
Mha remade with a twist

J_O_N006 · Sci-fi
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72 Chs

Chapter Fourteen: Old Reunions

Maddix found the vials and gave them to the people who were needed. Maddix went to the roof and a rift appeared. "That was a close one # 769. You are lucky." The voice said out of the rift. "You don't have to remind me #2. But I need more power to be this time warden." Maddix said, laying on the roof. "I can talk to number one for that. But you know the rules, you had #7 bless your friend Jeff. Other versions of us must not interact with each other's world. She let you do it once cause you are the few of us who have a relationship to save. Don't push your luck next time " The voice said as the rift closed. We then cut to Xero as he woke up a few people  ``All of you out of bed."  Xero says in their heads as Izuku, Jirou, Momo, Roger, Kirishima and Jeff sluggishly walk out of their rooms. "Now that you're all awake we need to visit the Night Eye Agency,he doesn't appreciate tardiness,so get your lazy asses dressed and freshened up and let's head out" Xero says as they all walk to their rooms and Jeff walks to the bathroom to go shower. Around 20 minutes later, they all come out to the common room and meet Xero at the door. "Ok everyone make some sort of physical contact with each other," said Xero. Everyone grabbed a hand and stood in a circle. The hands on each end of the incomplete circle are met by Xero who then teleports them all outside of the agency. They walk inside and are met by Pro Hero Bubble Girl and Centipede at the door of the meeting room. "Sir would like to talk with you all first before entering." said Bubble Girl as she and Centipede led them to his office. They make their way over to his office and Bubble Girl Knocks before entering. "Come in" Night Eye said as Xero and the people that he took came into the room. "Xero,it's been long since we last talked,after you became number one it's as if I didn't exist anymore,but I assume Aizawa told you why I invited you to join the agency'' Night Eye says as Xero takes a seat. "Well when you are saving the world from people trying to destroy it every day you barely get time for small talk. And yes Aizawa informed me about it" Xero says as Night Eye turns his chair around to face him. "Wait,Aizawa didn't tell us anything,what are we supposed to know?" Izuku says as Night Eye continues talking to Xero. "He has a daughter and my team has gathered some information on her identity and quirk" Night Eye says as he motions for Bubble girl to walk to him "Bring the big three" Night Eye whispers as she nods and walks out of the room "Her name is Eri. She's six years old and her quirk is rewind and it should be self explanatory. And as for the person she's with,we believe him to be a relative, he goes by the name Overhaul,his quirk is his villain name,we only have his first name at the moment." Night Eye says as Xero listens in "Chisaki,he's a yakuza and a top one at that,that's about everything we have on him,his goals and motives are unclear,he hasn't displayed showings of extreme violence like All for One and has barley been active,his yakuza organization works underground as they don't really make that much noise" Night Eye says as he hands him the file he has on Chisaki. "During the raid we did a while back on the world's number one villain's hideout we found cases of red bullets,we figured they were quirk enhancements but later found out they erased and destroyed the quirk completely,i've been analyzing them on my own time and found that the bullet releases a chemical agent that trick the brain into thinking the quirk is a virus and ends up shutting down the part of the brain that controls the quirk,side effects lead to nausea,immense body pain,minor necrosis of tissue mainly where the bullet hit,and in cases where medical help isn't administered it could lead to death" Xero says as he teleports a case of them on Night Eye's desk. "This basically forces your body to get rid of your quirk. Without Maddix here to purge the nero agents everyone has to be extremely careful. Get hit with it and you will be quirkless" Xero said glaring at everyone. "Why is Maddix not here?" Izuku asks. "He is dealing with stuff right now so i excused him. Sadly not even I can neutralize the agents in time. So everyone must take extreme caution when seeing anyone with a gun." Xero said. Just then, the sky cracks and trembles for a few seconds then nothing. Everything was back to normal. Everyone was confused about what happened. "Never mind that at the moment, we have something to do'' Xero said. as three people with U.A uniforms walked in the room "Xero i'm sure you are well acquainted with these three." Night Eye says as Izuku looks confused "Wait,i've never seen these three in U.A before" Izuku says as the three introduce themselves "U.A second year,Mirio Togata'' Miro said as stood tall with his arm across his chest "U.A second year, Nejira Hado'' Nejire says as she stands beside Mirio ``Second year,Tamaki Amajiki" Takami said as he stood beside Nejire "Why are they called the big three of U.A?" Izuku said as he looked on in amazement. "They are called the big three because when they work together they are practically a massive force for good,if not for All Might then these three would be big contenders for Number one hero" Night Eye said as Xero cleared his throat. "Ah sensei,i didn't see you there,how have you been?" Mirio said as Xero walked over to him. "I've been fine,but now isn't the time for a reunion, we have bigger things to do,Night Eye will fill you in and you will be assigned to your post for patrol" Xero said to Mirio as he nodded. Night Eye hands Mirio the file he gave Xero,he looks through it and his face turns to disgust as he pieces together what could possibly be happening "Oh god." Mirio says under his breath,"Nejire,Tamaki,come look at this." Mirio says as they walk over and look through the files "We need to find this guy,I feel so sorry for the little girl" Nejire says as Tamaki nods "I'm glad you feel that way. You'll be assigned to posts, Izuku and Jeff your assigned to point C that is the closest place to his where we saw him last, Tamaki and Kirishima you'll be assigned to to point B that is near the hideout where his exchanges happen, Mirio and Maddix will be assigned to point D you that is where one of our heroes spotted him doing another deal and he had the little girl with him there too so be on the lookout for her, Nejire,Momo,and Jirou will be assigned to point A that is closest to here,incase anything goes wrong you'll report to me or Xero make sure that nobody gets in this building or near the school for that matter if not authorized personnel. Xero and I will take point G, it's closest to TarTarus,in case he tries to pull something like breaking All for One out we'll be stationed there " Night Eye said. "Sick bastard," Maddix said as he punched the door, causing it to be destroyed. "I'm guessing you are Maddix?" Mirio asked. "Yes, I'm Maddix, I'm from the American branch of U.A. and my quirk is Wolf" Maddix said in as polite a manner as he could muster. Everyone in class 1-A was confused because they all knew Maddix had the Energy Quirk. "Nice to meet you Maddix, let's help that poor girl," Mirio said, pumped to help her. "Of course, she shouldn't experience that." Maddix responded.