
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime et bandes dessinées
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162 Chs

Going to watch Dramas!?

Midnight laid Bullet on a bed while holding Sero in a princess carry. She smiled at Bullet, who sat up, taking his top off. He unraveled the bandages, showing off his muscles.

Midnight squinted and lifted his arm, looking at his torso, frowning slightly. She looked at all his scars and sighed sadly, "No hurt?" Bullet looked at her as Recovery Girl sighed to herself, he smiled kindly "Knuckleduster say scars make man!"

Bullet flexed and grinned happily, "Bullet superman! Hehe~!" Midnight looked at his beaming face and sighed lightly, he was cute but he really didn't care about his own life. She was really distressed about this, the thought sent her into a spiral.

She wondered if the Pros like herself were even doing anything at all…

It shouldn't be a kid's time to be a hero and ignore wounds like this, fighting to the death.

Nemuri, Shota, and Hizashi (Present Mic), were all good friends.

Shota told them both that Bullet's records were completely erased as though he never existed in the first place. No tracks, no traces, nothing. He was a ghost! Nemuri's face was really ugly and she wondered how someone could suffer so much but still chop down a path to being a hero.

It was like he could turn around and swim in endless gold but he kept digging for water over and over no matter the consequences involved. Even if he died as long as he found a drop of water, he would die happy!

She couldn't wrap her head around it, what drove his fierce determination for heroism?

She tried to ask only for Bullet to tell her that he grew up watching Hero Ads on screens from an alley, Knuckleduster supported him to being a hero and Bullet liked making people smile…

In short, it was a jumbled mess!

He basically didn't have a reason to even keep smiling but he did so anyway!

Nemuri rubbed Bullet's head as Recovery Girl tended to his self-inflicted wounds. Recovery girl knew better than Nemuri, Bullet would tear off his own arm if it meant being a hero, she was sure of it.

But there was nothing she could do!

Bullet was the most stubborn kid she had ever seen. Even if he died to win the Festival, he didn't care!

Constantly pushing forward towards a single goal… Recovery Girl could say safely that she didn't support it but was infected with his determination. This was the reason she continued treating Bullet instead of telling him to beat it and figure out how to stop hurting himself.

More students started passing and arriving at the Nurse's tent.

Meanwhile, in a secret bar, far away…

Shigaraki was looking at a photo of Bullet and scratching his neck angrily, there was also a picture of Izuku, but Shigaraki didn't care about him nearly as much as his master did.

This kid though… He had hurt his hands many times!

Shigaraki was full of hatred for him!

He wanted to mangle Bullet's hand and let him see how much he was hurting!

The door opened and Giran walked in, smiling "Shigaraki, I got some new members for ya!" Shigaraki turned to look and saw a girl and a boy with Giran.

The girl smiled strangely, "Hey!" it was Himiko! She looked at Shigaraki and grinned "I wanna join you! Your league of Villains!" before noticing the picture on Shigaraki's hands.

Her pupils shrank and she closed her eyes, smiling happily as Shigaraki turned the picture to ashes. Her little hands clenched into fists and her grin became exaggerated.

She didn't know that Bullet had been looking for her, she had been too busy moving around, running from the police… But she saw all of Bullet's videos. The one from before the Sports Festival, the Festival, the interview, and finally…

Someone had recorded Stain's last moments and she saw Bullet punching Stain in the face!

Himiko watched from a dead guy's phone, cheering happily.

If anything, she completely let loose and started to kill people but if there was one person she wouldn't kill it was him! The only person to ever accept her. Bullet was her most important person, friend, and even her Hero.

In her heart, she really wished they never met again…

Himiko knew she was too far gone, she had been killing people left and right since they separated! Bullet was a hero and she knew that he wouldn't try to kill her but protect her… She didn't want that… She didn't want to be the cause of Bullet being more hated than he already was. Just seeing the comments about him made her so angry she killed 13 people!

She looked at Shigaraki and grinned, really wanting to kill this guy… Maybe later…

The next day

Bullet was in class, tapping on the desk. He looked around at the empty classroom and smiled to himself, seems like he was early!

The entire class rushed in and looked at Bullet, who smiled kindly and waved. Mina pointed at him and shouted "Get this bastard!" Bullet was stunned and the class kidnapped him, dragging him off.

Bullet was stunned and holding all his things as they dragged him to another class.

Aizawa looked at Bullet, saying "You're 5 hours late." Bullet was shocked and stared at the rest, dumbfounded.

Why was he tied up though?

Mina pulled on a rope and stepped on him, laughing "You must be wondering 'Why am I tied up' right? Well the answer is simple! Aizawa-sensei said that if you get lost again, nobody is going to the Summer Camp!"

Bullet blinked and nodded, saying "Ah…" Aizawa's eyes twitched and Ochako spat out, he doesn't understand at all!

Momo and Izuku gestured but Ida let out a breath, saying "Let me handle this… I was born for this." Momo and Izuku stepped back and Ida gestured insanely fast without speaking.

Bullet was shocked, saying "Lost, no Summer Camp?! Wow!" Ida continued gesturing before pushing up his glasses as they shone.

Bullet rolled on the ground, saying "Shopping?! Bullet no money!"

Everyone was awed and Ochako slapped Ida's shoulder, "Your mental problem came in handy, Ida!" Ida's lips twitched as he replied "You really just say whatever's on your mind, Ochako…"

Toru rubbed Bullet's face, making a smile, "We shop together! List! Camp! Yeah?" Bullet was forced to smile as he replied "No Money!" Aizawa waved, "I will give you money." the other students froze and sighed, it was great having a rich parent…

Momo sighed, holding her chest, "I-I've never been to a mall before…" the rest shivered in anger, this rich girl! Damn it!

Katsuki stood on Bullet, snorting "I'm not going with you losers!" Toru begged him and Katsuki snorted, "Heh… I refuse!" Toru stomped the ground, saying angrily "Fine! Be like that! Jerk!" before walking away, grumbling "There goes my date plans…"

Katsuki's lips twitched and Bullet smiled cutely, asking "Okay?" Katsuki looked down and stomped on Bullet, saying angrily "Shut up! Freak! Damn! I'LL KILL YOU!" Momo pulled Bullet away, saying "Think Mall is fun? Never been!"

Bullet was still tied up and blinked, "Bullet never go." Momo nodded and smiled happily, "I know! Maybe fun!" Bullet scratched his head on her shoulder, replying "What do? Mall for what?" He froze and gasped "Watch Dramas?!"

Everyone else started sweating, this guy was obsessed!