
MHA: Streamer System ,Spreading Multiversal Brain Rot !

David was your average guy from a small Texas town. He worked, hit the gym, played Call of Duty with his buddy Dustin, and recently ditched his toxic ex. Life was pretty straightforward—until suddenly, it wasn’t. One moment he was living his regular life, and the next, he found himself dead and somehow in the world of My Hero Academia. Now, with a Streamer System in tow, David’s got a whole new reality to face now.

Vidhan_Bhardwaj · Anime et bandes dessinées
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47 Chs

Crazy Stuff

I've Failed you all I fell sick and ended up dozzing off rather than write aagh!

I am going to try and upload a bonus chapter today for compensation since i don't have enough for mass release !

Also consider giving this a review i think it has enough content for a review ?


David leaned forward, fingers flying over his keyboard as he typed a few lines of code.

The next part of the ARG was ready to be put into motion, but it wasn't something that could be rushed.

This stage needed precision and care. He smirked, feeling the rush of excitement as his plan inched closer to fruition.

Once satisfied with the updates, he opened a chat window and shot a message to Nokotan.

David: We're moving into the next phase. I need some time to set up the live event, but start spreading the clues. People need to feel like they're uncovering something big, something hidden in plain sight at a global scale now.

This next stage would take the game off the screen and into the real world.

People would be out there, hunting for answers, connecting dots, and exploring real locations.

The thrill of the chase would grip them, and by the time they realized it, they'd be too far down the rabbit hole to back out.

David grinned as he hit send.

The crumbs would lead them to something bigger—something they wouldn't expect.

He just needed Nokotan to kick things off.

David: "Let's make it look like it's everywhere. We need them chasing clues from city to city, country to country. Upload footages from different countries and cities."

He leaned back, with the best aizen smile.

This was just the beginning.

If things went right this might just become the world's biggest ARG.



Posted 13 minutes ago


___posts | ___replies


>Post by: Anonymous User

Guys. Did anyone else just get hit with a flood of new videos? I was refreshing 23491977800.com and suddenly like 15 new uploads hit the server at once. All in different locations, different spectrums. Some of them are almost impossible to make out, but... holy shit, this is some serious stuff.


>Reply by: OldTimer34

I've been on this from the start. This is real. Look at the landmarks! Some of those stations are impossible to access without inside info. The spectrums are messed up, like it's recorded through night vision or something... but this is real footage. They're targeting specific places.


>Reply by: SignalBreaker

I don't know what's creepier—the footage itself or the fact that at the end of each video there's a different code.

Are they coordinates? What the hell is this? I've been following David for weeks and it feels like something massive is going down.

This isn't just internet nonsense.


>Reply by: SkyWalker77

I recognize one of those stations. It's in Berlin, the S-Bahn station near the outskirts. How did they get this footage?? And in this weird color scheme?? It looks like thermal imaging or something... but the way the figures move in the background, they're so deliberate. Like someone's being watched and doesn't even know.


>Post by: ARGHunter

Forget ARG, guys. This is beyond that. I'm seeing chatter about similar stuff in different forums now. There's one in Japan, one in the US, another one somewhere in Norway? People are starting to freak out.

Did anyone notice the weird patterns on the screen? It's like the noise hides something... but I can't quite make it out.


>Reply by: EchoRift

I'm in London and one of those stations looks just like Camden Town Underground. No way anyone would go down there with a camera without getting noticed. And why use infrared? What are they hiding?


>Reply by: DataPunk

You're all seeing it, right? They are recording us. This isn't just some creepy videos. This is surveillance. It's coordinated. Every video ends with a different code, and no one's figured out what it means yet. Is it time? Locations? What's coming next?


>Post by: DavidFanX

Okay, so what if this is David himself? What if this is him telling us what's happening? He's been leading us this whole time, right? He knows what's going on. He's gotta be behind it. I mean, the way these videos are dropping... he's in control of the narrative. He wants us to know this.


>Reply by: RealityCheck

Dude, no. David's been on the run. That much is clear from the last live stream. He doesn't control shit anymore. These are real locations, man. Real events. I don't think even he knew it would get this bad.


>Post by: ModAlert

Mods are getting overwhelmed. We're seeing too much traffic. Something big is happening, and it's hitting all over. People, stay on target. Focus on the train stations. There's a connection here, we just haven't pieced it together yet. We need everyone analyzing these videos ASAP.


>Reply by: TechGhost

I just went frame-by-frame through the Berlin one. There's someone standing just outside the shot in the corner. Their face is barely visible but... man, it's creeping me out. Who the hell is recording this stuff?


>Post by: CodeCracker

All right, I compiled the codes from each video:








and so on...

15 codes in total, but what do they mean? Coordinates, maybe? Dates? Someone needs to figure this out fast before it escalates.


>Reply by: TheWatcher

They're scattered. Each code could be something tied to the train stations themselves. I've mapped some of these locations. Tokyo, Berlin, New York, Paris, Oslo... they're spread all over. What's the endgame here?


>Reply by: GigaSkeptic

This is bad. The numbers, the spectrums, the landmarks... all of it. The forums are blowing up, Herotube's in a frenzy. I've seen this pattern before.


>Post by: TrainSurfer

What if it's not about David? What if we've been looking at this wrong the whole time? Those stations are obscure for a reason. Maybe something's being moved through them. Trains. Cargo. People?


>Reply by: DeepSignal

Everyone's too focused on the big picture. Focus on the footage. There's something in the backgrounds. Shadows, weird flickers of movement. I can't be the only one seeing them.


The thread was now completely swamped with users.

Dozens of posts pouring in by the minute, trying to piece together what the new footage meant.

As the old veterans tried to rally the newcomers into focused investigation, an investigation was up in the forum.

For now, everyone was convinced—this was real, and whatever was happening in those obscure train stations across the world was far from just an online mystery.


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500 Powerstones 2 Bonus Chapter