
MHA: Soul-Soul Fruit

Tanzo was a police officer who had a huge sense of justice. One day, during his patrol, he saw a man trying to harass a woman and arrested the man. From the next day, his life turned upside down, leading to his death. When he thought he escaped from the disgusting and corrupt world. he was thrown into another. A world filled with heroes, but is even more disgusting than his previous world. After he awakened a powerful quirk, he knew that he had to do it himself, rid the world of the thrash. With no hope in heroes or justice, he decided to save the world himself in his own way. Note: I tried really hard to find a good book cover, but I couldn't find a good one that shows the soul soul fruit without big mom. This is my first time trying to write a villain. I just want to do it. I don't know if it will work.

komega · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 1

Officer Tanzo's heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness as he stepped out of his patrol car. The crisp night air carried the familiar scent of his childhood neighborhood, a place ingrained in his memory. The soft glow of streetlights illuminated the houses and tree-lined streets, casting a nostalgic aura. This was his home, the very place he had grown up and vowed to protect and serve.

Technically, Tanzo wasn't supposed to patrol alone on his first day of duty. The protocol dictated that a senior officer would brief him on everything. However, his senior, Hiroshi, had been stationed in the same office for years and had watched Tanzo grow up in the neighborhood. Knowing Tanzo's stubborn nature, Hiroshi reluctantly agreed to let him patrol alone.

As Tanzo walked down the quiet street, his sharp eyes immediately caught sight of an elderly woman struggling with her groceries. He recognized her instantly—it was Grandma Chiyo, a woman he had known since he was a child.

"Grandma Chiyo, are you still trying to look tough?" Tanzo called out with a warm smile.

The old woman turned to him and scrutinized him from head to toe. Then, she playfully remarked, "How did you become an officer? Your grades were so low that you held a record for coming last in every test. The highest you scored was 5 out of 100."

Suppressing a grin, Tanzo replied, "Oh, come on, old hag. Can't you see that I became a police officer? That proves I'm smart."

Chiyo burst into laughter, and Tanzo swiftly took the grocery bags from her, offering his assistance. They walked together toward her house, reminiscing about the past and teasing each other along the way.

As they approached her house, Tanzo's gaze fell upon the familiar sight. It stirred up memories of his childhood when he and his friends used to frequent Chiyo's candy store, where she would often spoil them with extra candies.

"Brings back memories, doesn't it? Sadly, I had to close it," Chiyo said, her voice tinged with sadness.

Tanzo understood the reason behind the closure. With the advent of more vibrant and enticing sweets, the old-fashioned charm of Chiyo's store had gradually lost its appeal to the modern kids.

Entering the house, Tanzo placed the groceries on a table near the refrigerator. Chiyo joined him in the kitchen and offered, "Do you want anything to eat?"

"I'm still on duty, but I'll come by sometime later," Tanzo declined politely, making his way to the door.

"I'm really proud to see you like this," Chiyo said, her voice filled with genuine pride.

Tanzo felt a surge of warmth at those words. With a grateful smile, he bid Chiyo goodbye and left the house, brimming with renewed energy despite the darkness that had fallen. With determination etched on his face, he continued his patrol, eager to make a difference in his community.

As Tanzo patrolled near an alley, his keen senses detected a new face in the neighborhood. Normally, he would ignore such encounters, assuming the person to be a newcomer. However, his attention was captivated by the presence of Sakura, a woman he knew from living in close proximity.

Sakura, a stunning single mother, often garnered attention from men in the neighborhood. Observing her unease, Tanzo couldn't turn a blind eye. He resisted jumping to conclusions, considering the possibility that the stranger might be an acquaintance she simply didn't favor.

Tanzo remained vigilant, waiting for any sign that would indicate whether Sakura knew the man or if she required assistance. He didn't have to wait long, as the man swiftly grabbed Sakura's hand and attempted to forcefully pull her while covering her mouth.

With the confirmation he needed, Tanzo sprang into action, swiftly employing the close combat techniques he had learned during his training to subdue the assailant. Pinning the man down, Tanzo declared, "You're under arrest."

The man erupted in anger, shouting obscenities and threatening Tanzo's life. Unfazed, Tanzo turned his attention to Sakura, ensuring her well-being. "I hope you're unharmed. Don't worry, you're safe now. I'll take care of him. You can return to your home."

Sakura nodded gratefully and departed, while Tanzo escorted the assailant to the police station. Upon arriving, Hiroshi, the Sergeant of the station, approached Tanzo, his voice tinged with annoyance and weariness. "Who's this now?" he sighed.

"I don't know. He was harassing Sakura, so I arrested him," Tanzo replied, his dedication evident in his words.

Hiroshi let out a weary sigh, his voice tinged with frustration. "Tanzo, this is precisely why new officers aren't assigned solo patrols. There are extensive procedures involved when making an arrest. You should have brought Sakura along to obtain her statement. Nevertheless, lock him up and leave. Ask Sakura to come by tomorrow to provide her statement."

Tanzo managed a faint smile, acknowledging Hiroshi's guidance. He followed his superior's instructions, securing the arrested man in a cell. However, as Tanzo finished the task, he noticed Hiroshi's recognition of the detained individual. Curiosity piqued, he observed Hiroshi enter the cell area to speak with the man.

After completing his duty, Tanzo returned to his house, seeking solace and respite. As he indulged in a meal, he reflected on the events of the day. Living alone since the tragic car accident that claimed his parents six years ago, he had grown accustomed to solitude. With the dishes washed, Tanzo retired for the night, a contented smile gracing his face after his first successful arrest, oblivious to the fact that his life would be forever altered come morning.

The following day, Tanzo awoke to the jarring sound of someone vigorously pounding on his door. Irritated, he dragged himself to the entrance and swung it open, only to be struck by a wave of shock. Several police officers stood outside, among them Hiroshi.

Puzzled, Tanzo inquired, "Sir, what's happening?"

Hiroshi's gaze held a mix of emotions as he replied, "You are under arrest. Cooperate and refrain from resisting."

Tanzo's expression twisted in disbelief. He protested, "What am I being arrested for? I haven't done anything wrong!"

A flicker of guilt appeared in Hiroshi's eyes as he responded, producing an arrest warrant. "You're facing multiple accusations. Come with us to the station, and we will provide you with further details."

Confusion, shock, and anger coursed through Tanzo as he grappled with the unexpected turn of events. Powerless against the multitude of police officers surrounding him, he had no choice but to comply. Resigned, Tanzo allowed himself to be handcuffed, his mind swirling with a whirlwind of emotions as he was led away.

Confined within the very cell he had aspired to work in, Tanzo's bewilderment persisted. He pondered the bewildering turn of events, searching for an explanation. "This must be some mistake," he muttered to himself, a glimmer of hope clinging to his words. "That old man must have made an error. He's approaching his sixties, after all. In a few moments, he'll come to rectify this grave misunderstanding, and I'll make him treat me to dinner for a week."

Lost in his own musings, Tanzo's solitude was abruptly shattered by approaching footsteps. As anticipated, Hiroshi emerged, bearing an apologetic countenance. However, the sight that accompanied Hiroshi sent Tanzo into a state of disbelief.

Trailing behind Hiroshi was the very person Tanzo had taken into custody—the man he had arrested. Instantly, Tanzo sprang to his feet, his voice filled with accusation. "Old man, why is he here? Didn't I lock him up yesterday? How is he free?"

Hiroshi's response was delivered in a hushed tone, laden with regret. "He was released this morning after it was proven that he had been wrongfully accused by you."

Tanzo's mind reeled at the revelation, struggling to reconcile the disparity between his perception and reality. He bellowed, his words laced with incredulity, "What are you talking about, old man? I witnessed him attempting to harm Sakura myself. I made an arrest based on that. You can even ask her to confirm—"

Tanzo's words abruptly ceased as he noticed the man he had apprehended, convulsing with laughter. His raucous laughter reverberated through the air, his hand clutching his stomach in mirthful abandon. Gradually, his laughter subsided, and he turned his attention towards Tanzo, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Kirito locked eyes with Tanzo, a wicked grin etching its way across his face. "My name is Kirito Yuriyama," he declared, his voice dripping with malice. "The only son of one of the wealthiest families in the country. So, Tanzo, how does it feel to be confined in a cell?"

Tanzo's gaze burned with intense fury as he shouted at Kirito, his fingers gripping the cold prison bars with a fierce resolve. Only the barrier of those bars prevented him from seizing Kirito by the collar. "Was all of this your doing?" he demanded, his voice seething with anger.

Kirito relished in the hostility emanating from Tanzo, his eyes gleaming with sadistic delight. "Yes, yes, yes," he hissed, savoring the animosity. "The anger etched on your face... Ahh, it sends shivers down my spine. You should be angry, Tanzo. Angry at your parents for their poverty. Angry at yourself for daring to arrest me. Angry at this world for allowing people like you to exist."

Tanzo strained to reach out towards Kirito, but the malevolent figure casually stepped back, out of his grasp. Desperation etched across his face, Tanzo then turned to Hiroshi, beseeching him for action. "Old man, what are you doing? He's spewing these vile words right in front of you. Why aren't you doing anything? You were my inspiration as I grew up. Your unwavering sense of justice fueled my pursuit of becoming a police officer. Why do you remain silent now?"

Each word that Tanzo uttered pierced Hiroshi's heart like a dagger, yet he stood motionless, head bowed in shame. Kirito's laughter echoed through the air, intensifying Tanzo's glare.

Amidst his laughter, Kirito managed to utter, "Hahaha...sorry, man...haha...to see you speak of justice...hahahahaha...it's too much." Finally regaining composure, Kirito continued, his tone dripping with contempt. "Do you even know what justice is? It's a false sense of security granted by those in power to ensure your unwavering loyalty. Would you like to learn the true nature of justice? It's right here." With a flourish, Kirito produced a currency note from his pocket.

Tauntingly, Kirito held up the note and sneered, "This is what determines right from wrong."

Observing Tanzo's lack of conviction, Kirito found amusement in the situation. He proceeded, "Do you know how you ended up here? It only took a few of these pieces of paper to bribe everyone in the neighborhood you patrolled yesterday. They all testified that it was you who harassed that woman and that I valiantly tried to save her. You abused your power as a police officer to arrest me. Furthermore, I convinced them to tarnish your character, but my loyal men went a bit overboard. There was an elderly woman who refused to testify against you and even wished to fight on your behalf. So, they killed her and pinned the blame on you. They even orchestrated a series of false rape accusations against you. Now, the entire country wants you dead. You have become a criminal that the whole nation yearns to see eliminated in the most brutal manner imaginable. This, Tanzo, is true justice. The justice you believed in is nothing but a web of lies. We, the ones above you, define what justice truly means."

Tanzo's mind reeled, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of Kirito's revelations. Turning to Hiroshi, who averted his gaze in shame, Tanzo's worst fears were confirmed.

Kirito departed, his laughter fading into the distance, accompanied by Hiroshi trailing behind. Tanzo remained seated in his cell, grappling with the unbearable truth of Grandma Chiyo's passing. While some may argue that it was her who had died, there was no other elderly woman left to champion his cause.

"Is this the justice I aspired to serve? Is the world I sought to protect truly this corrupt?" Tanzo questioned, his voice trembling with grief. "Why?... Why?... Why did Chiyo have to die?... What did she do?... She was the kindest woman I knew... She didn't deserve this..." Tears streamed down his face as frustration compelled him to unleash his fists upon the unforgiving prison walls.

A day passed, and the next morning, Tanzo was escorted to court. Upon arrival, he was met with a crowd of approximately 10,000 protesters demanding his immediate execution.

Led inside the courtroom, Tanzo faced the scrutinizing gaze of the judge. "Do you have anything to say?" the judge inquired, though the case seemed all but concluded. Even the government-appointed lawyer recognized the irrefutable evidence stacked against Tanzo, leaving little room for a defense.

Remaining silent throughout the proceedings, Tanzo's fate was sealed. A week later, he was led to the gallows.

As he faced his imminent demise, a peculiar sense of relief and tranquility washed over him. "I am finally liberated from this repugnant world," he contemplated, although burdened by the knowledge that Chiyo had paid the ultimate price because of him.

With his execution imminent, Tanzo braced himself for what lay beyond. As consciousness slipped away, he believed it was the end, only to be jolted back to life with astonishment.

Sensations flooded back—feeling, hearing, seeing, smelling. He was undeniably alive. Attempting to move, Tanzo surveyed his surroundings and discovered an array of medical equipment. It became evident that he had been confined to a hospital bed. A doctor approached, instructing him to open his mouth, shining a torchlight within to examine his mouth, ears, and eyes.

The doctor then retreated to his desk and addressed the individual seated opposite him. "There's no cause for concern. He simply fainted due to the awakening of his quirk."

"Quirk!" Tanzo exclaimed, his voice ringing out. It was a word he recognized from an anime he had watched. "Could it be that I've been reincarnated into the world of 'My Hero Academia'? No... it must be a hallucination," he mumbled to himself, grappling with the bewildering turn of events before him.

I tried doing something new this time, which is clear from the difference in writing from the chapter and this comment, or the synopsis. Tell me what you think.

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