
MHA; Spider-Man

In The World of My Hero Academia, Billions of dollars have been spent to create spiders with supernatural genes, and the genes of these spiders are supposed to be transmitted to humans if they release their venom in the human. The goal of this operation is to create an army of nine people who can rule the entire world, but there is one spider missing from the secret laboratory after the success of the operation... Kyouta is a young man born without abilities and lives in the city of crime, Saikono, living a normal life, but everything was about to change after he transferred to a new school... More Chapters; patreon.com/Ayaka0

soha_rou · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

Kyouta's brother

The entrance exam, which the participants had prepared for for months, ended in a few minutes. Everything was decided in those crucial minutes. It became clear to the teachers who would be accepted and who would be rejected. All that remained now was to establish comprehensive statistics for the written and practical exams.

Kyouta walked out of the gate of Zone A like the rest of the participants. Since the exam had finally ended, it was time to pack up and go home and wait for news of acceptance or rejection. All the participants in other Zones were also leaving the gates of those Zones and heading towards the main building of the academy, where the bags and luggage were located.

And while Kyouta was walking inside the crowd, he overheard a conversation between three friends;

"Are you serious? Are you talking about The Zero-point Robot?!"

"Yes, that robot."

"Come on, stop joking. It is impossible for there to be a student capable of destroying that giant robot with one blow. It is clear that these rumors are just a lie."

"Just a lie? Do you think that such a rumor would spread out of nowhere? I'm telling you that I saw him with my own eyes as he jumped to the head of that robot and then smashed it. Oh man, that boy was emitting All Might's aura. If that blow had hit a human being, it might have killed him."

"A student with the power of All Might? Haha, that's a good joke and you want us to believe it?"

"Come on, guys, I'm serious, but strangely enough, he was the one who suffered the most damage in Zone E. It's clear that he was the one who jumped and hit the robot, but he ended up being in so much pain that his arm and legs were broken."

"Even if we assume that this is true, but his arm and legs were broken? All this for the sake of taking down a robot with zero points? This kid is just a big idiot, let's talk about us instead of this nonsense. How was the exam for you guys?"

Those three started talking about normal topics after the previous conversation, but the thing that caught Kyouta's attention in that entire conversation was their talk about the boy who broke the Zero-point Robot. While he was walking, he moved his sight towards the buildings in Zone A, and in the middle of all those giant buildings, he was able to see the zero-point robot, which stopped working after the end of the exam.

'That giant robot is the Zero-point Robot? It's far from the place where I was, and I don't think I could overthrow it in any way. The presence of someone here capable of taking down that giant robot with one blow is truly worrying. Who exactly is this boy?'

These were Kyouta's thoughts and conclusions after hearing the previous conversation, and things had finally begun to return to normal.

After two full hours of traveling on the train, Kyouta arrived at the city where his older brother resides, Saikono City, and he was empty-handed, not carrying any luggage, with only a small gray backpack.

After opening the door of the house, he sat down to take off his shoes on the threshold of the wooden floor, at that time, he heard his brother's voice;

"Kyouta? Did you come back that fast?"

When Kyouta heard his brother's voice, he stood up after taking off his shoes, and said after he started walking towards the kitchen;

"The practical test was over in a few minutes, even the written test was much longer. What about you? Why didn't you go to work today?"

Kyouta entered the kitchen, which had a wooden floor and buttery yellow walls. It looked simple but was clean.

As for his brother, he was sitting at the table and had already started eating lunch. He pointed to the dishes in front of him and said with a smile;

"I took the day off. The food is still hot, join me and enjoy."

Kyouta looked at the food that made his eyes like stars, as he sat down unconsciously and began to eat, saying while he was enjoying the deliciousness of that food;

"As usual, the food you prepare is much better than my father's food__"

His cheeks were already full of food, but suddenly his mood changed and he said seriously;

"Wait, that's not what I want to say. Brother, your boss never gives you free time without a good reason, so why didn't you go to work today?"

The older brother kept looking at Kyouta calmly, then he sighed and said;

"As usual, you don't stop your annoying habit of worrying about me, you always think about me more than yourself. You should worry about yourself instead of me, I'm the older brother here. Anyway, I think I'll have to work overtime all the days of the next week. But do you think it's not worth it? It's an important day for my little brother, that's why I had to be here."

These simple words were enough to plant positive feelings in Kyouta's heart, to the point that he bowed his head and began to eat without uttering a word. As for the older brother, he had lived with Kyouta enough years to make him understand this behavior, which is why he was smiling and wanted to finish eating lunch. But suddenly his phone started ringing, and when he looked at the caller's name, his facial features changed slightly and he stood up from the lunch table, saying;

"I have to answer. I'll be back in a bit."

Something like this happened all the time, and Kyouta always convinced himself that his brother was really busy with work. But what Kyouta did not see was the caller's name, which was "The Spiders Leader..."


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