
Mha remade with a twist

J_O_N006 · Romance
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72 Chs

Chapter Fifteen: Deals with the Yakuza

Here's the deal,You give us those bullets of yours and we can offer our services unto your organization" Tomura said as A man in a green jacket with a crow mask walked out into the warehouse building Tomura was in. "I don't need the assistance of your rag tag group of villains when I have hundreds of people who work for me,i'm a Yakuza gang lord, So if you want these bullets then you'll have to offer me something more than that'' The man said as Toga gripped her knife in anger. "So can we cut him down now? '' Toga said as Tomura put his hand up signaling her to stop talking when two people walked from behind him. "Overhaul is our assistance needed" A man said as Overhaul looked behind him. "No Hari,but incase they feel that talking isn't an option anymore then i may need it'' Overhaul said as he stood beside him "Overhaul, so that's your name, well mr.Overhaul if you won't come to reason then i think we have nothing else to talk about'' Tomura said as he smiled. "Who said it was over?, depending on your usefulness i could assimilate your group'' Overhaul said as Tomura turned around "No thanks,we don't like being under someone else's rule" Tomura said as he motioned for his group to take them out "Don't mind if i do" Dabi said as he shot a wave of blue flames at Overhaul. "Sir!" Hari shouted as Overhaul took one of his gloves off and put his hand to the ground creating a massive wall of cement to protect them from the wave of flames ``Don't worry about me Hari," Overhaul said.  As one of Tomura's other minions tried smacking Overhaul with his weapon "Bad idea" Overhaul says as he grabs him and destroys his body turning him into a pool of blood. "What the hell!" Tomura yelled as Overhaul grabbed a washcloth and cleaned the blood off of his hand "I hate getting my hands dirty '' Overhaul said as he put his glove back on. "I know sir,I know," Hari said as they began to walk out of the warehouse. "He killed him with one hand,and walked out so nonchalantly,that quirk of his isn't one i've ever seen before and apparently it's one that's highly destructive" Tomura thinks to himself as he looks at the pool of blood. "He's definitely going to be a problem," Tomura says as they begin to leave. We cut to Jeff and Izuku as they are patrolling their point. "Hey Jeff what's been going on with you,you've been coming back beat up,extremely hurt,tired,and sometimes all of the above. I know you have a life of your own and your own way of doing things but as one of your closest friends I need you to tell me what's going on." Izuku said as Jeff stopped walking and turned to face him. "I'm sorry,I have been keeping you in the dark for a while. I've been doing a lot of things,that boat you saw on the beach was so me and Roger can go across the sea and learn this technique called Haki and there was a war. We won but we were heavily injured. I lost my gravity quirk so I did what I could for more power." Jeffery said. "Oh…I didn't know any of this,if you feel comfortable talking more in detail about everything I'd greatly appreciate it" Izuku said while being in pure shock at what he heard. "To sum up the war part, we were a part of something that didn't have anything to do with us but chose to join anyways,and as a result things that I'd rather not go into detail about happened.  And as for my quirk…  It

Was sacrificed so that Xero could put All for One in Tartarus. But it's no big deal right,it's not like all of this weighs on me right,i'm perfectly fine" Jeff says as tears begin to fill his eyes. "Jeff, I'm sorry for asking,is there anything I can do to help?" Izuku says as he walks over to Jeff. Jeff then wipes his tears as he composes himself. "Just, just make sure that you all stay safe, everyone is out there saving people but i'm always behind watching my friends get hurt,that's why i'm always training,to make sure nothing like what happened to my parents would ever happen to you,or Roger,or any of my friends for that matter,but here i am again powerless to stop anyone and now even more than before." Jeff says as Izuku grabs his hands. "No,you aren't powerless,sure you may not have a quirk anymore but that doesn't mean you aren't of use,if you really care about us then you won't think like that. I know it can be hard sometimes and you feel as if you have to protect us and I understand that but you need to get one thing straight. We will be just fine,I know that everything that has happened makes you think otherwise but I can assure you that everything will be fine. Xero can think of a way to get you another quirk or I can pass down One for All to you if it comes down to it. You may not see it now but  soon you'll see just how far everyone has come. And that isn't to say we don't need you because of course we need you,I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you recommending me to All Might, Jirou would have been all alone and depressed if you didn't come into her life, Nobody would have been able to fill the holes you did when you came to help all of us.  If nobody says it i will, You are one of the best people i ever met. " Izuku said. "You don't have to worry about me getting And  you're one of if not my closest friends so don't ever think or even say these things about yourself because they are so far from the truth" Izuku says as tears begin to come from his eyes.  "Thanks Izuku, I really appreciate this and I kinda needed to hear this" Jeff says as he wipes the tears from Izuku's eyes. "Hey,I can wipe my own eyes,I'm not a baby" Izuku says as Jeff finishes wiping his face. "You more like a little brother to me" Jeff says as he notices someone runs up to him "What the" Jeff says as he sees the little girl from the files hugged his leg tightly. "Help me" she said as Overhaul walked over to her. "Sorry about my daughter,she's quite the imaginative one,come one now Eri,let's not bother the heros. Apologies again" Overhaul said as Eri reluctantly walked back to him. "For wasting time out of your busy schedules" Overhaul said as he handed Jeff and Izuku a thousand Yen before he walked away. A cold sweat runs down both of their cheeks as they realize what happened "Izuku,that was him wasn't it" Jeff says as he looks at Izuku "No doubt about it,did you hear what the little girl said, help me" Izuku says as he looks at Jeff. "We need to tell Xero and the others" Jeff says as they call Xero, "hello?Jeff? You found him? Wait what, slow down,okay i'll meet you at the agency" Xero says as Nighteye looks at him. "They found him but he wasn't hostile,the girl ran up to them and asked for help but then she returned to him of her own will, since he wasn't hostile and she left with him of her own choice they couldn't do anything in that situation" Xero says as he teleports himself and Nighteye back to the agency building. "Fill me in on what happened." Nighteye said as he saw Jeff walk in "Yes sir. Izuku and I were approached by the girl who we can confirm is Eri,after she ran to us she asked us to help her,that is when Overhaul approached us without any malice or hostility and called for Eri,he apologized for wasting our time and Eri walked off with him" Jeff said as Nighteye exhaled sharply "Okay,since there was no reason for suspicion you couldn't do anything to him. You two are dismissed" Nighteye says as he looks at Xero "We just need to talk privately for a second guys" Xero says reassuring them that they did nothing wrong. Maddix walks in. "May I see one of the bullets?" Maddix asks Nighteye. Nighteye hands over a single bullet to him. Maddix sniffs it a bit. "This bullet was made with some kind of bio component. Most likely blood but judging by the smell it was blood from something close to the heart due to the amount of oxygen in it" Maddix said. A little Blood lust leaked but went back to normal. "Can you track the smell down to a specific location,if so we can find the girl and then by proxy him" Xero said as Maddix starts sniffing but he stops. "I need a stronger scent to trace, a little blood won't get me far. If the blood was from Eri then do you have anything she may have touched recently?" Maddix asked "As a matter of fact,Jeff come  in here we need you" Xero yells as Jeff walks back into the room "You called?" Jeff asks as Xero explains what needs to happen to him. Maddix sniffed his arm where Eri held on to him. "I got the scent, lead me to where you met her and I can track her down," Maddix said. Jeff then leads him to the alleyway he met Eri as Maddix begins to sniff around. "Got it" Maddix says as he writes down the location of the scent and the direction it's in. "I can find the location of their base but I have a feeling we need a lot more help. I smell a lot of blood that does not belong to the little girl" Maddix said in a very serious tone