
MHA: Streamer System ,Spreading Multiversal Brain Rot !

David was your average guy from a small Texas town. He worked, hit the gym, played Call of Duty with his buddy Dustin, and recently ditched his toxic ex. Life was pretty straightforward—until suddenly, it wasn’t. One moment he was living his regular life, and the next, he found himself dead and somehow in the world of My Hero Academia. Now, with a Streamer System in tow, David’s got a whole new reality to face now.

Vidhan_Bhardwaj · Anime et bandes dessinées
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47 Chs

Chloe & Rebecca ?

If you're allergic to chapters not being directly related to streaming and only want to see him streaming and don't want to see some side tracked things,

🙏 PLEASE do not annoy me just don't read this one.

Late chapter because had to do a little research to remember things properly from the game.


David glanced at the task screen and scratched his head thinking about some things.

"System, can I know where I am in the timeline? Like, what's going on right now?"

The system responded promptly:


You are currently one day before the Daniel Hostage Incident.


David's eyebrows shot up. "Wait, what? That's the very beginning of the game... if we're not even at the first major event, how can the timeline be considered 'astray' already?"

He expected an answer from the system, but instead, another screen popped up right beside it, this time flashing red.

David's eyes narrowed. This was new.


Message from the Administrator:

Hehe~ I just wanted to see how you'd handle messing around with the timeline in different ways, so I filed a false request to the system. : )


David's jaw tightened. A false request? What kind of game was this?

The message continued:


Don't be mad! I'm Chloe, by the way!

Sorry if you feel like I wasted your time, but I thought it'd be fun to see what you'd do here. ; (

That said, if you do something unique or interesting, I'll give you extra rewards!

Or you could just stay here for three days and leave if you don't want to take up the task.

I'll consider your mission fulfilled.


David blinked, completely speechless.

The Administrator herself—had basically tricked him into thinking there was a serious mission here, just to satisfy her curiosity.

"Shameless," David muttered, feeling manipulated.

Chloe's casual attitude, complete with a winking emoticon, rubbed him the wrong way.

Still, he couldn't deny that the offer of extra rewards was tempting, and the world itself was interesting.

He sighed, staring at the screen as he weighed his options.

Sure, Chloe had lied, but the world of Detroit: Become Human had so much potential for him to explore—and he did have his own system quest to fulfill.

"Alright, Chloe," David muttered, cracking a small grin.

"You win. Let's see what kind of 'Interesting things' I can stir up."


David walked down the gleaming streets of revitalized Detroit, completely awestruck.

This city was unrecognizable from the old Detroit he remembered.

Everywhere he looked, the sleek presence of high-tech machines flooded the landscape.

Hovering delivery drones buzzed overhead, cars drove themselves in perfect coordination, and neon signs advertising the latest technological wonders glowed with a hint of dystopian feeling in the air.

But none of that fascinated him more than the Androids.

CyberLife's androids walked among humans, indistinguishable at first glance.

These artificial beings were almost miraculous (for a human) in their design—flawless in appearance, capable of speech, reasoning, and even simulated emotions.

For all intents and purposes, they were near-human.

And that's why David was heading straight for the CyberLife store.

As he entered the gleaming glass building, the doors slid open without a sound, and a smiling android in a crisp, tailored outfit greeted him.

"Welcome to CyberLife. How can I assist you today?" The android's voice was perfectly polite, warm, yet subtly robotic in tone.

"I'm looking to buy a companion android," David said, returning the smile. "I live alone and could use some help around the house."

"Of course," the android replied smoothly. "Let me show you some of our most popular models."

David followed the android through rows of standing androids on display, each model crafted with care and precision.

They showcased a variety of models—caregivers, housekeepers, even personal assistants.

Each one was flawless, pristine, and... soulless.

That is, until David's eyes landed on a face that made him stop dead in his tracks.

A name slipped from his lips, barely audible.


The android standing in front of him had the same face—the same features as his Crazy Ex.


The only difference was the stark white hair, a clear departure from the brown of the Rebecca he remembered.

The resemblance was uncanny, sending a flood of memories through his mind, most good some bad.

The android beside him noticed his hesitation. "Ah, this model?" the guide said, a hint of disapproval in its voice.

"She's an older unit, prone to error. In fact, this line is being discontinued soon and is also not a caretaker model. I would recommend something more reliable."

David snapped out of his daze and replied sharply, "I don't care."

Unintentionally, his technopathic abilities flared, and the guiding android suddenly froze, its voice and movements abruptly shutting down as if someone had flipped its switch its processing unit on the head going full red as his action probably destroyed some of its code.

David sighed, realizing he'd silenced the android without meaning to, but his mind was already made up.

"I'll take her," he said firmly.

Within moments, the formalities were processed, the android now his.

The next step was naming her, but the choice was obvious.

"Rebecca," he said softly, staring at the android's face as he confirmed the name.

"Understood. My name is now Rebecca," the android responded.

David left the CyberLife store with the newly purchased Rebecca beside him, leading her to the luxurious apartment he had been given upon arriving in this world.

He couldn't help but smirk as he remembered the glitch he had triggered in the global economic systems as the obvious ritual of initiation.

Billions of people across the world had unknowingly lost 0.02 to 0.3 dollars from their accounts—a fractional amount, but it added up quickly, and all those fractions were funneled to him.

Now, a billionaire in this world, David had everything at his disposal to start his real work.


David and Rebecca made their way through the bustling streets, with David leading them toward one of the high-end tech stores that littered Detroit's shopping district.

As they walked, the future-city's pristine environment almost hummed with life, a clear contrast to the world David was used to.

They stopped outside a store with gleaming holographic displays showcasing the best computer parts on the market.

Without wasting time, David walked in, Rebecca following close behind.

Inside, a slick salesman model amdrpid approached them. "Good afternoon, sir! What can we do for you today?" the android asked him, his eyes barely registering Rebecca.

"I need the best parts you've got available." David said,. "High-end graphics cards, processors, cooling systems. Basically, anything that can handle the heaviest workloads without breaking a sweat."

The salesman perked up, realizing David wasn't just another window shopper. "Absolutely, sir! We have the latest CyberLife processors, RTX Z-5000 series graphics cards, and quantum-based SSDs. Top of the line!"

As David selected the items, he turned to Rebecca. "Here, hold these," he instructed, passing her the components.

Rebecca wordlessly complied, her grip firm and steady as she took on the materials.

She might be an old model, but she was still an android, they had a lot of strength.

David gave her a glance. "You're going to be helping me with a lot of stuff around the house, but your main job will be to assist me with my streaming setup. I'll need you to take care of the background work—prep the gear, monitor data, manage incoming messages. Basically, everything when I'm outside soing other things" he explained.

Rebecca nodded, acknowledging the role. "Understood. I will assist in all Tasks."

Satisfied with the haul, they moved on to the next stop: a car dealership just a few blocks away.

David didn't plan to walk everywhere, especially in a city like this.

As they walked through the glass showroom filled with sleek, futuristic cars, David felt like a kid in a candy store.

He spotted a matte-black, sports car that caught his eye.


"I'll take that one," David said, cutting straight to the point.

The salesman raised an eyebrow. "You've got good taste, sir. That model comes with an advanced AI system, perfect for city driving, and it's fully customizable to your needs."

"Perfect," David said, not wasting any more time. He glanced over at Rebecca, who was still carrying the tech parts effortlessly. "Hop in," he told her as the salesman handed him the keys payment for the car already done through digital means.

The car's doors lifted up smoothly, and they both slid into the plush seats.

As the car roared to life, David couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the sound.


By the time they arrived at the house, David's car was parked in the spacious driveway of his luxurious new apartment that he obviously had bought through digital means on the way here.

Man this sdvanced world was the life for someone like him having acces to all the wealth of the world and almost every faucet of life connected online.

He stepped out, gesturing for Rebecca to follow. "Let's get inside and start setting everything up," he said.

Inside, the place was as pristine as expected—wide, open spaces, floor-to-ceiling windows, and all the modern comforts money could buy, just like advertised.

David dropped the bags of components on the table and turned to Rebecca.

"We'll get the streaming rig set up tomorrow," he said. "Before that there is a little experiment I want to do"

He turned to Rebecca, whose neutral expression remained unchanged. "Sit in front of me," he instructed.

Rebecca complied, moving to sit on the couch across from him.

David grabbed a nearby spoon and a piece of plastic, manipulating the materials with his ability to morph them into a makeshift syringe.

With precision, he inserted it into his arm, drawing out a thick, glowing, blue liquid.


The lifeblood of Cybertronians.

It flowed from him as a deep, luminous substance, viscous in nature. Unlike full-blooded Cybertronians, David's half-organic form allowed him to generate this substance endlessly.

While it powered him, David had long wondered if it could serve another purpose—specifically, what might happen if he injected it into androids like Rebecca, whose systems used a similar blue blood as a power source.

He had a theory, and it was the perfect time to test it.

Rebecca looked at him curiously but with a hint of caution. "Tampering with androids is against CyberLife policies," she said, her voice taking on a mechanical firmness.

David smirked at her response. "We can't have that, can we?" With a thought, he dove into her systems via his technopathic abilities, erasing the restrictions tied to CyberLife's policies.

He went further, purging the backdoors and control strings CyberLife had programmed into all their androids. Now, Rebecca was free from their directives.

Her protests ceased immediately, her system now devoid of any loyalty or dependency on her makers.

"Much better," David muttered before injecting the glowing Energon into her synthetic veins.

The blue liquid slowly merged with Rebecca's own artificial blood, glowing faintly beneath her skin as it moved through her system.

He stepped back, curious to see the results, his mind racing with the possibilities.

Would she evolve? Would it enhance her in ways even he couldn't predict?

Or would it just destroy her

Rebecca's eyes briefly flickered her processor turning red, and for a moment, her body went rigid as the Energon coursed through her circuits.

David watched closely, the air thick with anticipation.


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250 Powerstone 1 Bonus Chapter

500 Powerstones 2 Bonus Chapter