
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime et bandes dessinées
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162 Chs

Bullet's #1 Fan?

Bullet got to class and gave Aizawa a thumbs up, stars twinkling as he said "MAN'S ROMANCE!" Aizawa's entire body twitched with anger as he glared at Bullet, curling his finger.

Bullet walked over happily and Aizawa shoved a phone in his face! Bullet looked at the clip of himself saving a family and it was a tweet from a girl, who's name was 'Bullet's #1 Fan'

Bullet was shocked, saying "FAMOUS!?" Aizawa nearly strangled him, saying angrily "Trouble!" Bullet pointed at the video, saying in confusion "Hero?" Aizawa corrected "Illegal!"

Bullet was shocked and said in terror, "Arrested?!" Aizawa snorted smoke, saying slowly "No. All-Might cover. Knuckleduster cover." as he showed another video.

Knuckleduster laughed on a video "Huh?! That's my own kid! You want to find him, come after me! You damn bastards! Hahahahah!" Bullet's eyes sparkled with stars and he held the phone, replaying the video over and over again, asking "Phone! Me? Video!"

Aizawa took the phone away, saying "No." Bullet collapsed and Aizawa added, "Maybe. No. Vigilante. Then. Phone." Bullet looked troubled and walked to his seat, muttering "But… Phone. Video…"

His seat was behind Izuku, who turned around and pointed at the video on his phone saying "Wowowowow! You saved these people! You also saved Kacchan way back!" Bullet blushed shyly, looking around, "Not serious. Just normal Hero. Exaggerated."

Aizawa raised a brow, he's learning!?

Bullet pointed at the phone asking "Phone. Video?" Izuku added, "Phone. Text. Call. Video. Mhm!" Bullet tilted his head, "Text? Call?"

Ochako spat again, a technological idiot!

Izuku explained what a text and what a call was, Bullet's eyes widened, grabbing Izuku's face, saying "Everyone. Phone?!" Izuku nodded and said "Group chat." Bullet's eyes widened, "GROUP CHAT?!" Before asking "What this?"

Izuku froze.

Aizawa stood up and started class, saying "Now for today's basic Hero training… This time, All-Might, Myself, and one other will supervise." Sero raised his hand next to Izuku, ignoring Bullet as he asked "What are we gonna be doing?!"

Aizawa held a plaque that said 'Rescue' on it as he explained, "Preparing you for disaster relief, from Floods to Fires. It's Rescue Training!" the class started to bubble over and Bullet blinked slowly, a smile on his face as he nodded.

Izuku looked at him and muttered "You didn't understand anything did you…" Bullet closed his eyes and smiled, nodding again.

Aizawa looked at everyone and said "Hey! I'm not done yet." he clicked a button on a remote as the Hero Suits came out, "It's up to each of you whether you wear your hero costumes or not. As some of them are ill-suited for this activity. The training site is a bit remote, so we'll be going by bus. That's all. Get ready."

Bullet checked all his weapons while walking to the bus. Jiro looked at him and shook, "Do you need so many!?" Bullet looked at her and smiled happily, nodding.

Ochako and Izuku spat, he didn't understand at all!

Ida looked at Bullet and gestured "Maybe. Not. come." Bullet was stunned and looked at him in a daze, "Huh?" Ida continued "Dangerous. Lose control. Hurt." as he gestured to Tsuyu and Fumikage.

Fumikage was alright but Tsuyu was very scared of Bullet, not even looking at him as she shifted away while trembling.

Bullet froze and teared up, trying to explain himself "Accident! Bullet didn-" Ida said firmly "No matter! Understand?" Bullet looked at the ground and Katsuki looked at him, passing him by, snorting "Loser."

Aizawa walked over and kicked Bullet, saying "Get in the bus, idiot." before saying to everyone, "Hurry up and stop wasting time. Everyone is coming." he picked up Bullet and dragged him into the Bus, sitting him next to himself before sitting down.

Bullet rubbed the mask in his hands and wiped his eyes, Aizawa exhaled from his nose. He expected this to happen… But in front of the whole class… Aizawa looked in the rearview mirror at the rest of the class.

Nobody stuck up for him, either.

Izuku looked a bit troubled but Ochako held him, shaking her head. She was scared of Bullet too… Well, not as much as Tsuyu, but when he puts the mask on, she was really terrified!

Aizawa sighed and didn't know how to deal with this. He looked at Katsuki, who looked angrier than usual, seemingly glaring at the back of Bullet's seat for some reason. Aizawa narrowed his eyes and thought about it.

He reached out and rubbed Bullet's head. Maybe Katsuki saw Bullet's strength and was disappointed that Bullet was so meek and cowardly? Aizawa couldn't be sure, but Katsuki was glaring a hole into Bullet's seat… if he had laser eyes then there wouldn't be a chair here!

Maybe he should talk to Katsuki later?

A while later

The group was at the U.S.J facility!

Thirteen, the Space Hero, was explaining the facility's perks, saying that she made it herself!

Izuku was excited, saying "Thirteen! He's the Gentleman hero who does his best work in Rescue scenarios!" Bullet sniffed the air, pointing at Thirteen as he said to Izuku, "Lady." Izuku was shocked and said "Lady?!" Bullet nodded and crossed his arms, "Space Lady. Bad commercial."

Ochako's brain buzzed, "My favorite Hero is a lady! Just like me! Waaaaaah~!" Bullet looked at Izuku, who was staring at Ochako with a silly smile. Bullet slapped his shoulder and Izuku jumped.

Bullet gave him a thumbs up, the signature star missing as he was a bit down, but he still said "Marriage!" Izuku turned red in an instant, his head smoking "M-M-M-M-Marriage?!" Ochako froze and floated up in the air, her eyes blank, 'Marriage? Izuku?'

Bullet shoved his thumb in Izuku's face, "No Fear! Bullet like Girl too!" Izuku asked in shock "Is it Momo?!" Bullet was stunned and Momo looked over, shocked. Bullet waved his hands quickly, denying this, saying "No. Momo good. But Scared Bullet. How Like? Impossible."

Bullet opened his mouth but froze, turning his head to the side and pulling out a throwing knife. He threw the knife through the air before anyone could react!