
Chapter 22: The first step.

Izuku stared at the small toy soccer ball on his hand. He couldn't help but to stare at it for hours before sighing and put it aside his desk. Only three days left before the UA's entrance exam start's as he has been planning and training with Catnap and Dogday for these past months.

Izuku stared at his phone seeing that it's only four in the morning. The sun hasn't reach there apartment's window yet as he turn his head to watch Catnap and Dogday sleeping with each other full of bliss.

Though he did found it creepy that there eye's emmidiently turned pitch black and still maintain there disturbing wide smile when they sleep when he was a kid. Izuku now grow's to got used to see them like this and wouldn't be put off by there sleeping appearance.

Izuku stared at Catnap and Dogday with a gentle smile as he couldn't help but to find them adorable sleeping together. He watch them sleep for a couple of minutes before starring back at the toy ball near his desk as he rubbed his tired baggy eye's and reach out his notebook writing more about his progress today.

" Not much progress in using my quirk but I'm close. But that doesn't matter. Dogday manage to improve his speed, Catnap has thought of a new way to use his tail and I can now hold my breathe for fifteen minutes a-Yawn.... Huge improvement.... Tomorrow I'll..... sure.... "

But Izuku couldn't focus the words on his notebook as his writing become's blur. His mind trying to turn off his consciousness as Izuku tries to fight it back. But none the less Izuku just couldn't fight sandman's constant sand throwing skills at Izuku's eyes since sandman was begging to finally put him to sleep as Izuku almost hadn't slept for the whole night.

Soon Izuku succumb to sandman's sand throwing and drop his head at his desk. Causing his pen to fall to the ground as the night continued on silently. There nights rested and well earned after a long day of training.


( Three days passed )

" Izuku could you please stop shaking it's only a building "

Dogday said trying to calm down the overly shacking Izuku as he witnessed the entire UA building. He was just left speechless as the hero school he was aiming to go through all his childhood is almost coming true.

Izuku stared at every architecture, every glass window and even the school logo as he was just left breathless with his thoughts.

' Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! I'm actually here!! God did I review well on the intelligence exam? I-I should check my notes if I find anything I miss!? Who my kidding I should have studied more after these 10 months Oh god I don't want to!- '

" For the love of god Izuku stop shacking for five minutes and move. You barely even move an inch at the gate's!? "

" Huh!? Oh uh r-right s-sorry "

Izuku shakes his head once his thoughts break by Dogday's words. He didn't notice that he was overthinking that he barely even took a step at the school. Dogday annoyed by Izuku's anxiousness just sighed and said.

" Look how about this. When your nervous how about just stop overthinking and take a deep breathe. "

" Okay deep breathe "

Izuku tried Dogday's suggestion as he took a deep breathe before looking at his feet and step to the gates for the first time.

" Much better? "

" Phew.... yeah. Thanks again Dogday "

Dogday didn't mind as he lay in Izuku's shoulder just in case if he needed to remind Izuku to keep calm if he got nervous again. Dogday stared at the UA school building as he was pretty impressed by how the structure and architecture of UA was. But despite it's grandeur Dogday still felt familiar being able to come to such a high quality building. 

It reminded him a little of his time at Playtime Co. When he first got a job there. He didn't remembered much of his experience but he could guess that it was the same as Izuku's excitement. He couldn't pin point the feeling but he just felt that it was the same sense of excitement Izuku felt when he was at the presence of UA.

A job that he sorta regret ever applying. 

' I wonder if angel is okay?.... '

He thought as he remembered his savior that he called angel once. Though he couldn't recognize his savior's face when he was hang up on that wall since he could feel his life slowly drifting away he couldn't help but to remember how he felt when he tried to save him. 

It was utter relief and even sadness for him as for many years no one has ever ried to even save him from that hell. 

Though even if it was a worthless attempt of saving him it still impacted his lonely bleeding heart by the time. Dogday switches his gaze to the clear blue sky having now be free from years of turmoil he just wished that his angel manage to survive and escape the hell that he called playtime co.

While Dogday was still reminiscing about his past Izuku who was still in state of amazement still couldn't leave his eyes at the school while walking until he didn't see a slight unfix brick on the ground as he accidentally slip on it and fell.

" Bump! "

" Aagh!!! "

" Woosh! "

Dogday and Catnap emmidiently felt there world going down inside Izuku's bag as they were about to crash to the ground until Izuku stopped mid way from his fall being just a few inches above the ground.

" Grip! 

" H-huh? "

As Izuku's was in the state of confusion he felt himself being lifted up above the ground as Izuku turn his head seeing a girl with a chestnut hair stopping his fall with one hand before carrying him back up to his feet.

" Woah There!! Phew you alright? "

" Huh? U-um yeah thanks "

" Good we'll I can't let someone fall infront of me for my first day in UA right? "

" Hahaha yeah that would be embarrassing.... but y-you manage to save me by just one arm so your quirk must be pretty great! "

" Huh? Um thanks? Though I don't get that much complement about my quirk since it's not that pretty impressive but thanks for the compliment I really needed that "

The girl said genuinely as she gave Izuku a warm smile. Izuku felt good that he was being thanked by a girl as the girl then look back at UA as she turn her gaze at Izuku again before waving her hand while walking past him.

" Oh got to go. good to see you! "

" Yeah you too! "

He waved back as she walk towards UA. Of course Izuku didn't stay idle as he did the same without thinking much of the girl he encounter as this time he made sure to be much more careful about his steps.

Dogday and Catnap who heared there interaction within Izuku's bag couldn't help but to pop there head's from the zipper and look at Izuku. Especially with Catnap as he smirk at Izuku like a sly cat and said. 

" Well meeting a girl at your first day huh? Your one lucky son of a bitch~ "

" Catnap language. "

" What!? I'm trying to support him. Besides it's about god damn time that he manage to properly talk to a girl "

" Catnap we just met. Besides did you see her carrying me with one hand she must have an amazing quirk. Though I doubt someone like her would even interested in me though "

" Izuku she literally smile at you. I think she did have at least some interest in you "

" Um I don't know.... "

To be fair Izuku doesn't know what the girl she just got save think. I mean recalling to his trauma back at the end of his middle school what girls would even be interested by a boring average pathetic guy like him?

Izuku couldn't help but to sigh for himself as this was at least his low tern realization that girls just didn't like him but none the less decided to ignore it and follow his dreams. He still hadn't been accepted to UA yet so he decided to focus more on the entrance exam than to worry about the girl who save him since Izuku thought that she wouldn't be interested in him for being boring as his fine with that.

Catnap look at Izuku as he kinda feel bad for him as he thought.

' Wow those girls back then really traumatized you huh '

The sight of UA was clear by Izuku's eyes as he walk to UA with full determination in his eyes.