for something like this.

It was falling apart, isolated, and just unsettling enough to make someone feel like something truly wrong was going down.

"Guess I'll have to put on one hell of a show tonight," he mused, walking around the dimly lit room.

There were endless possibilities, and all he had to do was cross a line convincing enough to get someone freaked out enough to dial the police.

David wasn't about to let this opportunity slip.

If the system wanted chaos, he'd give it chaos, as long as it fit his goal.

He moved back to the camera, cracking his neck. "Alright, folks, Let's do this" he muttered to himself.


The stream opened with a static view of a dimly lit, abandoned hallway.

The camera lay awkwardly on the floor, staring down a long, dark passage.

At the far end, a single flickering tungsten bulb buzzed, barely casting enough light to show the cracked walls and peeling paint.

There wasn't a sound except for faint, shaky breathing—no voices, no movement.

The chat exploded with confusion:

> edgyboi69: WTF is this?

> iLuvUrMom: Bro, did he fall asleep or something?

> xx_D4RK_L0RD_xx: Are we supposed to just stare at this hallway?

> BigChungus420: Fake asf

> ScreamQueenz: This feels… off…

Suddenly, the camera jolted as it was lifted, the view shifting wildly until it settled on David's pale, sweat-covered face.

His eyes were wide, pupils blown, and his breathing came in shallow gasps.

He looked like a man who had seen something unspeakable, terror etched into every inch of his expression.

"I think he's gone," he whispered, voice shaking with adrenaline. His hand trembled as he gripped the camera tighter. "But I... I don't think I'll last long."

> BagelBiteBoy: yo what the actual f*ck?

> BabySmasher9000: Dude looks freaked tf out

> Karen_Fucker: he's a really good actor, right? Right??

David's eyes glistened, a single tear slipping down his cheek as he looked dead into the lens.

He was barely holding it together, his face a mix of raw fear and desperation.

The chat exploded in panic, even the trolls falling silent, unsure if they were watching fiction or something much more horrifyingly real.

"I don't even know if the stream's working..."

David whispered, glancing around as if expecting something to jump out of the shadows. "But I don't think... I don't think I'm gonna make it out of here. This could be the last time you see me."

He said it all in a hushed, frantic tone, as though every word brought him closer to something he was trying desperately to avoid.

His eyes darted nervously to the hallway behind him, where the bulb continued to flicker, casting eerie, inconsistent shadows across his face.

> BluntForceTrauma: Bruh is he crying? Is this real?

> IronDong007: I'm out, this is cursed AF.

> plsSendTacos: David wtf is happening?! Call someone!!

The terror in his voice was palpable, his hands shaking as the camera jostled.

David gulped, his lips barely moving as he muttered, "I don't know how long I've got left. If... if anyone's out there—just... stay away from this place."

The chat went wild, spinning out of control as more people piled in, the confusion and panic spreading like wildfire.

> deadinside69: Bro this is too real, what's happening??

> m3talG0d: This ain't a prank anymore. Call someone!!

> UwUCultist666: OMG dude, just get out of there!!


David opened his mouth to explain, his lips trembling as he tried to form words.

His eyes were distant, still processing whatever terror he'd encountered, but before he could speak, a loud, grinding noise cut through the silence.

It was the sound of something heavy being dragged across the floor—slow, deliberate, and menacing.

The sound echoed through the hallway behind him, and David's face drained of what little color it had left.

His eyes shot wide open, his breath hitched in his throat.

The chat went into a frenzy:

> xxDarkLordxx: What the hell was that???

> 2Spooky4Me: DID Y'ALL HEAR THAT?!?

> BigChungus420: Nah bro, I'm literally pissing right now.

David's body stiffened, frozen in place as his mind raced.

He turned his head slowly toward the hallway, fear swallowing him whole.

His entire frame trembled as the noise grew louder, something scraping closer, inch by inch.

For a moment, he didn't move.

He just stood there, staring down the hallway with wide, terrified eyes.

But then, as if something snapped inside him, David bolted.

Without warning, he sprinted like a man possessed, frantically rushing through the crumbling villa.

The camera shook violently, jerking back and forth as he ran, the sound of his frantic breathing and pounding footsteps mixing with the still-distant scraping sound.

> P4nicAttack: DAVID, GET OUT OF THERE!!!

> plsSendHelp: HE'S RUNNING!!! OH GOD!!!!


The villa was a blur, with shadows darting across the walls as David flew through room after room, the camera barely able to keep up with his frenzied pace.

He didn't care about the noise anymore, didn't care about the chat—his only action being running.

But whatever was following him wasn't stopping either.

The scraping sound had become louder now, and every few seconds, David would throw a panicked glance over his shoulder, only to find the source of the noise still unseen to the audience... but terrifyingly close.

His breath came in ragged gasps as he turned a corner, his legs pumping as if his life depended on it—because in that moment, it really appeared like that.


Stones and Reviews please

250 Powerstone 1 Bonus Chapter

500 Powerstones 2 Bonus Chapter