
Chapter 19: Meet again

Izuku stared at his accepted application as he couldn't help but to think of to hanging this piece of paper to his wall. He finally got an application for UA the school that his been dreaming about to go since he was a child.

He couldn't help but to show this application to his mom so that they could celebrate together in joy. Izuku's thought's were in high spirits as he walks out of school and was about to pass the school gates until someone touch him by the shoulder.

He couldn't help but to flinch as he quickly turn around to see two girls looking at him. They seem bashful as they would often shy away from Izuku's gaze. He could even see some slight blush on there cheeck's while hiding her hand.

Izuku's face emmidiently turn red as two girls having the initiative to come to him was pretty much new for Izuku. She hasn't been approuch by a girl in a long while as the only girls who even approuch him was in kindergarten and elementary ever since he showed his quirk to him.

That was pretty much the last time he has ever been approuch and talk to a girl other than his mom as his thoughts were chaotic. Seeing how bashful the two girls are he emmidiently assunes that they are about to confess something to them.

Maybe a confession of love?

' A-are they going to confess to me! Oh god straighten up Izuku it's been a while since I've talk to girls before so I showed make a first impression but Agh! But how do I do that I gave no idea how to even talk to them '

Izuku thought as he was drowning with emberassment for not having anything to saw but he man up wanting to hear the girls reply as he shackingly ask.

" Um h-hiko w-what i-is it? "

' God that was emberassing!!! '

He couldn't help but to burry himself to the ground for talking so weird. The girl Hiko doesn't seem to mind as she points her two finger together as well as looking away for a couple of seconds before looking at Izuku and said.

" Izuku I have a confession to make.... "

She said bashfully as she walks a little further to Izuku. Izuku now with chao's and redness in his face and mind couldn't help but to be stiff. 

The thought of having a girlfriend has never reach Izuku's mind as he focus solely to his goal of getting in to UA. He doesn't know if he should decline or not since he barely know Hiko all in his life at school. Sure they talk sometimes in projects and even occasionally came to stare at him and his friends but he hasn't develop any romantic feelings for her.

He doesn't want a relationship where he has to lie for liking her so he decided to reject her so that she would understand that it's not going to work but he was hesitant since he never rejected a girl before. As Riko came closer as more guilt and emberrasement filled on Izuku's head Riko open's her mouth and said.

" Izuku I.... "

' Here it comes! '


" ..... "

' Huh? '

Hiko shouted as tear's start flowing from her eyes as she look at Izuku and said.

" Sniff it's the last day in school that means I wouldn't see Catnap and Dogday anymore sniff So!! "

Hiko grab's her phone on her bag before turning her gaze at Izuku who was looking her with a confused stare. She didn't care as she look at Izuku's bag were she saw a slight image Catnap as she shuv her face at Izuku and said.

" Can I take a picture for Catnap and Dogday! I always wanted to have a clear photo of them and me hugging each other so please let me borrow them from you!? "

" U-um s-sure but I-I thought that you were.... G-going to confess to me.... "

Hiko was confuse for a second from Izuku's word until she realize what she has done as age couldn't help but to be embarrassed about it. Her friend who was with her chuckled a bit for the misunderstanding as she came in and said.

" Haha sorry Izuku Hiko can be a little dramatic and emotional in her action so it's pretty easy for someone to misinterpret her. "

" I-I see s-sorry I was just thinking the other way around "

" Ah don't mention it also I want in with that photo could you picture is with your quirk? "

" Um sure "

He said as he couldn't help but to feel empty in his heart after mistaking Hiko actual likes him. He eventually ask Catnap and Dogday in which they agree. The two took picture's where Izuku is a photographer making sure that the pic's he got where beautiful and clear.

Hiko couldn't help but squill in excitement once she got her hands on Catnap and Dogday as she made several pose's to her phone with them. Catnap and Dogday were uncomfortable with the girls over excitement about them but none the less did there best to make sure they look good at the photo.

Her friend join as she hand out her phone to Izuku so that she herself would remember this day. The two took several photos by solo to group as they often switch Catnap and Dogday for each photo.

It took several minutes before the two girls were satisfied and thank Izuku while walking towards the school gates.

" Bye Catnap and Dogday! Sorry Izuku for the misunderstanding your not really my type since you look boring and pathetic but your a great guy!! "

" Do you really have to say it to him "

" What he'll get over it. His a boy and boy's can take emotional damage easily "

" Pfft yeah yeah I'm sure "

Her friend said sarcasticly leaving Izuku alone. Wind's blew through Izuku as he couldn't help but to be silence. Catnap who was right next to Izuku couldn't help but to hold his chuckle by the whole situation while Dogday just look at Catnap with dissapointment before turning his head to Izuku feeling sorry for him.

Catnap took this opportunity to talk to Izuku's silent shock face as he said.

" There there Izuku. There's always lots of fish in the sea and I'm sure that you'll find the one. So let's go " 

" Uh y-yes "

Izuku said feeling discouraged that no girl was actually interested to him. He let Catnap and Dogday to get in to his bag before leaving the school. Now her excitement diminish as he just walk's home with a sigh.

Dogday pop's out from his bag as he try to at least cheer up him up.

" Hey you good? "

" Yeah.... "

" Forget about what happened so what if she isn't interested in you. You are more interesting and worth while than anything she could have think off and if she doesn't see it than she is more blind than anyone you ever met "

Dogday said as he moved a bit closer to Izuku's side. Izuku look at Dogday for a moment as his caring demeanor made Izuku smile for a moment as he replied 

" I see thanks Dogday I really needed that "

Dogday couldn't help but to be proud that Izuku was recovering fast. He tapped Izuku's shoulder giving him a thump's up as he said.

" Want me to accompany you to take your mind off it? "

" No I'll be fine I think I can manage it on my own "

" Okay if you say so "

Dogday patted Izuku's shoulder one last time before going back to Izuku's bag. Though it was a sad goodbye to his middle school Izuku didn't think much of it as he focus his way back home.

Izuku took one of his shortcuts as he walk under the bridge where the shadow engulf him under the bridges mouth. Izuku stared at the bridges exit as it was increadibly close. His mind went back of showing his accepted application to his mom as he's more focus on his mom's reactuo and there celebration.

His footsteps achoes through the bridges chasm. The bridge was dim with little light and filled with filthy sludge crawling around the sewers. The only sound that could be heard is from Izuku's footsteps walking towards the exit.

Izuku was only half way toward the exit but for some reason Izuku couldn't help but to feel something. He could sense the feeling of dread and uncertainty each time he took a step.

It felt uncomfortable for him as he holds his bag tight just incase if he needed to call Catnap and Dogday. As Izuku was near the light of the exit the sense of dread finally vanish.

Izuku couldn't help but to think that the unnerving feeling he just felt was just him as he was about to shake off his nervousness until he felt something fell on his shoulder. It was a liquid like sludge as Izuku felt something was behind him and turn around only for him to be flooded and surrounded by a large amount of sludge.

" Hmf!!! "

" Well well look what I found "

Izuku's eyes widen in fear as he saw a large sludge like monster capturing his body. It's body were ever changing with no definate shape like liquid as eye's were every part of it's body. A head was slowly forming from it's disgusting brown and green sludge body as it bend it's neck towards Izuku.

Eyes pop from it's forhead as a large mouth form showing unnatural sharp teeth. Izuku emmidiently recognize the creature as it was a villain from the new's who was in the run from heroe's.

Izuku couldn't move, his mouth has been shut and he couldn't help but to be petrified in fear. The Sludge villain couldn't help but to smile wild like a wicked man as he enjoys seeing Izuku's fear. Though he noticed that Izuku has a quirk just by having him in his body he determine that it is nothing but a weak quirk.

He could only sense a small amount of energy from him as he was dissapointed by this fact. But none the less he was still happy that he cought a prey.

" Don't worry little boy. Soon I will drain the life out of you real soon so be happy since I'll be giving a long and painful dea- "

" And how about you just shut the fuck up. "

The Sludge villain heard a voice as he was about to look around to search who interrupted him until a large claw strike the Sludge villains face causing him to be fly a few feet away.

Izuku was eventually free from the Sludge villains grasp. He was about to fall to the ground until someone manage to catch him. Izuku who was now safe look around on who was carrying only to see Dogday in his monster form holding him in his arm's.

Izuku also noticed Catnap who was now six feet tall in all four's crawling beside them as he wrap's his tail around him and Dogday while never looking away at the Sludge villain.

The Sludge villain eventually recovered as he was fixing his face. It's many eye's look at Izuku and the two monstrous looking beings who was protecting him.

He couldn't help but in rage since these two inturrupted his kill.


The Sludge villain couldn't even finish his sentence as he saw Catnap opening his mouth increadibly wide that it looks unatural. Soon red smoke spread came out of Catnap's mouth as it spread increadibly fast towards the Sludge villain.

Izuku already recognizing Catnap's red smoke emmidiently hold his breath. He doesn't want to be asleep when he knows there's a villain infront if him. Dogday did the same as he hold on to his breath while making sure to cover Izuku with his body.

The Sludge villain was surprised by the red smoke spreading out toward's him. He could feel the world around him become disoriented as he couldn't stand up straight once he was engulf by the smoke. He felt the danger about the red smoke as he wanted to escape since his instinct's is telling him to run away but it was already too late.

Soon he feel victim to the sandman's sand as his liquid body wiggle before falling flat to the ground.

" Splash! "

Catnap looking through his red smoke seeing the Sludge villain liquid body spread through the ground like a common liquid. Catnap uses his tail to check if his really asleep seeing no response from the Sludge villain. Only full complete utter motionless.

Catnap seeing that the villain finally drop dead close his mouth as the red smoke eventually disperses and leaves the bridge. Izuku seeing the red smoke was finally gone finally took a breath of fresh air and look at the liquid like body of the Sludge villain.

Dogday sighed seeing that the fight was already over as he gently put Izuku down. Izuku was looking at the Sludge villain feeling nervous at what to do with it as he was about to grab his phone to call the police.

Dogday and Catnap who stayed near to Izuku emmidiently surrounded him with there bodies making Izuku surprise until he felt a force passing them.

The strong force cause strong gust of wind to follow at its wake as smoke eventually cane from where the Sludge villain fell. Catnap and Dogday thought that it was an enemy until Dogday's eyes widen.

Soon a large muscular figure came before them. It's costume that consist of blue and yellow were eye catching to them as the face of this muscular figure were rock solid as he smile's wide like a man unafraid of fear.

Dogday couldn't forget about the man infront of him as he still remember the fear he got from him when he came to him ten years ago. Where Dogday was nervous seeing the number one hero symbol of peace Allmight infront of him. Izuku stared at amazement as he couldn't help but to be in awe by Allmight's entrance.