
Mha remade with a twist

J_O_N006 · Romance
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72 Chs

Chapter Nine: The fight that made friendship return

"Ooh. Look at that. That's cute, babe," Hagakure said while pointing at a necklace. "Yeah. That does look nice. I'ma get it for you," said Roger. "Are you sure?" asked Hagakure. "Yep," said Roger. "Excuse me. How much is that necklace?" asked Roger. "¥130,000," said the employee. "I'll take it," said Roger. "Here you are, sir," said the employee. "Thank you. Hage, come here really quick," said Roger as he put the necklace around Hagakure's neck. "Oh babe. This is so sweet. Thank you so much," said Hagakure. "You're most welcome," said Roger. "Oh yeah. By the way, you and Jeff need to talk it out," said Hagakure. "Okay. We will," said Roger. 'Okay," said Hagakure. "Speaking of which, we gotta go back," said Roger. "Why?" asked Hagakure. "I gotta meet up with Jeff," said Roger. "So you take your girlfriend's words huh?" asked Hagakure. "Yep. We're gonna meet at my favorite place," said Roger. "Okay. Well, good luck," said Hagakure as Roger drops her off. "Meet me at the abandoned street away from the school at 9:30 PM Local Time," Roger says to Jeff over the phone. "Alright, I don't want to fight you Roger. Can we just-" Jeff says as the phone cuts off. "Babe who was that?"Jirou says as Jeff makes note of the time. "Nobody babe. lets get back to writing your song" Jeff says as she picks up her notebook. Time passed as 9:30 rolled around. "Hey babe. I'll be back late so don't stay up late. you'll see me in the morning. sweet dreams" Jeff says to the sleepy Jirou who yawns loudly. "Alright then babe,goodnight" Jirou says as she climbs into bed and falls asleep. "Sleep tight," Jeff says quietly as he kisses her on her forehead before walking out. Jeff looked around a bit before finding Roger. "Took you long enough" Roger says loudly as he lands. "Just seeing his face pisses me off, If he wants to fight then i'll show him what a fight really is" Roger thinks to himself as he hears another voice in his ears. "Does he really think he can beat us? Let's show him what we can really do. The moment we start is when it'll all end" The voice says to Roger as when Jeff lands he takes a deep breath. "I'm here,but I won't fight you,you like a brother to me,and i understand how you must feel so let everything out" Jeff says to Roger as he stick his arms out. "He's looking down on us,show him the results of your training" The voice says as it gets louder in Roger's ears. "Understood" Roger says to himself as he activates his armament Haki and goes into his RabbitTank form. Jeff, seeing this, closes his eyes and grits his teeth as Roger blitzes behind him and punches him directly in the back, sending Jeff flying into one of the parked cars in the street. Roger then rushes back over to Jeff as he throws him into one of the abandoned buildings and chases after him. Blow after blow, Hit after hit, Roger doesn't let up his assault as he throws Jeff's now battered body into another car. "Don't you have anything to say for yourself! After those two months of hellish training,After the war that I had nothing to do with yet got Stabbed right in the heart for,After accusing me of being selfish and self centered,Don't you have anything to say!" Roger yells at Jeff as he only says two words. "I'm sorry," Jeff said. "Sorry isn't good enough," the voice in Roger's head told him. "Too little,Too late" Roger said as he began to beat Jeff to a pulp. "Hey kid, you're getting clobbered, If we don't fight back we might die here" The joker said in Jeff's head as Jeff told the joker that he doesn't deserve to live anyway. "I was the reason that Ace died,i was too weak to save him and because of that he died in my arms, so why should i get to go on with my life after he gave his,Why do i deserve life but he didn't,he got punished for protecting me,if i wasn't there he would have still been with his crew,but i took that away from him" Jeff says to the joker as Roger rails back his arm and punches him in the stomach forcing Jeff to cough up blood. "Heh,you're right,I'm sorry for ever dragging you into this Roger" Jeff says weakly as he tries to stand up. "Sorry won't cut it anymore,let's finish him and get this over with" The voice says in Roger's ears. "I should've asked you,I was too caught up in my own little reality that I somehow forgot about one of the most important people in my" Jeff says weakly as Roger uppercuts him making him spit out more blood "FINISH HIM" the voice screams in Roger's ears. "Any last words," Roger says as he rails his arm back for a killing blow. "Only a few. You'll always be my best friend Roger, no matter what comes between us" Jeff said weakly while being covered in his own blood. Roger then hesitates as Jeff walks closer and taps his forehead with his bloodied hands. "Thanks for being my friend Roger," Jeff says as the voice in Roger's head yells even louder.  "What are you doing? Finish him now! Before he heals himself!" The voice shouts as Roger pulls his fist back and slams it into Jeff's chest breaking his ribs. "Roger?" Xero says as he walks towards him. "What the hell did you do?!" Xero shouts as he pushes Roger out of the way. Xero then snaps his fingers teleporting Jirou and Hagakure there to see what happened. "Wha,where are we?" The girls who were previously asleep ask as they see blood all over Roger who now stops hearing the voice in his head and sees what he did. "Why is there blood on you? Are you okay" Hagakure says frantically. "Hey, is that Jeff on the ground?" Jirou says as she runs over to his bloodied and beaten body. "no,no,no,no,no,NO" Jirou yells as tears gush out of her eyes, Xero then walks over to Roger with nothing but pure rage and resent "Give me one reason why i shouldn't rip your sorry ass to molecules" Xero says to Roger who drops to his knees. "What did i do, what did i do, i killed him, why did i kill him" Roger says to himself as tears begin to fill his eyes. "Huh,what did i just do?,why is there blood all over me ,i just wanted him to feel what i felt but he didn't fight back,i thought that he was trying to look down on me and the voice in my head told me to keep going,i didn't realize that he wasn't fighting back" Roger said as his tears began to stream down his face. Xero then snapped his fingers teleporting Jeff and Jirou to the Emergency room. "I don't know what to say to you,Roger. don't tell me you,You said that you would talk it out,why,why did you kill your best friend?!" Hagakure said to Roger who looked up at her with Jeff's blood on his hands and face. "ah,you lied to me,you could have done anything except this," Hagakure said as she flinched in fear. "For your sake you better hope he's still breathing because if he isn't then i promise you,there is no hero,villain,or creature in existence that could stop what i'll do to you" Xero says as he lifts Roger in the air with one hand. "Please just stop!I want to talk with Roger alone,as crazy as it may sound there must be a reason he'd do this,he's never ever fought with Jeff from what I've seen so something must have gone wrong" Hagakure says as Xero drops him.