
MHA:Reborn As Deku, But...

MHA FanFic. Many things will be changed from cannon. (PS:Im bad at remembering shid so I cant do everything exactly as the cannon so there is no point in trying) *I DO NOT OWN SHID* *PS:ALL OPINIONS OF BOTH MC AND NARRATOR ARE THEIR OWN AND NOT MINE!* MC reincarnated as Midoriya Izuku, but he aint dumb like the OG deku. All Might his "favorite" Hero seems to be missing or something cuz he hasn't seen him and so on IDK im to lazy to write a synopsis rn.

Rotten_Sarcophagus · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

All Might!? [2]


Pure darkness. A soul trapped in an endless darkness for an unknown amount of time. Drifting, Shifting and Transforming.

No Shape, No Size, No Will, No Mind.


Noise, Voices, Sounds and a blinding light, making your eyes hurt.

??-"Congratulations Ms.Midoriya Its a healthy boy"

(Cringe Ass NayNay)Baby-"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

??-"Oh my little baby, how cute you are, my little Izuku"

Izuku-'yo da fuq? where am I and why are you calling me Izuku? my name is... my name is-... why can't I remember my name? and Why Can't I Speak!'

In a Japanese Hospital a healthy baby boy was born, the nurse let the newly crowned Father in to the room.

??-"Inko are you all right? how are you feeling? how is the child?"

Inko-"Hisashi, come look at our beautiful baby, -"


came a loud booming sound, accompanied by screams and cries for help as well as a huge tremor shacking the whole hospital.

Fire alarms blaring and eyes blurring

??-"A Villain attack! RUN!"

??-"Help the patients! get them to safety!"

??-"Are the Heroes coming? quickly run to safety!"

Boom! came a tall buff figure, with blond hair and blue eyes, crashing through an undamaged wall.

??-"I AM HERE!" the person yelled, whilst striking a pose worthy of lifetimes worth of cringe.

??-""ALL MIGHT! WE ARE SAVED!"" cried the people in hope.

whilst all that was going on, some heavy thinking was going on in a tiny brain...

???-'Allmight? heroes? villains? Inko, Inko Midoriya? and what did she call me? Izuku?...'

Izuku-'Holy Shi-'

The child who was now in his fathers embrace was crying like it was the end of the world.

Hisashi-"Its all right, little Izuku, the heroes are here, everything is going to be okay!"

said the father, whilst trying to calm down the little calamity.

in a few minutes the villain was arrested and All Might went around the hospital to calm down and (show off) support the patients. when he comes to the newly born child of calamity, he asks the parents to let him hold the child to calm them down.

The Midoriya family being diehard fans of heroes instantly pass the newborn child to the Buff dude whilst asking to take a picture.

as the crying child was held by the Buff cretin, many thought went through the child's tiny mind.

Izuku-'whoaaa All Might! its real! The Dumbest but the most powerful hero is holding me! wait... why is this dumbas* holding me? does he want me to drop on my head! the dumbas* who chose an M as a successor wants to drop me on my head so ill become a mindless fool like YOU! LET GO OF MEEEE!'

the child of calamity instantly turned into Calamity itself, The crying intensified to the point that he ran out of energy and passed out...

AM-"See works like a charm, instantly went to sleep. oh also can you send that picture to my agency for the press, kay seeya. AAAND I'M AWAAYYYY!"


Months passed and Izuku, had finally come to understanding to his life.

He understood that he was given a chance to change things, and by the name of all that is holy He Will!

through out the month Izuku has heard of many heroic and villainous acts, He also has tried to remember his previous life but mysteriously he doesn't remember any personal information, only the Movies, cartoons, Animes, mangas, and novels that he had read were remembered and even those were as clear as day, as if he had Eidetic memory.

His temporary goal is to use this mysterious phenomena to his advantage and recreate comics and mangas to help out his new family, whilst also get his body into shape for the upcoming discovery of not having a quirk! "YES that is my duty! I shall change that damn Deku's stupid life and instead of giving up and praying to gods I shall work on my body to achieve my dreams of unlimited POWAAA!"

***(another time skip)

Izuku Midoriya was about to turn four and have his nonexistent quirk checked out. His father Hisashi Midoriya has long gone abroad for a work post and was left alone with his mother, Inko Midoriya.

Izuku has been running around daily to tone his tiny baby body, as well as trying to draw his favorite mangas, which was not going well due to his baby arms being hard to control.


The dreaded moment came Inko took Izuku to the doctor to get his quirk checked out, but Izuku has been a bit absent minded lately. It has been a while since he heard anything about All Might's majestic(idiotic) exploits as the Pillar Of Peace, as well as the fact that since he turned 4(around 5 days ago) he was feeling a little warmer that usual, yes its summer but the temperature was still the same all week, and he knows that because he checked it every day, after having a weird experience one night.

When they arrived at the hospital and checked in with the doctor, Izuku was taken to have some tests done, which were all simple(idk shid about em i aint a quirk doktor) and went without any problems. lastly the doctors took Izuku to a big room with strange items and obstacles.

He was then left alone in the room and told through the speaker to try and connect to his quirk to use it and try it out...

all of this was new to him... wasn't he supposed to be sat down on a chair and coldly told that he was useless? wasn't his mom supposed to cry and comfort him?

'what the hell is going on?-'

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